Our Database includes Residential Commercial, Industrial, Multi Units, Investments, vacant land, Businesses, and Merchandise that you can buy and sell. We are connecting Sellers, Buyers, Real Estate Professionals and Businesses. The Opportunity to deal direct and save enhances the benefit to all. ZeroZero was conceived by Ben DiCostanzo who started in the Real Estate business in 1973.He had a visi
on of a one stop Real Estate and Merchandise Center. Today his vision is a reality! ZeroZero has a staff of Real Estate professionals as well as researchers, Data Entry, Programmers and Designers that are ready willing and able to serve all of your business needs. With a branded name ZeroZero.com. We bring you our database of the most recent listings to hit the market. Our principle is 0% commission to Buyers and Sellers and our principle of connecting Real Estate Brokers to owners that may enhance a sellers situation is second to None. The Sellers choose to deal with a Broker and work out the commission to the Broker. The point is everyone is included and no one is left out. How It Works
Simply log onto www.zerozero.com and become a member. Once a member, select the tab that best suits your needs as a buyer. You will be able to browse and search thousands of fresh and new listings by Owners, Real Estate professionals merchandise for sale along with Forclosures, Pre Foreclosures,Auctions, tax Liens, Businesses and so much more! The beauty of ZeroZero.com is that everyone is included; Sellers, Real estate Brokers and Businesses. Buyers may deal direct with Sellers and same Buyers may deal with Real Estate Brokers and Agents and seek out the best deal for them. The best part of it is that it is free! It's free to list! It's free to browse and search! As a result everyone saves! Think about This:
If the Seller didn't factor in $5,000 into the price of the Property to account for advertising Cost, The Buyer saves $5,000 or if a Buyer finds a House directly he may save the commission. The savings can be Huge! So, our site, people are finding the best valued properties and Merchandise for sale. Simple , all bring the Buyers and Sellers as close as possible.