Tanya Lelo: Spiritual Life Coaching and Self Development Workshops

Tanya Lelo: Spiritual Life Coaching and Self Development Workshops Spiritual Life Coaching and Leadership Training for Individuals, Groups and Small to Mid-Sized Businesses. It's about changing yourself, not someone else.

Specializing in spiritual life coaching for men and women who are looking to experience positive changes in their personal lives, careers or relationships. Learn to create a better, more responsive life for yourself and you can then lead by example.


I think it's time to plan a retreat! Who's in?

My newest opportunity!  After careful investigation and deliberation, I've decided to join up with the BEST company out ...

My newest opportunity! After careful investigation and deliberation, I've decided to join up with the BEST company out there for CBD oil! Check out my site at
https://www.MyDailyChoice.com/tanyalelo or PM me if you have any questions. Thank you, and thank you HempWorx!

Do you get your buttons pushed?  Are you not as successful in your business or personal life and don't know why?  Join m...

Do you get your buttons pushed? Are you not as successful in your business or personal life and don't know why? Join me for a great personal development workshop at the Akasha Center for Holistic Medicine on Wednesday, April 25 to find out more about why and what you can DO TO CHANGE things in your life for the better! Pre-registration and pre-pay required (no later than 04/23). Call to register or for more info 303-929-6214. No texts please. Space is limited. Call today!


Hello FB friends! I have been gearing up getting new material ready for workshops, print media and radio! There's lots of new things coming your way in the VERY near future. So, be on the lookout for local events, radio broadcasts and other surprises soon. If you are ready to add new dimensions to your life, change for the better and be the BEST YOU YET, then stay tuned. (I also have a limited number of openings for new coaching clients at this time.) PM for more information. Thank you!

Don't let this happen to you.  😂  (Now accepting new clients.  PM me for more information.)

Don't let this happen to you. 😂 (Now accepting new clients. PM me for more information.)

Staying focused means reaping the reward.  How important is it to you?

Staying focused means reaping the reward. How important is it to you?

Good morning, beautiful souls! Choose to express your joy of life today through all your words, actions and deeds. Some ...

Good morning, beautiful souls! Choose to express your joy of life today through all your words, actions and deeds. Some people you encounter may be looking for proof that kindness in humanity still exists. Be that proof for them. tl

I just had a conversation today with someone about self-love.  What a great time in the lunar cycle to focus on this now...

I just had a conversation today with someone about self-love. What a great time in the lunar cycle to focus on this now! What are your intentions for releasing that which is no longer serving you?

On March 17th, the sun, the new moon, and the planetoid Chiron will all be huddled together gracing the sky in the sensitive zodiac sign of Pisces. This may sound cosy and blissful, as Chiron is an

Every day is a good day to do this!

Every day is a good day to do this!

One of the best messages I have ever received is to make your top value your priority. Many people do figure out their p...

One of the best messages I have ever received is to make your top value your priority. Many people do figure out their personal values; however, many do not make them a priority in their own lives. When I began making my spirituality a priority in my life, miracles DID begin to happen. Trust the process. It really does work!

I love to journal, and, for my coaching clients who don't do it or haven't tried it, I suggest to them to give it a go. ...

I love to journal, and, for my coaching clients who don't do it or haven't tried it, I suggest to them to give it a go. Here's a great article on how journaling can help someone make a change in their life.

Are you ready to become the person you want to be?


It's really amazing when I think how different a person I was ten years ago. For many years growing up, I always knew that there were so many unspoken truths and unknown lessons waiting to be learned, but I always felt they were just out of my reach and I had no idea how to get to them. I'm talking about things which were not really discussed in the mainstream of school or home, but ideas and concepts that were much deeper than I was even aware of at the time. It was a "knowing" that I had back then, but it still frustrated me not having any idea where to go and how to unlock those secrets I just knew were there.

Inch by inch and lesson by lesson, life started filling in the gaps for me. An amusing brief encounter early one morning with a psychic on the empty streets of Las Vegas... A horseback riding accident in the mountains of Montana ending in a chance meeting with a healer whom I had never met before, yet knew all about me.... a near-drowning kayaking experience on a Class III river in New York which showed me a major review of my life up to that point and told me that I wasn't ready to leave this Earth, just yet... an unexpected stop at a town's visitor's center to randomly pick up one brochure out of hundreds, only to get "lost" in town across the street from the place on the brochure. (I hadn't really been sure why I needed to go there, but I was led there for what would be a meeting that would not only profoundly affect me, but also a very good friend of mine as well, years later.) And I'm so grateful they all happened.

