Avior Executive Search is a professional recruiting firm specializing in the international wealth management industry. We have built a proud reputation based on our search process and market knowledge and have an unmatched network with extensive search experience in the Latin America, Europe, and Middle East global wealth management industry. Our deep expertise within the Latin America (LATAM) fin
ancial marketplace allows us to truly understand our clients’ long-term goals.The knowledge, reputation and respect that Avior has garnered within the international wealth market allow us to deliver a perfectly tailored and executed search assignment each and every time. Clients include:
Hedge Funds
Asset Managers
Multi-Family Offices
Private Banks
Brokerage Firms
As Avior is one of the brightest stars in the Earth's sky, we are dedicated to recruiting Constellations of Talent. Formerly Odyssey Search Associates, Ltd., we are now Avior Executive Search, evolving & raising the bar on our services to provide you with an even higher level of sophisticated and professional services. Call us: (646) 612-7699
Email us: [email protected]
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Executive Search, Family Offices, Wealth Management, Brokerage, Asset Management, International, Latin America, Private Banking, Financial Advisors, RIA'S, Asset Management