Home of the ----non-shooting, non calling, sky-busting, can't control the "Fuzzy", good eating, name callin, 1187 shootin, broken Honda's that have to be pulled in, F150's, F* your buddie poker game-in, Bud Lite, crappie catchin, dine-in @ the Y, bustin bass with a boat paddle, passing loud methane gas farts for all to smell, leaking waders, let's let'em make 1 more pass, short &
fat, tall & skinny, bald & beautiful, nascar watchers, bass fishing, She was a black haired beauty with big dark eyes - And points all her own sitting way up high - Way up firm and high watchin, RNT callin, Columbia Sportswearin, black dog owers, K*K member, I'm the boss of my house when my wife lets me, WWJD, supporters of D.U., vote republican, Go Vols, playin through "Amen Corner" in April, catchin some wake board air @ Heber, catchin yellow fin in the gulf, counting "1-1000 to
" 7-1000" as a snow falls out of the sky, slinging mud on a Polaris 700, duck ball makin, being free @ 3 around the pool with all the family and kids, their my bullets- I'll shootem if I want to, know it alls, we support our farmer, whiskey-rock-in-roller( Lynyrd Skynyrd), put your big boy panties on, Proud to be an American, King James version readin, smell of used gunpower, 2-step dancin, putin it up on the pad as we go down Sardis, standing beside a 4x8 sheet of plywood that says " SHOW THEM TO ME" after a nascar race in Texas_-camera in hand, " I'm much to young to feel this damn old" (Garth Brooks), laughing till I p*e my pants, if I was any taller- I could look at the bottom of her neck, I'm going to beat your ass if you ........, all talk-no bite, wishing we were 21 again, bad breath, reloading your own, can't wait to get out of Memphis for good, Fender Stratocaster playin, Kathleen Turner at the bottom of a mud slide, "just win,baby (Al Davis), turnin dirt-Ford 3000 style, prayin for limits, calling them in close, 1 shot-2 kills, "May the force be with you", getting pulled out by a 4x4 tractor, deep fryin crappie & hush puppies, 60 yd shots, greenheads, pintails, snorning so loud that ear plugs don't work, Blondes & Brunettes, yellow dogs in action, real duck hunters carry A-5's, what-a you mean-you shot that bird- I shot that bird--bitch!, sending the dog, pass me the Tylenol, know it all, lets do it again ----- duck hunters!!!!!!