I knew I believed this stuff for years, but could never really wrap my head around it until the chances and coincidences were no longer just that.

I believe that life keeps sending you the same "lessons" over and over again until you really learn something from them and can move on, hopefully to a better place. Now I understand why the patterns of fear, failure and lack of faith kept haunting me for so many years.

I have learned, for my own personal experience, that life gives you what you are ready for, but only when you are ready for it. When I totally and completely opened myself up to allowing it to happen (without just saying it), and truly turned it all over to a higher power, it finally came to me.

I also know that "when the student is ready, the teacher appears." My teacher appeared to me that day I was "lost" in Sedona, AZ. It would be almost another year or so before the reason became clear for our meeting. It was New Year's Day 2007 and I was back in Sedona, with my healer and friend, Ari. We worked that day on helping me to connect and to see if I could actually "get it." That's when everything fell into place for me and I finally got it. I had my epiphany that day.

That's when I became this new thinker, this new person, this new soul who I am now. My life, my views, my observations, my interpretations, my beliefs, my non-judgements, and my spirit have all changed and are all part of this amazing new journey I am on now. I feel like I'm seeing the world and everyone in it through completely different eyes. It's the most comforting but yet exhilarating feeling I've experienced! I know that I can do, be or experience anything in this world that I want, and that it's all there for all of us to do exactly that.

I've already made several life-altering changes in the past 12-18 months, and more are on the way. I recently had another change of heart (literally) and I'm looking forward to seeing what will be in store for me soon. The universe keeps opening up to you when you open yourself up to it. It's an endless supply of wealth, peace, happiness, opportunity, love, understanding and hope that is to be embraced and shared with everyone.

I'm so very grateful to have had all of the experiences in my life that I've had so far. They were all just life's lessons being sent to me to help me along with my awakening. Regardless of the event that occurs in your life, be grateful for it and look for the gift in it for you. It's there for a reason and is probably a blessing in disguise.

Blessings and Gratitude~


Below is my new trifold brochure which I just created for college student coaching.  For anyone currently in college, if...

Below is my new trifold brochure which I just created for college student coaching. For anyone currently in college, if you have kids in college, or know a college student who may benefit from this, please feel free to forward the brochure (and information). All my coaching is done by phone so they can be from anywhere in the country. Thank you!

For those interested in keeping positive affirmations around you throughout your day, please visit my zazzle store calle...

For those interested in keeping positive affirmations around you throughout your day, please visit my zazzle store called "Affirming Images." As of now, I have tote bags, bumper stickers and pocket journals, complete with my photography. Thank you for looking!


What a beautiful way to remember to be in peace and tranquility throughout your day!

What you focus on is what you will attract into your life. I have specifically chosen these words for me to focus on in ...

What you focus on is what you will attract into your life. I have specifically chosen these words for me to focus on in 2018. How can I help you this year? I am designing virtual and live workshops, retreats and an online community for this year which I anticipate will attract those of you who are looking for partnerships to help you co-create your best lives ever. If you are interested in being a part of this community, please "like" this page and share it with others whom you think will benefit. Let me know what it is you are looking for, as to make your life better. There is power in the collective energies of those who work together and support one another. Let's be that change in the world! ~Blessings~

Gearing up for the best year ever!  Are you ready to make 2018 YOUR best year ever and to be your BEST SELF ever?  Check...

Gearing up for the best year ever! Are you ready to make 2018 YOUR best year ever and to be your BEST SELF ever? Check out the first of my self-development workshops coming in 2018 just for you!


Greetings to all on this beautiful Christmas day! Wishing everyone the peace and joy of this holiday season and sending out love and blessings to all so that you may find love and happiness in everything and everyone around you.

River of Opportunities, LLC will be changing over to www.tanyalelo.com very soon.  This will become more in alignment wi...

River of Opportunities, LLC will be changing over to www.tanyalelo.com very soon. This will become more in alignment with my new direction and will better reflect my spiritual coaching, teachings and philosophies. Thank you for being a part of my journey!


