A Course in Light

A Course in Light A Course in Light - The Teachings of the Ascended Masters. For more information visit http://www.courseinlight.net

A Course in Light is a spiritual study based on the teachings of the Ascended Masters and is serving those interested in developing their personal abilities as teachers, healers, light energy workers and for personal growth. We are the transmitters of wisdom, love and light that ignites new hope for a new world. We serve all with the teachings of The Order of Melchizedek under the Christ Spirit.


One of the greatest blessings is knowing that people are reading A Course in Light, and are experiencing changes in their lives with their practicing and learning the wonderful lessons in A Course in Light. It is such a blessing to know that people are experiencing changes in their lives and feelings within themselves. So many new students in China and TW ... Of course, their are always new students joining ACIL and deriving new perspectives for themselves.


Project Light Vol 3
One with All that Is

It is very challenging to explain what it means to become One with All That Is. It simply means you would be recognizing you are One with God and God is One with you. That is a big picture of learning how you are becoming one with God’s essence. The message speaks that it is an awakening that comes to us in many ways. So, I think for each of us that are in this opportunity to serve humanity inwardly in our own personal processes are becoming moved and attuned to that connection of being One with The Source, God, who is All That Is.
I think that the best we can do is to let go of or fears of not being enough, to release the perceptions we carry of not being all that we should be or that we are failing in certain ways or that we are not in confidence in what we need to achieve. These are all humanistic thoughts, emotions and perceptions and they probably belong to all of us. But it appears through all of these experiences with our group of Lightworkers that our group is a part of a greater group because the masters are talking about how Project Light is a service for our planet. Therefore, we are a part of an assignment to help achieve a sense of our openness to concepts of being one with God and God as one with us.


I just got started on getting Vol 3 of Project Light. It will be a awesome book and helpful.


I was not able to get on A Course in Light for quite a while. but I just got on now. I am working on the new Vol 3 of Project Light and finished my 1st message. I am excited for this new book and can not tell you how long it will take to put it all together, but will keep you informed. thank you everyone for keeping up with this page. wishing you all a happy summer and joy in your heart.


Light Flight for Kids
Light Flight takes kids on an imaginary ride on a great big star ship. They explore adventures to wonderful places of light. It is a kit for kids who need to grow up with values, love and personal esteem. This is fun and educational. Grown-ups will Love it too! The kids use their imagination learning wonderful tools to help them in their own day-to-day experiences. These are adventures in learning even Walt Disney would be proud! How does it work? They play a CD and go on an adventure that gives them the feeling of all the goodness available for their heart, mind and spirit. It gives them the information that will help them with their growing needs. Parents can share the experience with them. It is so fun that most of the parents enjoy the light flights with their children. I know I want to see a better world. Maybe you are seeing, hoping and praying for this occurrence. If you are working to create a world in which love is the key, you can support the vision by providing a great tool for the children. I think the kids can use the kind of experience that would provide such opportunity


The Crystalline Light … When it appears that there is a challenge and opposition, a disorder of action accept the radiance and frequency of this heighten state of light, that is strong and overseeing what is required for your steps in bringing this Radiant Energy of Light into reality. Nothing is impossible, as Joshua speaks and things are probably by their own manifestation, but you are a source of vibration of light, of knowledge, of understanding spiritual acceptance. It is not easy to know these are your truths, but actions of life block out the ability to feel the power of your life. Simply accept The Christ consciousness of the crystalline light is a vibration that helps to bring inner peace in the thoughts of you.


For those who are interested, it is my pleasure and joy that I have the ability to give personal readings to those who use Zoom. I have been having wonderful session with students in China this past week, and it is such a joy. Letting you know if you desire to have such an experience like that, please let me know. [email protected]


