Successful Together Coaching

Successful Together Coaching I empower people who feel “there has to be more to life than this”, to awaken to their true purp Coaching Rates:

Rates are for one-on-one coaching sessions.

All sessions are 1 hour, 4 per month unless otherwise noted. If you sign up for coaching from your Discovery Session, the Discovery fee is waived. Monthly payment options are available also. Discovery Session - 20 minutes. Free
1 month. $500

One of the tools that has made a profound difference in my journey is Human Design. It is a phenomenal system that utili...

One of the tools that has made a profound difference in my journey is Human Design. It is a phenomenal system that utilizes your date, time & place of birth to produce a profile chart that provides an accurate depiction of your unique energy profile, how your energy is managed & processed and how you can best show up in life.
The insights are invaluable to your life journey. If you’re in a relationship, you & your partner will be able to better understand each other, plus gain insights into the dynamics of your relationship.
To get your Human Design reading (and your partner’s), visit
For Black Friday only, you get a 15% discount. Enter code HDChart at checkout.

Coaching gets you from where you are to where you want to be. If you started 1:1 coaching with me now for $500/mo, you w...

Coaching gets you from where you are to where you want to be. If you started 1:1 coaching with me now for $500/mo, you would have a 6 week head start on your New Years intentions

You Can't Always Meet In The MiddleFinding a compromise in situations, especially in a committed intimate relationship, ...

You Can't Always Meet In The Middle

Finding a compromise in situations, especially in a committed intimate relationship, is always a preferred approach. As Steven Covey says in 7 Habits of Highly Successful People: you must go for a win-win. Anything else is a loss. Specifically, if one party is losing, it cannot have a positive outcome – no matter how noble it may seem.

To “meet in the middle” is to find solutions that are mutually beneficial to you and your significant other.

As your life journey unfolds, you are undoubtedly learning, growing and changing. When you are in the world of spiritual awakening & evolution, the changes can be happening rapidly. The more you learn & embrace about spirituality, enlightenment, empowerment, etc. the more you desire and the further “down the rabbit hole” you go. As your awareness of the greatness that is within you expands, the more excited you are to see what else can unfold for you.

If your significant other is not sharing the journey of enlightenment with you, they may be either staying where they are, or evolving on a different path than you. And this is perfect. Everyone has a distinct journey and must follow the path that is right for them. It is not possible for any two people to share an identical journey, no matter how in sync they actually are.

At some point, you may come to realize that you are in different spaces and that there seems to be quite a gap between you. The most obvious solution to bridge this gap is to meet in the middle. Which essentially means that you must shift away from who you truly are, and they must do the same. Thus, you are now coming together as people you are not.

How long will that space be fulfilling?

Although I prefer not to use the term ‘level’ in a relationship (it implies superiority / inferiority), you may be in a higher space than your significant other. Meeting in the middle may then mean that you must come down a few clicks – which you would be able to do. They, however, would have to come up from the space they are currently in, into a world they have no experience in. (That may have taken you years to achieve.) How realistic would it be to expect them to be able to do that?

In order for you to communicate effectively, you would have to meet them where they are at and communicate in a manner that would be meaningful to their current space. If your journeys continue to evolve in different directions and the gap between your respective spaces increases, it may be increasingly less fulfilling, and more arduous, for you to do that.

To ensure you maintain a healthy, empowering, mutually fulfilling relationship you both must ensure that it is maintained as a priority. The core of your relationship is a sacred space and honoring this will provide that common ground for you to have meaningful interaction from. You are both distinct, individual human beings and, you both have a specific purpose to fulfill in this lifetime. The more you keep your relationship and your shared journey as a focal point, the more opportunities you will see to evolve together.

As always, prevention is better than cure. Being aware of the potential to grow differently can open you both to options to grow into your greatness, while maintaining your loving space. A true relationship ensures freedom for each to follow their hearts and grow naturally into your true selves. Any restriction is guaranteed to be toxic to your intimacy and fulfillment.

If you have realized that you and your partner have grown apart, then something obviously needs to shift. You are not going to give up being who you are just to appease them. And, you won’t expect them to make a quantum leap to attain the same space you hold. Open, loving communication will allow you both to share your hearts & desires and make the best decisions for your ongoing journey. Whether together or individually.

Now you are aware of the fallacy of meeting in the middle, there are additional options to explore to shift your journey & relationship to unfold in the most fulfilling way. My coaching & energy healing services will support you in all aspects of transforming your relationship.

