Happy Earth Day! 🌎 Here in Hawaii, we often talk about the connection from Mauka to Makai. This means from the mountains to the sea our natural resources are intertwined and directly related to each other.
Let’s honor the earth today and everyday and remember that small actions can make a big impact.
#earthday #happyearthday #earthday2024 #mauka #makai #nature #connecttonature #oneplanet #connection #hawaii #ecosystems #discoverearth #earthofficial #wildlifeonearth #noplanetb #hawaiihabitats #oahu
On our dive a curtain of blue stripe snappers revealed 3 turtles! 🐢🐢🐢
Approaching the end of the outflow tubes at Kahe Point always presents breathtaking views!
Join us for a dive and come see what all the excitement is all about! ✨
Click the link in our bio and our knowledgeable guides will show you a once in a lifetime experience 🤿🪸🐢🐠
#marinelife #snapper #reeffish #greenseaturtles #honu #scubadiving #padi #divetrip #seethesea #makaiexpeditions #underwater #divedivedive #oahu #hawaiidiving #smallbusiness #familyownedandoperated #familyowned #fish #turtlecleaningstation #divelocal #supportlocal #scuba #coralreef #marinebiology #marineecology #guidedtour #privateguidedtours #discoverscubadiving #tryscuba #shoredive
Is it time to end your surface interval? 💦
Join us on your next dive for an adventure through Hawaii’s coral reefs.
Our intimate guided tours are designed to bring you closer to nature and observe marine life only found in Hawaii.
Save this post for your next Hawaiian vacation! 🤙
Not SCUBA certified? No problem, all skill levels are welcome from beginner to experienced divers.
We offer:
🤿Discover Scuba Diving
(No previous scuba experience necessary, must know how to swim)
🤿Small Group Guided Shore Diving (certified divers)
🤿Private Discover Scuba diving
🤿Private Guided Shore Diving
🤿Marine Ecology Snorkeling
🤿Dive & Snorkel Packages
Click the link in our bio to learn more!
#makaiexpeditions #scubadiving #padi #divetrip #underwater #marinelife #coralreef #hawaiidiving #visitoahu #thingstodo #guidedtours #privateguidedtours #adventure #explore #tranquility #bliss #familyowned #smallbusiness #marineecology #divetours #ecotourism
Honu, or Hawaiian Green Sea Turtles come to this spot to get their shells cleaned from the reef fish but there are certainly other perks to coming here…
Like the free underwater rollercoaster!! We’ve seen many turtles take flight in the outflow. Some accidentally get caught in the rushing current while others will repeatedly ride time and time again.
Sometimes we get a little carried away. 💨🐢
#honu #hawaiiangreenseaturtle #seaturtle #underwater #carriedaway #ridetheride #freeentertainment #sillyturtle #seethesea #makaiexpeditions #scubadiving #divetrip #padi #shoredive #explore #tryscuba #discoverscubadiving #guidedtours #privateguidedtours #smallbusiness #divelocal #familyowned
Join us for a dive and experience the beauty of the sea! 🤿🪸🐡
We specialize in private and small group guided shore dive for divers of all experience levels!
Save this post for your next Oahu dive trip! 🤙
We can’t wait to see you in the water 🌊
#scubadiving #marinelife #adventure #seethesea #divein #makaiexpeditions #aloha #scubadiver #observe #divelocal #smallbusiness #reeffish #seaturtle #monkseal #divetrip #padi #scuba
To kick off our dive, we spotted 3 Hawaiian monk seals interacting in the shallows.
Observing their agility in the water is astounding, especially when compared to their behavior on land.
In Hawaiian culture, monk seals are deeply respected and symbolize wisdom, strength and connection between land and ocean.
When diving with wild animals it is very important to remain at a distance that doesn’t change the animals natural behavior.
#hawaiianmonkseal #marinemammals #nature #wildlife #seethesea #makaiexpeditions #scubadiving #padi #scuba #hawaiidiving #visitoahu #explore #experience #observe
“Every time I slip into the ocean, it’s like going home.” -Sylvia Earl 🪸How true is this statement? Once you form a connection with the ocean you gain a deep understanding and respect for its power and beauty. This quote is exactly what this diver said after being on his first dive in 20 years! We are honored to connect people to the ocean and making memories that will last a lifetime! #ocean #home #scubadiving #submerge #padi #underwater #scuba #hawaiidiving #descent #thingstodooahu #visitoahu #travel #divetrip #aloha #seethesea #makaiexpeditions #diving #connection #nature #pacificocean
Adventure beneath the sea to experience moments like these 🤩
Save this post for your next Hawaiian vacation.
We specialize in private and small group ecotours to bring you closer to Hawaiis marine life. Click the link in our bio to learn more about the tours we offer.
Aloha! 🤙
#reeffish #hawaiianadventures #hawaiidiving #scubadiving #marinelife #coralreef #underwater #scubadivinghawaii #divetrip #makaiexpeditions #seethesea #scuba #padi #thingstodo #thingstosee #supportlocal #smallbusiness #familyowned #privatetours #aloha
Come see the only place in the world where green sea turtles haul out of the ocean to bask in the sand (for reasons other than females laying eggs).
Please remember to be respectful and give our Honu plenty of space. The recommended distance is at least 10 feet away.
#seaturtle #seaturtlebasking #beach #turtlebeaches #aloha #makai #seethesea #honu #hawaii #turtles #marinereptile