The acceptance of what Is, is. It says you can never heal until you can accept what IS, IS. In acceptance it doesn’t mean it can’t change, it just means that you accept what is going on is the way it is meant to be. Even in pain, anger, or rage it is a part of the experience, a part of the lesson. The spiritual principle is to accept what is, is. Accept that all things are in the right place for the right reasons for the experience and know change is possible. Toni: So, we are talking about the guns, we are talking about a lot of things as part of it. Energy is not fixed but constantly moving. This comes from our scripture that all things are good when we follow the law. The law really is love or God or karma or The Law of Cause and Effect. So, the first step to healing is accepting “what is, is.” When you accept it, you are not in conflict with it.
Toni: Most people will fight what we don’t like, not that I would do that, of course I wouldn’t. lol. But when we get into conflict, it is because we don’t like it. It doesn’t feel right and it doesn’t set right and it doesn’t match what we think we should do. So, when we are in that fighting conflict, we are in a situation that we are resisting. In the resistance we call it conflict and a power that irritates the very thing you are in conflict with. You are adding power to the conflict. I wouldn’t do that, of course, but I did. This is the hardest lesson of acceptance because if your children or family members or people you love are not the way you think they should be or not behaving the way you would like and they are not changing and pulling away from your connection and your love and experience it hurts.
So now you go into the head and you want to make it different and you want to change everything. But that is all part of the resistance. The highest truth is to accept what IS, IS and in the acceptance, you begin to feel and know and explore the awareness of the principle of the Divine Law that is really governing the experience. So, this is a really interesting text and so if you have Project Light in the volume 2 it will be on page 49 and 50 and you can read it yourself.
But it’s a lesson and it just amazes me how whenever I need anything and I wonder what I am going to do, then I open the book it seems to be exactly what I need to talk about.


I am posting an amazing message from White Eagle given on WED 2/14/2018 Message from White Eagle
Let the sounds come through, touching the mind and heart of you. The sounds that magnify the light of your soul and of your spirit and all that you are. I am White Eagle. I speak with this to assist each of you to know that the guidance manifesting through the channel by the means of many beings of light is bring the vibration that is needed to bring an upliftment to all that is the source of new beginnings of the age that is in motion.
White Eagle sang a sound for 11 seconds.
Let the sound come through all that is in you. Let the power of its vibration bring a healing through all that the mind and the body is requiring for this experience of carrying the Pipe of Peace for that is what is in store for this session of this Project Light.
I wish each of you to observe and to perceive you are in a circle of many, many others unseen by your eyes but a presence of spirit with you. Know that the sounds that will come will break through whatever is in need of a healing vibration.
My sounds will come to magnify the vibration in your own mind, body and soul. Do not be in fear but accept you are in silence, that you are in a circle, a sacred ceremony of light. Down through the many ages it was a normal manner of connecting, of bringing understanding for the laws that are for nature and in keeping the light in the environment of human consciousness.
In this moment I ask each of you to visually see in the heart of you that you are connected with many, many others from different tribes of life, tribes of human expression, tribes of country, tribes of other sources. Tribe is a word meaning a circle in which there is a ceremony for peace, a ceremony for bringing healing to the broken arrow which is a symbol of losing your source of protection.
As I am speaking in this Circle of Light of which you are a participant, all though you are in separate places and separated by many miles in the Consciousness of the Higher Self, in the spirit of who you are, you are united and therefore perceive, you are in a Circle of Light like the tribes of other places and people. The goal is to be unified with the law as it is known from the Source of the Order of Melchizedek and by the way of the Christ and all that has been as the master’s presence of guiding souls to its higher intention in the now. … … … …
White Eagle sang a tone for about 9 seconds.
Perceive you are all in a connection bonded by a Higher Mind with the spirit of the Christ, with Buddha, with Mother Mary with all other sources of the Angelic Beings of Light. The call is for a magnification of the natural elements of the human mind that is being connected to its higher spirit and receiving the insight for the progress of bringing greater wisdom, knowledge and peace for all existing in this time frame of humanity.
We call upon Santiago; we call upon all chiefs that are in the circle of spirit with light. We call upon all who recognize a transformation is required to fulfill the coming age that uplifts the source of human activity. In this moment we call upon all the beings that are in this manifestation of creating an awakening for spiritual acceptance of Divine Light as Love.
Project Light has been a vision that is most important in bringing clarity and clearing through the maze of confusion, disorder and lack of a Higher Understanding. We call upon all beings that are in this project to uplift the perception of its guided intention for peace and for harmony through the methods of spiritual intention for higher opportunities.
Now, all is in its order. We call upon all in these centers that are awakening to this shift in Earth and shift in spirit. Where there are floods and where there is loss of homes and places and where there is loss of guidance, the call comes through all of the many beings and through the Pipe of Peace.
We perceive a clearing of negativity, a clearing of all matter that is destructive to the human mind and to the path that is most important in the experience of Project Light.
I am often a part of your service. I am often a part of the teaching of the Work of Light. I am often overseeing a presentation of being in truth and in understanding for the healing of thoughts and hearts and minds in this of change.
Now, White Eagle sang a tone for 11 seconds.
Let the body receive the energy of the radiant Wisdom Light. May the frequency magnify in all minds and matter of human consciousness. We also activate the energy of the Emerald Ray to assist in the abundance in need to fulfill the requirements of loss, damage and hurt and all that is in destructive consciousness with the blend of the Blue and the frequency of Green it becomes a vibration of the Turquoise Ray often associated with the Native American consciousness. It brings the wisdom and truth with the action of creative intention and communicative opportunity.
Now, I see in many ways as vibration as a wave that is touching each of you in this acceptance of service for bringing new awakening, for higher expectation of humanity’s intentions.
Now, in your meditative state think of this message, this experience and then the drums play and let the harps play and let the music which is available for the upliftment of human consciousness.
And now, White Eagle sang a tone for 9 seconds.
Let the Dove of peace, let the light of love magnify and let be. All is in its order and so let love heal and bring peace in action.

