Destination BIH Travel

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US Citizens Will Need Visa To Travel To Europe in 2024
These 30 European countries require visa-exempt travellers to
have an ETIAS travel authorisation.


US ending testing requirement as of June 12, 2022

It’s being reported that the Biden administration plans to end its testing requirement for inbound international travelers to the United States as of midnight on Sunday, June 12, 2022.

Under the current rules, travelers bound for the United States (regardless of vaccination status) need to get a rapid antigen or PCR test within one calendar day of starting their return journey to the United States.

Apparently this comes as the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention no longer feels this is necessary “based on the science and data.” For now this is being positioned as a suspension of the testing requirement, and it’s stated that the decision will be reassessed in 90 days, depending on the situation at the time.

The current testing requirement has been in place since January 2021, around the time that Biden first took office.

The travel industry will no doubt be excited about this development, since this has been a major point of concern for international travelers, given the risk of getting stuck abroad.

The US travel testing requirement is finally ending!

This is fantastic news

Over recent months we’ve seen many countries drop testing requirements related to travel. This typically coincided with countries also dropping mask requirements and other coronavirus-related measures.

The reality is that for quite some time now, just about the only context in which the United States has had federal coronavirus-related restrictions has been for international travelers.

Even beyond the science not making much sense, the reality is that the international travel testing industry has become a complete money grab, and really shady.

Flying to the US has just become much easier


When do I need to take a negative test to fly back to the U.S.?

Travelers flying into the U.S. from abroad need to show a pre-departure viral test result from a specimen collected no more than one calendar day from the flight’s departure from a foreign country or the first flight in a series of connections booked on the same itinerary. This test can either be a rapid antigen or a PCR test. This rule applies to all travelers flying into the U.S. from abroad (U.S. territories are exempt) regardless of citizenship or vaccination status.

How do I determine my testing window?

The rule states travelers’ COVID-19 specimen should be collected no more than one calendar day before the departure of the passenger’s originating flight to the United States. This is especially important if your itinerary contains an overnight layover — or if you’ve built in a stopover to add another destination to your trip.

When does the new policy go into effect?

The order goes into effect for flights departing at or after 12:01 a.m. EST (5:01 a.m. GMT) on Monday, Dec. 6, 2021. That means any passenger on an international flight departing after that date and time would be subjected to the new rule.

What if I’m entering the U.S. by land?

You will not need to provide a negative test if you’re entering the U.S. through the land borders with Canada and Mexico.

What about children?

All passengers 2 years of age and older traveling into the U.S. must provide proof of a negative test. Travelers age 2 and under are exempt from this amended rule, as with the original rule.


Unvaccinated Americans Returning to U.S. Will Have to be COVID Tested Within 24 Hours of Travel.

Those who are vaccinated will also continue to need to supply a negative test, but their timeline remains at 72-hours prior to travel.


Beginning November 8, fully vaccinated international travelers who want to come to the U.S. can now do so, following the U.S. government’s announcement that it will lift travel restrictions on foreign nationals that have been in place since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Here’s what you need to know about the new U.S entry requirements:

Vaccine & Testing Requirements
• Fully vaccinated foreign nationals will be permitted to enter the U.S. with proof of vaccination and a negative COVID-19 test taken within three days of departure. Unvaccinated foreign nationals will not be able to board a flight to the U.S., unless they meet criteria for one of the exceptions.
• Fully vaccinated U.S. citizens returning from abroad will still be required to show proof a negative test result within three days of departure.
• Unvaccinated U.S. citizens must show proof of a negative test within one day of departure to re-enter the U.S. from abroad. Approved test types include COVID-19 viral tests approved by the U.S. government (molecular, nucleic acid amplification [NAAT], RT-PCR, TMA, LAMP, and antigen tests accepted).
• Children under 18 years of age are exempt from the vaccination requirement. Children between ages 2 and 17 are required to show proof of a negative COVID-19 test (under age 2, not required to test).
Attestation Form & Contact Tracing
• All passengers ages 2 and up will need to complete an attestation form before boarding a flight to the U.S.
• Contact tracing information will be required for all passengers entering the U.S. Delta will collect this information for its passengers on behalf of the CDC.
Approved Vaccines & Proof of Vaccination
Individuals are considered fully vaccinated two weeks (14 days) or more after receiving one dose of a single dose vaccine, two doses of a two-dose vaccine or any combination of a two-dose vaccine (i.e., mix and match) of an approved or authorized for emergency use vaccine by the U.S. FDA and World Health Organization (WHO) including:
• J&J (also called Janssen)
• Pfizer-BioNTech
• Moderna
• AstraZeneca
• Covishield
• BIBP/Sinopharm
• Sinovac