Are you ready to make a major shift forward in your life but don't know what steps to take to get you there? As a certified professional coach, I can help you develop and implement a strategy to get you from where you are now to where you want to be. I have 4 openings for new (or returning) clients beginning in 3 weeks. Not sure if coaching is right for you? Call me to set up an exploratory session to see if we're a good fit. 303-929-6214.


What would you be doing differently right now if you weren't afraid?


Check out my latest blog post!

Certified Professional Life and Leadership Coaching. Core Energy Leadership(tm) Coaching gets to the inner root of what may be blocking you from moving forward.


For those of you who always say you wish you could attend one of my workshops but can't make it to where I am, I am making this easy for you! I am starting to offer online webinars and the first one is coming up on Wednesday, August 31. Check out more here http://tanyalelo.homestead.com/Workshops-and-Retreats.html. You can always PM or call me as well.

"Taming Your Inner Fears and Limiting Beliefs" Webinar. Feeling good isn't just about your physical health. If you don't feel good about who you are inside, or if you constantly allow negative thoughts or old beliefs from moving your forward in life toward your highest good, then it's time for an INNER SELF check up!

Join me as I present an interactive discussion on inner fears and limiting beliefs. Everyone has them, whether you are aware of them or not. Discover when they develop, how they can stop you from experiencing happiness and success, and-- most importantly-- what steps you can take to begin to overcome them.

This webinar will be approximately 60 minutes plus Q&A. After you make your payment, you will receive the sign in instructions, along with emailed handouts. 8:00pm Central Time. Cost is on sliding scale. Click on the link below. Thanks! Hope to "see" you on the call! Space is limited to 100 participants.

Are you interested in receiving a monthly newsletter (via email) as well as learning about great topics such as "How Per...

Are you interested in receiving a monthly newsletter (via email) as well as learning about great topics such as "How Personal Values Affect Your Everyday Life," "Journaling as a Meditative Tool," and "How to Be (Relatively) Stress-Free Through the Holidays"? If so, sign up at www.tanyalelo.com and you can be notified of my upcoming webinars and other coaching news. Feel free to message me if you have any questions. Thanks!

It's coming! Mark your calendars for the upcoming "Sojourn to Self" weekend retreat and 90-day coaching program. This ye...

It's coming! Mark your calendars for the upcoming "Sojourn to Self" weekend retreat and 90-day coaching program. This year it will be held August 26-28, 2016 in Branson, Missouri. Are you a woman who is tired of feeling as if life is passing you by; feeling unfulfilled in your current life's journey; or feeling like there is so much more out there for you and you just aren't sure how to get to it? Maybe you are content, but are looking to connect with like-minded women experiencing what you have already gone through, maybe looking to grow just a little more.... Then take a look at this life-changing program, "Sojourn to Self" and make the commitment to make the change in your life, for the BEST! Nurture yourself emotional, spiritually and physically and find out how to create the best life for you. More details on the way. Space is limited to 10 participants. (Weekend retreat is on-site in Branson, MO. Remaining 90-day program is all via phone and internet, approximately 5-6 hours per month for 3 months.)

It's coming! Mark your calendars for the upcoming "Sojourn to Self" weekend retreat and 90-day coaching program. (Sojour...

It's coming! Mark your calendars for the upcoming "Sojourn to Self" weekend retreat and 90-day coaching program. (Sojourn to Self Weekend Retreat and Life Coaching Program). This year it will be held August 26-28, 2016 in Branson, Missouri. Are you a woman who is tired of feeling as if life is passing you by; feeling unfulfilled in your current life's journey; or feeling like there is so much more out there for you and you just aren't sure how to get to it? Maybe you are content but are looking to connect with other like-minded souls who are growing from a wonderful space into something even better! Take a look at this life-changing program, "Sojourn to Self" and make the commitment to make the change in your life, for the BEST! Nurture yourself emotional, spiritually and physically and find out how to create the best life for you. More details on the way. Space is limited to 10 participants. (90-day program is all via phone and internet. Your only requirement is to be here for the weekend retreat.)


I am very excited to be offering my "Law of Being" program, a 16-week interactive coaching program, beginning June 14. Deadline to pre-register is May 31, 2016. This program is very comprehensive and is one of the best personal development programs I have ever participated in or have facilitated.

Click this link to find out more. https://fccdl.in/3ZUIhPr1L (Recorded call is approximately 23 minutes long.)

Who is ready to change their life for the better? Join us!
Please call if you have any questions or are ready to sign up.


Lamar, PA


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