ANNOUNCEMENT: To all current and prospective SCMC members, I'm afraid it has befallen me to share some sad news. First off, since so many people are asking about AMVIV, it looks like we will not be having AMVIV in 2019. Unofficially, the SCMC board is dissolving. At the end of this month, we are due to renew our business license and submit our new list of club officers. There are a couple of possibitlies as to how this could go: 1. We put the club on temporary hiatus, or 2. Some eligible current members step up to take our place before officers need to be submitted. Either way, there is not really enough time to prepare for AMVIV in our usual time frame of April or May. There are several orders of business to take care of whether a new board can be formed or not. I believe it's fair that refunds be issued to those who renewed or joined this year and got nothing for it. This would take some time to get sorted. There are other things to be decided. But that will have to wait until after the holiday. I'm sure there will be a lot of questions. You are welcome to ask, but I will not be able to reply until after the holiday. I thank you for your patience. - Jennifer Nieves, SCMC Secretary.