Basketry, sacred geometry and meditation! ?!?
Weaving is an art that puts sacred geometry in action. .. and you get very handy products as a result! I made these baskets out of pallet straps from lumber yard trash bin. These straps have a 5000lb weight test rating so these baskets can hold a healthy amount of berries.
Although weaving works great as an escapist activity, I've found that mindfulness meditation works well with weaving. Start with the breath and become aware of the feelings and thoughts that arise during the process.:
While digging through garbage cans and dumpsters at home Depot : do people think I'm homeless? Breathe. Do they think I'm stealing? Will I ever be able to this chaotic jumble of alien robot tentacles into this skinny ceiling fan box absconded from the worker in isle 22? Return to the breath.
While cutting the pieces for the basket: this is so easy, I'm gonna make tons and start a world wide basket business ! Return to the breath
While weaving the base: "these won't stay together! Everything I weave across the first ones spring apart! Are you breathing? This is so frustrating! Breathe, damning it! What have I done to deserve this! Why do the god and or gods hate me! I'm never doing this again!" Remember breathing? It's the one where you let air into your lungs.
As you put vertical bend in the warps: "I'm doing it! This may actually work! " return to the breath.
As you take the weft in an upward spiral, over under/in and out of each ornery tenacle ,aka 'warp': "these ends are sharp...an I crazy to have an all out brawl with an inanimate object? " breathe.
As you bend the warps over at top and tick them in to finish and add the handle. : thank the good/gods for this blessing of release from torture. ...oh look, I have more straps, I better make another. .. wait do this mean I'm crazy? " return to the breath.
As each thought arises return to the breath , be aware of the thoughts. Return to the breath. do not judge, just accept, (you probably are crazy, but crazy is just a thought, like all the other thoughts and judgements are just electrons flowing and swirling around your brain. Return to the breath. Accept them as part of the river of experience that is your life, let them go like pieces of drift wood that bump against you as you float downstream. Return to breath. Love yourself and the process and the flow of chi that continues by your letting go. Return to breath; humble , empty, baby mind: ready , willing, (naive) enough to start again. Make another basket. !