BAMT is a SMALL group solely dedicated to adventurous living and thinking....You must be fit, active, have high intellectual curiosity, and lean strongly towards the strange, unusual, and downright fascinating aspects of exploration and discovery. True Adventurers are welcome.....
BAMT will primarily focus on OUTDOOR activities. This includes camping, hiking, climbing, fishing, hunting, caving, e
xploring, and water sports. BAMT will also have lectures on interesting subjects- both well known to mainstream science, as well as the more mysterious and arcane variety. I will do classes on wilderness survival and navigation, weather and climate, and will also do first aid for beginners, all given to help you be
BAMT will also do trips to events, movies and programs that are intelligent, controversial, or just damn interesting. We will also take trips that will be one day and two day adventures and will camp or do some rustic bed and breakfast/rustic inn for the night. We will have local road trips for travelers that want to road trip. This might be trips to historic or prehistoric sites, places that have mystery surrounding them, or places that are charming, mysterious, and beautiful. I have always seen this site as a place where adventurers can meet and do stuff and if you have a road trip that is worthy of true adventure and mystery, then send it my way and I will post it. Anyone can be a group leader- Just show me you can lead and push a group forward....