All those who are on line for Project Light are very happy with the experiences that take place with the messages and me...

All those who are on line for Project Light are very happy with the experiences that take place with the messages and meditations given. This Project Light is a service to assist each of us in becoming more aware of our spiritual self as well as healing our human nature. Project LIght is meant to bring greater healing for self but also for humanity. We know things are rough and seems unreeling, But with togetherness and insight for a higher purpose, we can make a difference. So if you wish to join us, we are open for your participation. go to www.courseinlight.net and scroll to Tel Conference. Love to have you join ... Wed Eve 7:30 CST.


Here is the message given for Project Light on Jan 10. Message from Azreal
Greetings this is Azreal. It is with great excitement that we observe the heart and soul pf each of you on this the experience of spreading the word of light, of spreading the intention of healing, of spreading the awareness of a unity of humanity in its greater self.
You are all extraordinary beings even though it may appear that you are too small in what you do or too untrained for things you wish you could accomplish. Don’t let the human mind be less than you truly are, the power of The Creator Source, is an absolute. You are a creation that was presented by the Creator. And you are the enlightened beings that are responding to the insights and the direction of energy and light to assist in the progress of your mind, heart and soul.
The power of the Will is an individual experience and there are many whose wills have such power, but use it in a way that is blocking the flow of a higher consciousness. The energy of the Higher Source which is the part of your individual soul, is most important an exists and is a part of who you are and what you are expressing to those who are in the light. So, as I am speaking in this moment in time, the goal is to perceive that unity is an absolute. It is an intentional process that is of a Higher Source. But is in Jeopardy with many different factions that block the connection of acceptance of love and light and healing and the laws of a Higher Principle.
Project Light is a program that is put in the hands for each of you to be a part and source in contribution in thought, heart, meditation, insight and willingness to see and be in touch with that higher goal within you. The Course of light is the stepping stones, it is the path from which others grow and integrate a progress of release for healing and needs. It is an absolute form of integration with the Higher self and with all of the truth principles that have been presented.
And you are like the Monks that have from ages been in their process unity, through their meditation experience. You are all connected to others whose perceptions is bound by their principle of love for their God, for Christ for all that has been part of their insight.
But more than all things, there is a need for communications and for them to be a recognition of this Journey of the Light. So, Project Light is in the hands of each of you, you are part of this commune of love and acceptance, and power to raise the vibration of human thinking.
So, as I speak we call upon Archangel Uriel, and archangel Michael and Gabriel and others to be a force of healing light for your thoughts, for your hearts, for your spirit and for your intention, s. As Azrael who is the keeper of the records of the soul journey of each of you, my thoughts and words connect with that inner heart and assist in breaking through the pain, and battles and fears from the outside sources.
There are many beings under the Order of Melchizedek which is an absolute service of The Christ who is the overseer of all that is in the healing process and the Divine Orders of consciousness. So, we simply ask that each of you be in your stillness and allow the vibrations of your soul magnify the radiance of light in and around you.
And let the energy of the Vermillion magnify the rays of the Golden frequency with the heart chakra of the radiant Ruby Red Ray and it is the frequency that is the primary energy source for this cycle of your mind and heart and soul.
So, in this moment we simply ask that the frequency of The Radiant Golden Ray be so intense that it moves in and through all that you are. And also within the heart center the frequency of the Ruby Red Ray is being intensified for the healing the hurts, for healing the pains, for healing the uncertainties of the Mind, the feelings of the heart and all that is in it’s actions within your body and your soul.
So, as I speak let this frequency seem to move in and through all of your physical self, but expand and become a force field that is in intense vibration for healing. We ask that each of you focus this energy at perceive yourself in a center of these rays of light, and if it is in your intention to create a pyramid, it is of great acceptance. If your pyramid is magnified with the frequency of Gold in the front of your pyramid, perceive the Vermillion is at the back of that structure of your frequency energy and know that it blends with the right and in the left and the base. And this pyramid is your sanctuary. It is what we call your inner peace space. It is where you and all that you can be in silence and in acceptance of the power of healing through you. Where your physical bodies may require this healing process, ask that within all your physical energy source that you are being intensely connected with this Vermillion Rays of Light.
And accept that the physical body is accepting what can be of assistance in areas of need within your physical self. And let it be!
We ask that each and every one connected in this network of light, is experiencing release of pain, release of struggle, release of loss, of strength, release of obstacles in the organic and cellular system of your physical self.
We ask that the healing process be overseeing with the angelic consciousness and beings of light. This frequency is the primary vibration of this year of life for each of you and for all of humanity too.
We ask that we are connecting to all who have faith, trust and desire for Gold’s presence to integrate with humanities actions in life.
… … … … You are a carrier of the Will of Divine Intent for humanities manifestation of living as an awakened soul to light. Think on these things.
Now! We ask that each of you in your inner personal time experience this meditation and accept your ability as a source and communicator for this higher purpose … and it is so!!!
Your circle is going to grow, there will be more coming on this project to assist in this healing event. Each of you have the ability to share this opportunity with others … thinking a way to raise their minds to a higher source. And it is so!!!
And all that has taken place threw the weather that is damaging the physical realities we ask that there be resolution and reestablishing a new perspective of life and healing.
And now!!! We are stating that the energy be directed to Capitol of your Country and it is in need in all areas that the turmoil from weather has been a turmoil, we ask for healing, we ask for upliftment and we ask for Higher understanding in the mental minds of human consciousness.
And now, by the Order of the Principles of Divine Love, each of you are enveloped in the Light of the Heart and Mind of the All that Is, The Creator Consciousness in You. It is with great joy that we are seeing many being touched and with this we know you are in strength, and power and in healing. And it is so!! Walk in peace and may the light of the Christ magnify in you.
… … …


