The Meatless Marxists are gaining even more momentum aggressively pushing a "sustainable diet" through new federal dietary guidelines. These guidelines play a major role in all federal nutrition activities including but not limited to research, education, nutrition assistance, labeling, and nutrition promotion; not to mention the pressure that is then applied via these guidelines to the private sector -from the food industry to the doctors office and at every institutional stop in between. This effort doesn't necessarily only present as an "in your face" ban on burgers and steak, though that is happening in colleges and universities across the country (see Meatless Mondays)... but for the most part this effort is more insidious...a slow, incremental, nudging process that methodically grinds away at our rugged freedoms and 20 years down the road finds your grand-babies pasty pale, weak and indoctrinated, jammin' with "fellow travelers" in a drum circle while hating meat and eating their weight in Kale and Cauliflower just to stay alive.
A federal advisory committee is urging that the government’s next generation of dietary guidelines for the first time take into account environmental factors, specifically recommending more fruits and vegetables and less meats.