Come by and visit us at the Empire State Outdoor Sportsman Show in Suffern New York.
#montaukfishing #bestfishing #tailwrappedsportfishing #longislandfishing #tuna #freshfish #empirestateoutdoorshow
Meet us at the show!
Great show specials on all types of fishing charters.
#empirestateoutdoorshow #stripedbassfishing #montaukfishing #longislandfishing #sharkfishing #tuna #flukefishing #outdoorlife #freshfish #tailwrappedsportfishing #catchandrelease #catchfish #saltlife
Come meet us at the show! Great show specials prices for 2025!
Or call 631-510-8245
#montaukfishing #bestfishing #tailwrappedsportfishing #longislandfishing #freshfish #tuna #stripedbassfishing #flukefishing #sharkfishing #outdoorlife #empirestateoutdoorshow
Booking now for the 2025 tuna season.
Call TailWrapped Sportfishing for your next offshore adventure.
#montaukfishing #tunafishing #bluefintuna #yellowfintuna #offshorefishingcharters #offshorefishing #offshore #freshfish
2025 is here! Don't miss the boat, plan ahead and call us now for this summers best dates.
2025 is here! Don't miss the boat. Plan ahead so you're guaranteed the best date possible for your next fishing trip with family and friends.
Call 631-510-8245
#montaukfishing #bestfishing #montauk #longislandfishing #sagharbor #thehamptons #freshfish #tuna #sushi #striped bass #fluke #bluefish #swordfish #marlin #friends #greatgift #fishingtrip #fish #montaukcharterboatfishing
Booking now for the 2025 season!
We are already getting calls so don't miss out on an awesome experience.
Montauk N.Y. 631-510-8245
#montaukfishing #bestfishing #montauk #tailwrappedsportfishing #longislandfishing #thehamptons #sagharbor #freshfish #tuna #sushi #tunafishing #bluefintuna #yellowfintuna
We create memories that last a lifetime. Give a gift that truly means something. Way better than a pair of Sox or a bad sweater! TAILWRAPPED SPORTFISHING 631-510-8245
#montaukfishing #bestfishing #bestgift #bestpresentever #tailwrappedsportfishing #longislandfishing #thehamptons #nyfishing #saltwaterfishing #saltlife #friend #catching #gofish #happyholidays #merrychristmas
Blackfish are chewin' ! Give us a call to book a special weekday half or full day fishing charter.
#montaukfishing #bestfishing #montauk #blackfish #fishing #fishingtrip #fishingcharter #longislandfishing #freshfish #tugisthedrug #tailwrappedsportfishing
#montaukfishing #bestfishing #montauk #tailwrappedsportfishing #sagharbor #thehamptons #longislandfishing #freshfish #stripedbassfishing #bentrods #longislandtunafishing #saltlife #funfishing #tugisthedrug #bigbass #keepers #callnow #fishingfun
Congratulations to Ryan Suhr and his crew Bobby, Scott, Nick, Joey & Matt winning 1st Place in the IBEW Local 3 Sportsman's Club Annual Striped Bass tournament here in Montauk aboard TAILWRAPPED. It was a beautiful day with rods constantly bent on bass and blues, lots of laughs and plenty of fish to take home. Way to go guys!
We still have dates available for inshore & offshore trips
#montaukfishing #bestfishing #montauk #tailwrappedsportfishing #sagharbor #thehamptons #longislandfishing #freshfish #ibew #local3 #greatday #winning #friendsfishing #hardwork #brotherhood