You look around and hear from the media that life is in a darker state and you are in a crisis of human negativity. It leads you to believe you are surrounded by the fear of loss, nothingness, deprivation or fear of annihilation. You have surrounding you all the incidents being created that would see the world ending, but the battle between the forces that would deny life and that which would enhance life is in motion. The greater plan that comes from the Creator Consciousness of All that Is, is a plan of bringing full awareness for peace of humanity’s living. The greater plan is living in the Earth and become a process of rising into a new state of seeing, being and becoming. It is a state in which the kingdom of light is earthed into an earthly experience.
Marcus continues: The kingdom of light is the experience of being one with all the beings that are connected with the Source. In Christianity it is the coming of the Christ, in Spirituality it is embracing the Christ Consciousness within you. It is the link of being aware that the essence of light is the spiritual essence of all that you come as an individualized being.

Project Light will be a source of healing the mind, heart and soul, and bring you new insights with wisdom and enlightenment.

It is my hope that Project Light will continue to grow with you as you help share it with others too.  Project Light is ...

It is my hope that Project Light will continue to grow with you as you help share it with others too. Project Light is brought to us for the changes that we are now experiencing. It is also given so that we have tools for understanding to assist us as we face again conflicts in our planet. It is very challenging to hold the light and center on the idea of peace when everything around you is reflecting a need for conflict. Yet, it is my belief that the shift in consciousness must begin right here and now within our selves. The more we as a collective group find ourselves centered in peace, tranquility and light, the more that energy is spread and it affects others in a positive way. We hold at tel conference call on Wed evenings ... To find out how to join this email [email protected]. To have the books that are the transcripts of calls of the messages and experiences of these events, go to www.courseinlight.net ... We have ebooks that can be downloaded. I have been reading through them . I wish everyone would have copies of these.

Channelled messages from the Ascended masters for personal growth and for sharing with others.

