Corey Carriere
Owner/IRS Registered Tax Preparer Get your tax returns moving with the service that comes to you!
-The Tax Caddy prepares your return in a relaxed environment: your home, office or favorite coffeeshop at a time convenient to you…including evenings and weekends.
-The process is simple- The Tax Caddy will help you collect all necessary paperwork, conduct an interview, and in most c
ases complete your tax return in just one short visit. Pick up and delivery service is also available.
-The latest professional tax software combined with electronic filing are used to ensure accuracy and a fast refund.
-Rates are comparable to the national chain tax stores, and in most cases more affordable than a CPA. Personal and professional attention is given to your return, and valuable tax planning will be provided at no additional cost…The Tax Caddy charges less and gives you more!
-Corey Carriere, owner/IRS registered tax preparer, earned a degree in Accounting from the University of Louisiana-Lafayette and worked for over ten years in the tax department of one of the most reputable certified public accounting firms in the area. His experience and knowledge ensures that no deduction or credit is overlooked and every legal tax advantage will be considered.