They are all based upon her personal experiences and knowledge to date. When she writes about subjects they typically stem from her first hand experiences and other information within is researched, and not on the Internet. Her collection of educational sources and old fashion research books are broad & the information comes from places many would not think to look; for example-educational & acade
mic, world mythology, obscure & scientific books most would not think applicable. She Always thinks outside the box. She believes in and does her best to provide evidence to support her idea’s and work, but sadly there is no bibliography for one’s own spiritual/personal and extraordinary life experience so she backs it up as thoroughly with as much believable information as she can and also from available sources such as the above mentioned. The library has been a long time ally as she began writing before purchasing a PC (Internet), plain old fashion research, which seems to be lacking in many an area, not all but it’s known that some write to make a fast buck, gain publicity from misinformation or simply telling others what they want to hear and or taking the easy way because they simply don’t feel the need for Truth. She will never be like that or “one of them”. She also says that people take information in general or occult information (as this is her field of specialty) today at face value and that people should do some of their own research and NOT believe everything they read on the Internet or in books, as much occult information gets distorted over the years and the centuries as well. She refers to this phenomenon as the grapevine and we all know how that turns out. Her passion is to tell it like it is, go against the grain when necessary and also introduce unique insights and logical observations that are overlooked and to clarify what many subjects and words are really about and/or their origins, based on first hand experience, research, thought, understanding, and honestly wanting to teach others new information, to clarify or bring new perspective to old subjects such as black magic/k, demons & demonology for example. She was one of the first to challenge how or why people should work with demons, which came from her own personal and very real experiences and this came to change many people’s views on this subject today. Her books continue to provide unique and original information & perspective on many a subject.