News Flash! AMG / Generex product update! ⭐️
Battery Capacity! -- A groundbreaking new feature for BACS / BMCS
BACS, the world's most trusted Battery Management System, has upped its game! As of our 2.04 firmware update, BACS is able to calculate and display a real-time indicator of SOC (State of Charge) / Battery Capacity -- an industry first! This article dives into the reasons how and why BACS is the first and only BMS on the market able to do so -- and why the availability and accuracy of such information is so positively influential and valuable for the battery service technician and their clients!
CS141HW161 Hardware Upgrade -- The Industry's most trusted SNMP card is getting even better
We're very excited to announce the imminent launch of our CS141 HW161 Upgrade, set to hit the market this very summer. With physical upgrades to the CS141's memory and interface, as well as the implementation of Gigabit, we're pleased to make our CS141 family the industry's very best offering for cybersecurity-concerned users, for today and also for tomorrow's developing requirements.
Cybersecurity -- The CS141 HW161 at the forefront
Increasingly, the "pedigree" of a given piece of network hardware is becoming a key point of discretion for end users and service providers, alike. Whether a device is cheaply and carelessly produced; whether it originates in countries where the ruling government is less than "trusted"; whether the device is able to offer a "clean" source code -- these are key determining factors for network-integrated devices and services in the modern world, where the ability of a device to provide for dependable cybersecurity is paramount.