▪️Hot off the press - Courier Journal dubbed Lay Low Stays the official Home of the Week! 🪩
▪️Read the full article below on how this space came to be - design inspo, dreamy photos, and more! https://www.courier-journal.com/story/life/home-garden/home-of-the-week/2025/01/16/lay-low-lofts-airbnb-rental-in-phoenix-hill-louisville-kentucky/76930531007/ #
▪️Book your stay with us today via laylowstays.com
Exciting news from The Uptown! Our Lay Low Stays, the stylish units above our office, have been named Home of the Week by the Courier-Journal! 🎉
These thoughtfully designed spaces, also featured on Airbnb, showcase local art and craftsmanship that make them a true Louisville gem.
A huge thank you to all the amazing artists, businesses, and collaborators who helped bring these lofts to life, including:
Thank you to the Courier-Journal for the feature! Check out the full article: https://www.courier-journal.com/picture-gallery/life/home-garden/home-of-the-week/2025/01/16/step-inside-this-modern-loft-on-barret-avenue-in-phoenix-hill/77679397007/