To learn more about the services I provide, and schedule your session, please visit my Services page.


Welcome to Rekindling Intimacy.
How can I support you in your relationship?


This Christmas Day was made even more special with Disney’s premiere of the animated movie Soul. We were totally captivated with this amazing movie and the overall message resonated deeply with us.
I’ll attempt to share a (spoiler-free) impression: Essentially, it’s a beautiful depiction of what matters most in our lives and how we can be depriving ourselves of truly living even though we have all we truly need in this moment.
The movie was highly entertaining  and I am confident that those who are not keen on animated movies will love it. If you’re looking for a movie that will make you laugh and touch your heart, you have to get Soul.


I’m so excited about our upcoming retreats and the amazing work happening with Kalpana, Kavita and Andres

I love the live-action remakes of the Disney classics, especially Aladdin. There is one song in particular that I listen...

I love the live-action remakes of the Disney classics, especially Aladdin. There is one song in particular that I listen to repeatedly: A Whole New World. Although it is about taking a ride on a magic carpet and seeing things you wouldn't normally see, it lights me up because it reminds me that there can be a whole new world each and every day. The obvious experience would be to travel to places that you haven't been to before. For me, it's about finding a whole new world right where I am – each day that I wake up. It happens because of the inner work I have done, the clearing & releasing I have performed, the blocks that have been eliminated. Essentially, my space, mindset & perspective are a result of the coaching, energy clearing & transformational experiences I have applied. It is truth that, when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. How ready are you to experience a whole new world? Your journey begins by scheduling a Discovery Session with me. I have a few spaces in my coaching schedule and would love to support you in your transformation. Got Coach?

See in theatres now: Test your Disney knowledge and play the Disney Hits Challenge on Alexa, now featuring Mena Massoud ...

Coaching is simply a process of getting you from one point to another: From your current reality, to the space you desir...

Coaching is simply a process of getting you from one point to another: From your current reality, to the space you desire to be in – in a way that is fulfilling and empowering for you. Your desired state could be to feel joy & peace in each moment. To achieve the healthy vibrant body you desire. To attain the amazing relationship you dream of. To live in financial freedom. Or perhaps, all of the above. Whatever it is that you're looking to experience in your life, coaching & energy clearing can support you in this transition. It is an empowering process that helps provide crystal clarity on your goals, establishes your level of commitment to attain them, exposes & resolves and blocks or limiting beliefs and holds you accountable to the necessary actions. You will be supported in getting out of your comfort zone, facing your fears and taking steps into uncharted territory. And you will get to celebrate each shift, each breakthrough as you make progress toward that which you desire. It is imperative that you connect with the right coach for you. And, there is only one way to gain that experience. How ready are you to take action and turn your dreams into your reality?

Love the wisdom of The Seven Habits. What a difference would be in this world if more were open to the Third Alternative...

Love the wisdom of The Seven Habits. What a difference would be in this world if more were open to the Third Alternative. A better way, a higher way. We’re in this together.

How often do you find yourself pondering whether you’re on the right path for you? One way you can find out- and make th...

How often do you find yourself pondering whether you’re on the right path for you? One way you can find out- and make the necessary correction - is via Coaching and Energy Clearing. Got coach?

One of the techniques I use in my energy clearing work is Cord Cutting. Everything is energy and our presence in this mo...

One of the techniques I use in my energy clearing work is Cord Cutting. Everything is energy and our presence in this moment can be impeded by connections we hold to prior events or to toxic / un-serving energy in current relationships. During a session, it will be apparent whether such cords are present and whether they are one way (you to them or vice versa) or two way (from each of you to the other). Once identified, the cord-cutting process can be performed to sever the ties to energy that does not serve you. Note that, if cutting cords in a current relationship, it’s only the negative, toxic energy that gets released. The effects of the clearing can be experienced immediately and are often quite profound. It’s beneficial to have a session regularly as connections can reestablish or additional levels become apparent. If you want to experience the difference a cord cutting can make in your journey, email me at [email protected]

What is between you and the fulfilling, exciting journey you desire? What is holding you back from releasing that which ...

What is between you and the fulfilling, exciting journey you desire? What is holding you back from releasing that which doesn't serve you? What is the reason you keep putting off that step that you know will change your life forever?

