Practice In Private, Praise In Public
If you are tryin' to transform your body you have to put in the work. There are no shortcuts.
Put in the work even when no one is watching and receive the praise from everyone about your results.
Let Your Goals Define You
Let your goals decide how you live your life and what you tackle for the day, not negative thoughts, so each day you get better and better.
400 Trillion To One
Those are the odds of you being born the way that you are.
Don't waste it, don't waste your life, get at it, and make it the best one it can possibly be.
Stay Hungry
Just like a dog, never got full, never get complacent
Do What Others Are Not Willing To
In order to better yourself sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do, even if it hurts and no one else is willing to try it
Endure The Pain
There has to be at least one thing in your life that you're proud of. I'm positive that it didn't come easily and you had to endure the pain to achieve it. Have that same mentality with your workout.
There are three versions of yourself
The person who you are, the person who you wanna be, and the person that you're not. Not yet at least.
Push Past Your 100%
Sometimes when you think you have nothing left, you actually do. Keep pushing, you'll surprise yourself.
Pain Is Temporary, Quitting Lasts Forever
Glory lasts forever, sure. But so does quitting, don't you quit, you'll always regret it.
Kill Em With Kindness and Success
Be a good, nice person but at the same time don't let others hold you back.
It Does Matter
Don't tell yourself it doesn't matter because "I'm already out of shape, I'm too old, I'm already married, I'm a parent, etc."
Your Body Is A Temple
You only have one body and one life. Why not make it the best you can?
Best Type of Workout
Do whatever you enjoy doing in terms of fitness because if you don't enjoy it, you'll get discouraged and end up not doing anything at all.
You just got to get off of your ass and do it