USLOVI ULASKA U BOSNU I HERCEGOVINU STRANCI Vijeće ministara Bosne i Hercegovine donijelo je Odluku o proglašenju nastanka stanja prirodne ili druge nesreće na teritoriju Bosne i Hercegovine („Službeni glasnik BiH", br. 18/20),zbog opasnosti od moguće pojave epidemije zarazne bolesti prouzrok...


Vazno za putnike koji putuju iz BiH na BiH pasose

Section 1. Suspension and Limitation on Entry. (a) The entry into the United States, as immigrants or nonimmigrant, of noncitizens who were physically present within the Schengen Area, the United Kingdom (excluding overseas territories outside of Europe), the Republic of Ireland, and the Federative Republic of Brazil during the 14-day period preceding their entry or attempted entry into the United States, is hereby suspended and limited subject to section 2 of this proclamation.

Odjel 1. Suspenzija i ograničenje pri ulasku. (a) Ulazak u SAD, Kao imigranti ili nonimmigranti, od necitizena koji su bili fizički prisutni unutar Šengenske oblasti, Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo (isključujući prekomorske teritorije izvan Evrope), Republike Irske i Federativne Republike Brazil tokom 14-dnevnog perioda pre njihovog ulaska ili pokušaja ulaska u SAD, ovime se suspenduje i ograničava podložno odeljku 2 ovog proglašenja.

Predsjedničke proklamacije o novom koronavirusuPosljednje ažuriranje: 26. januara 2021Predsjednik Biden je 25. januara 2...

Predsjedničke proklamacije o novom koronavirusu
Posljednje ažuriranje: 26. januara 2021
Predsjednik Biden je 25. januara 2021. potpisao proglas kojim se nastavlja obustava ulaska određenih putnika iz šengenskog područja, Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva, Republike Irske, Brazila i proširivanjem ograničenja na putnike iz Južne Afrike. Američki državljani i zakoniti stalni stanovnici ne podliježu proglasima. Neki drugi izuzeci uključuju, ali nisu ograničeni na: strane diplomate koji putuju u Sjedinjene Države s A ili G vizama i određene članove porodice američkih državljana ili zakoniti stalni stanovnici, uključujući supružnike, maloljetnu djecu, roditelje (pod uvjetom da njegov / njen američki državljanin ili zakonito dijete sa stalnim prebivalištem je neoženjeno i mlađe od 21 godine) i braća i sestre (pod uvjetom da su i brat i sestra i američki državljanin ili zakoniti prebivalište neoženjeni i mlađi od 21 godine). Takođe postoji izuzetak za vazduhoplovnu i pomorsku posadu koja putuje u Sjedinjene Države sa C, D ili C1 / D vizama. Potpuni popis izuzetaka potražite u proglasima.

Cjelovit tekst proglašenja predsjednika 25. januara dostupan je na web stranici Bijele kuće na: dodatne osobe-koje-predstavljaju-rizik-od-prenosa-bolesti koronavirusa /

The Federal Government must act swiftly and aggressively to combat coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The national emergency caused by the COVID-19

Presidential Proclamations on Novel CoronavirusLast Updated: January 26, 2021n January 25, 2021 President Biden signed a...

Presidential Proclamations on Novel Coronavirus
Last Updated: January 26, 2021
n January 25, 2021 President Biden signed a proclamation continuing the suspension of entry of certain travelers from the Schengen Area, the United Kingdom, the Republic of Ireland, Brazil, and expanding restrictions to include travelers from South Africa. U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents are not subject to the proclamations. Some other exceptions include, but are not limited to: foreign diplomats traveling to the United States on A or G visas and certain family members of U.S. citizens or lawful permanent residents including spouses, minor children, parents (provided that his/her U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident child is unmarried and under the age of 21), and siblings (provided that both the sibling and the U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident are unmarried and under the age of 21). There is also an exception for air and sea crew traveling to the United States on C, D, or C1/D visas. For the full list of exceptions, please refer to the proclamations.