There are 2 Project Light volumes that are so inspiring.  You can easily have E books of these.   go to our site and bro...

There are 2 Project Light volumes that are so inspiring. You can easily have E books of these. go to our site and browse through the pages, We are so excited to have these books and the connection with all who are joining this purpose for our planet and humanity.

Sometime ago a friend Sandra encouraged me to have A Course in Light published by Balboa Press. I was a little nervous a...

Sometime ago a friend Sandra encouraged me to have A Course in Light published by Balboa Press. I was a little nervous about doing it, but I went ahead and had it done. So a new soft cover or hard cover book for Series 1 of A Course in Light is available now! I am thrilled with it, easy to carry around, and so inspiring. Always answers to questions in your mind. So you can go to www.courseinlight.net and order a wonderful hard cover or soft cover for A Course in light This is Series 1


the following message from Jove is also as Lao Tzu. A few readings ago I read from a client from China. She was given a reading from Lao Tzu. It is ago rare to have a session with his presence. I mentioned after the reading that I was so surprised that she was having him come through for her session. she replied by saying that I had given her a session a year or two, and in her reading it said that Lao Tzu was her master!. I was so surprised. It is such a conformation of the truth that comes through these sessions.


Once more I am posting a message from the masters. this is from Jove
Message from Jove
Walk with me. Remember you are being touched with the Wisdom Light which gives your heart and soul the ability to walk with joy in your heart, with song in your mind, with love guiding you and a release of all that appears of disorder. Walk with me and let us sit at the river as we did at times before. I am Jove, known as Lao-tzu.
I came as a up lifer to bring the joy of life into the heart of you and into that creates the laughter and the joy of living. You have walked with many burdens on your heart. You have walked with many struggles with resistance to the lightness of living with a joyful spirit. Life is not a battlefield unless it is in the mind of you. There is much joy that is expressed through all of the creativeness of you individually and collectively too.
We are most excited of this perception of Project Light. It is a mental thought that stimulates the heart of you to a participant in what is needed to bring greater laughter and joy in living life. The struggles come as obstacles in your path, they are meant to be a source to strengthen you and to help rise above what is the negativity that seeps into the mind of you.
As we sit here by the water let the lesson of what it is come through without water you would not exist. So, water becomes a necessity, a gift and yet it represents the mind as your thoughts like a river when the sun shines and brings a sense of lightness, a calmness and peace. When the clouds come and the winds blow and it roughens the area of the rivers exposure that is like the mountain that cannot handle the storminess of life.
Learn, the storm will pass, the darkness will become light. Heaviness will become light, it is in your mind that the suffering comes and continues in its struggle in you. As I speak in each of your heart and each of the soul and body of you, we are manifesting the power of the light that shines like the sun and warms the mind and heart and soul in you. As the light comes and lightness within you becomes less of a burden to yourself or to what is the exposure of your fear in you.
So, in this moment, we ask that there is a release of all fear, fear of tomorrow, fear of what was, fear of what has not happened and fear of what can be in this destructive negativity. In this moment let it be that the mind if focused on the power of love, on the wings of the Dove that comes as peace inwardly and outwardly.
In this moment let your vision begin to be expansive, begin to feel that in you whatever is projected in all that destructive consciousness. It is a matter of time before there is new consciousness, new development, new upliftment, new joys.
So, let it be that your mind like a river is letting the sun shine in such a way that you have forgotten what it is like, not to feel the joy within the heart of who you are. Love yourself, love your body, love your mind in its uplifted and expressive activity. Sing…. Play.… Live free…. Free yourself from what negativity wraps you in and it is so and it is so.
As I speak, the vibration of this is in motion. You are glorified, what does that mean, the Light of the Love of Christ, the light of the love of all beings magnifies in and through and raises the Light in you. Walk without fear and do not turn back and look at what challenges that kept you in the fear; rather say:
“I am all that I need to be and I am in harmony, I laugh, I love, I give, I release,
I am what I always have desired to become.”
This is the teaching for the Project Light, to raise vibrationally humanity to its greater state. Let go of what is projected as failures and the troubles and the turmoil’s of lack.
Now you are being touched with other beings that walk with this path and guide you through and it is all in harmony with what you are meant to do. I am Jove as Lao-tzu. Tomorrow your day begins with the raising of the heart and soul and so it is. Be the peace.


McKinney, TX


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