Sad from dropping the daughter at the airport, I took a detour home on a scenic country road. The leaves were just starting to change. It was just what my spirit needed!
What do you do to raise your spirits?
Exterior of San Francisco Plantation. Soon to be closed to the public.
Every time I am part of an investigation, private or public, I take time to reflect on what happened, what could be improved upon and, on how others reacted to situations. This week, for the 3rd year in a row, Spirit Paranormal Investigations included us in their public event at Highlands Ranch Mansion.
I had many reflections coming off of this event but the one which stands out in my mind and which I'd like to share with you is directed at everyone who says that they don't have a "gift."
The room we were working in had a bench. The bench would seat 2-3 people and there was not a ton of other seating in the room. Through much of the public investigation we had 15-20 people in the room, standing room only. On this bench sat one teenager. No one else sat there or joined her.
What everyone who came through the room did not know was that this teenager is quite well aware of her gifts. She and I have worked on them over the years and while most of her was warm as could be, her right leg was freezing. There was a female child spirit in the room with us who thought the teenager was pretty neat and attached herself to her new friend. The little girl ghost was sitting on that stretch of bench for a long time with my daughter and though no one acknowledged her, people seemed to unconsciously sense that the space was taken.
We all have a gift - some more than others. If we take a look at most professions, the creme de la creme had some natural ability, but they became successful at what they were doing by practicing, working at it and, putting in the extra effort. Our "6th sense," "psychic skills" and, "gifts" are no different. We need to invest in them at work to improve them.
So many people in that room seemed to unconsciously know that the seat on the bench was taken though only three people in that room were consciously aware that a ghost was sitting right there. Your "gut level" instinct is an important part of you and many disregard it because it isn't logical. So
The night before the investigation at the Hotel Galvez I was trying to get a little work done downstairs. Had a little fun, too!
A walk through the haunted ballroom and card room before the investigation last night at Highlands Ranch Mansion.
Centrally located in Denver, CO is the lovely Cheesman Park. It draws crowds from throughout the city with the pavilion hosting a variety of events from weddings to quincieaneras. It is lovely for taking a walk, particularly in the Spring and Fall but draws people year round to it's immaculately manicured and expansive space. In the late evenings, it draws locals looking to have an encounter with a ghost, too!
You see, Cheesman Park wasn't always this lovely park you see now. It was Denver's first cemetery. But, a wealthy neighborhood grew up around the cemetery and it was not well maintained. Residents complained and the city decided to relocate the cemetery.
Bids were let and an award was made. At $1.90 per coffin moved, an unscrupulous undertaker felt he could make a bit of extra cash by using child sized coffins for the bodies which were exhumed and relocated. In the process, bodies were hacked and pieces and parts stuck where they might fit.
It didn't take long for horrified residents to voice their concerns to the city who, immediately, put a halt to the exhumations. The cemetery then sat untouched for two years.
Finally, the city discretely removed the headstones, and created the picture perfect park that we see today. It is estimated that around 2,000 bodies remain in their original cemetery locations... within Cheesman Park and the neighboring Denver Botanical Gardens.
City workers maintaining the sprinklers or doing work on the park still, periodically, uncover the stray bone or body. Bodies have, also, been unearthed at the Botanic Gardens. The Botanic Gardens offers ghost tours in October and it isn't difficult to find haunted Cheesman Park tours either. Many of the gorgeous, historic, Victorian residences which line the park experience paranormal activity, as well!
Come for an evening stroll in the park and as the light dims and the stars begin to shine, pull out your K2 and see what you find! A visit to the children's playground or the rose garde
The history here is divine but there’s more to Bishops Palace than meets the eye… a lot more! I visited this monumental home during regular business hours but on a slow day. No one was opposed to me pulling out a bit of light equipment. I was alone on the second floor with Ovullius in hand when someone walked up behind me. I saw the shadow, I felt the breath on my neck and then the Ovullius said, “beauty.” I turned and no one was there. Next the Ovullius said, “dance.” I politely declined the invitation, thanking the ghost of a man whom I could not see. There are several other ghosts drifting around this stunning historical structure, as well. Among them are a nun, a priest and a servant. I must say that the “gentleman ghost” was one of the more charming I’ve encountered and will be well remembered! If you visit during business hours, please be respectful of other visitors, but this is one highly active location!
#gentlemanghost #haunted #history #galveston #paranormal #ovullius