The full text of the January 25 presidential proclamation is available on the White House website at:

The Federal Government must act swiftly and aggressively to combat coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The national emergency caused by the COVID-19


The Netherlands Reopens To US Travelers With No Restrictions

The Netherlands today completely reopened to U.S. travelers, who may now enter without any restrictions—no proof of vaccination, previous recovery or negative COVID-19 test needed.
Thanks to rising vaccination rates and steadily falling infection rates, the United States has been deemed a safe country or one that is low-risk for COVID-19 transmission, in terms of the Netherlands’ travel restrictions.


Finally! After more than a year of closed borders- American citizens can once again travel with Lufthansa Group Airlines to Germany

− Commencing in July: Lufthansa Group to offer around 190 weekly flights from the U.S to its European hubs.
− Additional destinations and gateways to be reactivated in summer months
− Easy flight transfers within the EU now possible for fully vaccinated U.S. travelers at Lufthansa Group hubs in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Belgium
− Switzerland welcomes U.S. travelers beginning June 28
- Austria welcomes US. travelers beginning June 24


Travel to Austria
UPDATE: Austria has lifted the entry restrictions for travelers arriving from the United States, effective Thursday, June 24, 2021. Please note that either proof of vaccination, proof of recovery from COVID-19 or a negative covid-19 test result must be presented upon entry into Austria.


More flexibility – with new intercontinental fare options in Economy Class

The pandemic has changed both how we travel and customers needs. Flexibility is more important than ever with travelers wanting the option to adjust their travel plans at any time, or cancel them easily if necessary.

Austrian Airlines, Brussels Airlines, Lufthansa and SWISS are responding to this need by introducing a new Economy Class fare concept on selected intercontinental routes between Europe and Africa, Asia, the Middle East, North America, Central America and South America.

Starting June 1, 2021 (date of ticket issuance), up to four fare options with different rebooking and cancellation conditions will be available in all Economy booking classes – from the restrictive Economy Light fare to the fully flexible (FF) fare. This way I can offer you maximum flexibility at an affordable price, including a money-back guarantee, even in the lowest booking classes.

The fare options (“Fare Families”) at-a-glance:
NN: non-refundable, non-changeable*
NC: non-refundable, changeable for a fee*
RC: refundable for a fee, changeable for a fee
FF: refundable free of charge, changeable free of charge

The benefit: You (traveler) can decide the level of flexibility you need and have the choice of the fare that best suits yours needs.


Lufthansa today revealed that its onboard mask policy is set to become stricter from February 1st. The airline will stop accepting cloth masks, meaning all passengers will have to wear a surgical mask or an FFP2 mask.
From February 1st, Lufthansa won’t allow cloth masks on flights to and from Germany.
Flying with airlines is typically seen as relatively safe given that most have mandatory mask policies and hospital-grade HEPA filters onboard. However, governments and airlines have become increasingly alarmed by the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, which is once again bringing European skies to a standstill. As such, Lufthansa is changing its mask policy in line with the latest government recommendations in Germany. Earlier this week, Simple Flying reported that new US President Joe Biden had made masks mandatory on US flights.
No more cloth masks
Lufthansa today revealed that it would be making its mask policy tougher from February 1st. The airline will no longer permit what it calls “everyday masks.” This means that only FFP2 masks (also known as KN95/N95 masks) will be allowed, in addition to the disposable type surgical masks. No masks with valves will be permitted by the airline.

According to Lufthansa, the measures will apply to all Lufthansa group flights to and from Germany. It comes after the German government adopted rules to make such masks mandatory in shops and public transport.
Only surgical or FFP2 masks will be permitted unless the passenger has a documented exemption.
Ultimately, these rules are implemented on a state level. In Hessen, the state with Lufthansa’s home Frankfurt Airport, such masks will be required from Saturday, January 23rd. Meanwhile, with the airline’s Munich hub, Bavaria has already been requiring such masks since Monday, January 18th.
Lufthansa continues to allow those with a valid medical exemption to avoid wearing a mask. They must carry a certificate provided by Lufthansa and signed by their doctor, in addition to a negative COVID-19 test younger than 48 hours.

Austrian Airlines goes even further
Austrian Airlines, a member of the Lufthansa Group, appears to have gone even further than its parent airline. The Austrian airline is changing its mask policy from January 25th until at least February 3rd. The airline’s policy will only allow FFP2 masks, meaning that surgical masks will be unwelcome, unlike Lufthansa.


Lincolnwood, IL





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