The Party Pontoon and Our sister company Funny Bus, were featured in the Lakeside Living Magazine for December! Check it out here!
Here comes December! It's the perfect time to bust out the holiday lights and decor to keep up with the neighbors who already decorated after Halloween. We hope your Thanksgiving was fulfilling and you're at least halfway into that holiday spirit. Helping us get merry and bright this month is the Schnurr-Anderson family. Lisa A Schnurr and Kevin Anderson (with adult children, Grace and Dean) live in the Island Forest neighborhood off Bethel Church and know how to bring the fun as owners of the Funny Bus in Charlotte and the Party Pontoon here in Lake Norman.
Also in this issue, we share tons of holiday activity ideas like visiting our local Christmas markets, attending festive events around the lake and in Charlotte, where to find Santa, Christmas recipes, and discovering the NC tree farms.
Our favorite policeman, Captain Steve Davis of the Cornelius Police Department, delights us with his annual (and last :() Christmas poem. Congratulations to Captain Davis on his retirement and thank you for your educational articles and giving spirit. Rob Cannon spotlights our Hometown Hero, Tanner Russ, Dr. Khare of Whole Pet Veterinary Hospital Davidson shares tips on preparing pets for the holidays, Annie Hanson of The Closet Niche shares holiday organizational tips, Dr. Flaherty of Monocle Eye Care talks about managing dry eyes, and Douglas Marion of Advanced Wealth Strategies highlights the benefits of life insurance. This month we spotlight our friends and great gift ideas at Four Corners Framing and Gallery and the hard working crew at The Merry Magic Project.
We are thankful for our community business sponsors who help us connect and celebrate our town and its residents each month. Please make an effort to shop local for your products and services and let our sponsors know that you see them in Lakeside Living Magazines! We are excited to welcome new sponsors FineTurf, Clark Hall Doors, VACO Pest Management Co., Osterhus Outdoors Fiberglass Pools, and to welcome back Mosquito Shield of Mooresville.
As we enter this holiday season, please keep our Western NC neighbors in your thoughts and prayers and on your giving list. A few links for giving: SAMARITANS PURSE, Western NC Holiday Hope: Thanksgiving & Adopt a Family for Christmas Relief, Operation Helo, BeLoved Asheville, United Way of Asheville and Buncombe County, Foothills Food Hub, Asheville Buncombe Community Christian Ministry, and World Central Kitchen.
We wish all a very happy holiday season!
Photo by Words & Pictures by Jeannie DeSena