This is YOUR life. It's happening NOW! If you don't feel like you're living as you desire, feel like there has to be more to life than THIS, want to take action and break the old un-serving patterns, then it is time for you to take a step.

There are a myriad of reasons why things don't shift or why you don't take actions on the things you say are important to you. Often, they are in your awareness. Other times, you don't have a clue - which makes it even more frustrating.

This is where coaching and energy clearing can be a huge asset to you. The process is an intuitively-guided exploration of your intentions & desires and brings to light that which is holding you back. If the blocks or impediments are energetic such as limiting beliefs, vows, sacred contracts, fears, etc. they can be effectively resolved. Once they are no longer impeding your energy, it's truly amazing what will open up for you.

It's now the last quarter of 2018 and the perfect time to commit to your journey and ending this year positioned to hit the ground running in 2019. Why wait until this year is over and do a cold start in the New Year. If you're already in momentum when the year starts, you're more apt to keep it going and achieve that which you truly desire.

It all begins with a no-obligation, no-cost discovery session. If the coaching process feels like it will support you in taking your journey to the next level, we'll discuss options for the next step. For a limited time, I'm offering a discount to members of this page. And I only have a few spots available in my schedule. The next step is yours.


It's time for your quarterly journey check up. First up is how you feel - physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually? Secondly how is the context of your life, relationship, vocation, pursuits? And, last but not least, how is your level of excitement around your journey? When your answers to the above is satisfactory, then keep doing what you're doing. If not then a Discovery coaching session is recommended to determine what tweaks will get you on track to the fulfilling journey you desire and deserve. Message me to schedule yours.

I love this insight from TUT’s Notes From the Universe. It emphasizes a crucial aspect: Your emotional state influences ...

I love this insight from TUT’s Notes From the Universe. It emphasizes a crucial aspect: Your emotional state influences who you attract into your life, your experiences and what you manifest. While it sounds simple, transitioning into a constant state of optimal emotions can feel like a challenge.
Coaching and energy clearing practices can help bring your emotional state to where you want them to be, opening up the opportunities for the other stuff that matters to you. It all begins with a brief Discovery Session. Aren’t you feeling better already?


How is your 2018 unfolding? Is your journey meeting or exceeding your expectations? How clear are you on what you seek to attain or experience? How aware are you of drains / blocks to your energy flow? Or the energetic blocks that may be impeding you? Now is a perfect milestone to evaluate your journey and make any necessary shifts to ensure it continues to unfold in the direction and manner that matters to you. (If you're not enjoying the journey does the destination really matter?) I've been doing some inner work recently with coaching, energy clearing / healing and essential oils. I know first hand the transformation that these techniques can bring about and would love to share them with you to assist in shifting your journey into the exciting, fulfilling space you desire. It all starts with a no-obligation discovery session. IM me, or email me at coach@successfultogethercoaching to schedule yours.


I love this time of year. Although I live in the moment and one day at a time, there’s something magical about the New Year. It’s a powerful marker for a new chapter of your journey. I’m more excited about this New Year than the last. And 2017 turned out to be a pretty amazing year. What can you do if you’re not looking forward to this New Year? Explore what may be impacting your energy or clouding your clarity and resolve them. De clutter your being & field of any toxic, unserving or redundant energy to make space for that which will serve you. And lovingly release the past so you can embrace the now. Not sure how to do this?


Why your self care matters:

I am a drop in the ocean, and as the content of my drop changes, the ocean changes, and as the ocean changes, I change. ~ R. Gates, Meditations from the Mat

How will you honor you today?


Today, while cleaning my apartment, I had an interesting observation on the necessity of a regular energy cleansing practice. It's always amazing that amount of grunge that comes up when you sweep, vacuum, clean windows, etc. Especially when you just did it all a week ago.
It's obvious what would happen if you didn't clean on a regular basis – how unhealthy and unfulfilling your environment would become. And, it wouldn't be immediately obvious.
Your energy works the same way. You're constantly exposed to a variety of energies – including those that are toxic or unsserving. When those are allowed to build up, they will cause a variety of things to manifest including lethargy, illness, frustration, irritation, etc.
They key is to have a regular practice of techniques to clear your energy and release that which doesn't serve or is not yours. Regular sessions with a skilled energy worker will give you tools and strategies that will support you in keeping your energy field clean and optimal for you. And, assist in identifying and eliminating any present energetic blocks that may be present and inhibiting you. To experience this process, message me to schedule a no obligation discovery session.


