It's hard to believe 10 months went by so quickly! I graduated from Leadership Pasco last night, a program designed to train future community leaders so there is never a shortage. We began last August, and one day a month we studied numerous aspects of Pasco County, including law enforcement, tourism, education, industry, government, healthcare, infrastructure and growth, and a 2 day Simulated Society game. I graduated with an extremely diverse and impressive class of 30+ other community and business leaders. I learned a lot about Pasco and have been able to use what I learned on numerous occasions as President of PLCA (Paradise Lakes Condo Association).
The Leadership Pasco program has been going since 1991, and to my knowledge, Nudist Tourism has been kind of that "we know it's here, but let's not say anything about it" aspect of the program. I was given 30 minutes on the bus this year to talk about how Nudist Tourism brings over $7 billion to Florida every year with the bulk of that coming to Pasco County. I'm so glad I did, because MANY of my classmates came up to me with questions about nudism or the various resorts they've been driving by for years but were afraid to visit. Next year, I'll be helping with Tourism Day, and hope to bring a Nudist Tourism panel with representatives from our nudist communities and resorts, so future leaders see the impact.
The class was required to perform a skit for graduation. I dusted off my comedy writing skills, and helped write a skit based on our class experiences throughout the year. The skit was a huge success. Many Leadership Pasco alumni said it was the best class skit they'd ever seen, which made my heart happy, and the perfect ending on this experience.
Please check out https://leadershippasco.com if you're interested!