My passions include following around the love of my life, raising decent and kind children, natural birth, breastfeeding, sewing, babywearing, red wine, cooking yummy and sometimes impractical food, reading, yoga, running. My page and blog are the places where I cobble together ideas, reflect, record recipes we enjoy, and think things through in writing. You can also find more information about th
e comprehensive childbirth classes I teach there. My approach to pregnancy, birth, and breastfeeding is holistic--look at all of the parts that contribute to your health, happiness, well-being, and satisfaction. Too often the importance of the birth process and experience is underestimated or even ignored in our culture. I recognize that pregnancy and birth have lasting impacts on the physical and mental health of both mother and child. The feeling of empowerment that can accompany birth prepares women for the job of mothering. My In Focus classes do just that--focus in on what is important, what is often blurry in mainstream shows, what is left out of conversations, what knowledge has been lost after generations of over medicalized birth. The goal of class is to decide what's important to you and figure out how to achieve it. That is a long description! Basically, all parts of me and all of my hobbies and passions are located here. I'm putting all of my eggs into one basket...finally.