Great insight from the Universe

One of the trickiest things about life, Mark, is that, at times, it happens so slowly.

Yet... if... it... happened... any... faster... you'd... already... have... everything... you... ever... wanted... without... learning... to... enjoy... the... ride.

Beep, beep...
The Universe


Check out this testimonial:
Mark was a friend I had met through work some years ago. I knew he had started coaching but I had never really discussed it with him. But my life was at a critical turning point. I was confused and really needed some insight so I reached out to Mark who graciously agreed. Mark listened and made a few key statements that I really needed to hear regarding the situation with my wife and the emotional pain that I was in. He then took me through a visualization exercise. I believe Mark could see that I was enmeshed in the relationship and needed to free myself from the entanglements that were preventing me from seeing clearly my own thoughts and emotions. As we walked through the visualization, Mark had me cut the tentacles and fibers that linked my wife and I. With each one cut I felt a little more free. But then it came to the main artery. This one was much larger and stronger than the others. It was the core connection. I remember getting ready to cut it but I didn't even try. I said to Mark, "That one is not supposed to be cut. It's the main connection uniting us." Mark did not argue or persuade but simply understood where I was at and let it be. Unbeknownst to me, this visualization had planted a seed. A seed that Mark understood needed a little time. We finished the session with some conversation and I went on with my life. Over the next week the visualization kept coming back to me and I finally realized the core connection wasn't supposed to be there. It was the problem. I took a few moments, began the visualization and cut the main connection. It was scary and yet I knew it was the answer. And in doing so, I remember feeling free. Feeling like me again, something I had not felt for years. The coaching with Mark was one of the many keys to getting my life back on the path I needed. Mark has a true heart and his help was critical in helping me see things I could not. I cannot thank him enough.


We are in some interesting times energetically right now, both in the USA and around the world. How are you doing? How are you managing to maintain your space & your energy and continuing to live in a manner that serves your greatest good and highest purpose? Being peaceful at times like these is not acquiescing. It's not being silent while atrocities are being performed or condoning any actions or events. Maintaining a space of peace allows you to stay in your center and respond from a space congruent with your values & beliefs and not just react in kind. How would it feel for you to be able to hold that space? I have some openings in my schedule this week. If you would like a no-obligation discovery session with me to gain insights into holding your preferred space, message me.


What would you like clarity on ? Or support getting unstuck from? I have some openings in my schedule this week. If you're ready to move forward, message me to schedule your discovery session.


I've been asked some questions recently about the coaching process. If you would like a better understanding of what coaching is and what I do as a coach, please read the below. Then, message me to schedule your discover session. ?

Life coaching is a process of transformation and achievement. It allows you to shift your limiting beliefs and break free from patterns that are holding you back. It guides you in gaining clarity on that which is important to you, what actions you need to take to achieve it and holds you accountable to that action.

A coach is an agent of change who uses their skills and intuition to establish the clarity, identity where any blocks are and establish a means to either eliminate or circumvent them.

When someone wants coaching there is some aspect of their life that is not where they want it. It could be life, business, career, relationship, money, spirituality, etc. Most coaches specialize in a certain area, albeit a block in one aspect often has impact to other areas.

A session is a guided process where a grounding is performed to align the energy, the intention for that particular session is declared and the flow then begins to determine the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Bridging that gap is the coaching opportunity.

Breakthroughs in a session are when the client has the realization of what the right action is and when they are able to see with clarity and purpose whereas before they had confusion and doubts. Simply, I guide people in the most effective strategy of getting from where they are to where they want to be. In a way that is fulfilling and empowering to them.

How can I support your journey?

What is that missing piece that is between you and your fulfillment, success, accomplishment? It can be frustrating to p...

What is that missing piece that is between you and your fulfillment, success, accomplishment? It can be frustrating to put a lot of time, effort and money into something, feel like you're on the verge of a breakthrough and there is that little something that is eluding you. How would it feel to get clarity on it and bring it home? What difference would it make in your life to be where you aspire to be? This is what the coaching process is all about. To bring clarity on what may be missing. To clear energy blocks and perspective impediments. To reveal the next steps on your journey. And, it all begins with a discovery session. I have a few openings in my coaching schedule and would love to make one of them yours. If you are ready to find your missing piece, message me and schedule your session today.


PO Box 751197
New York, NY


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