LMNOP (el•em•en•ō•pē)
A branding and design firm that surprises and delights, LMNOP specializes in creating unique identities with a playful edge. Born out of a desire to bring style and energy to businesses of all sorts, LMNOP is the Brooklyn based lovechild of friends Leigh Nelson and Lindsay Pope. Branding is more than just a logo on a business card. It exists as the crux of your brand; the lo
ok, feel, and foundation of your company. LMNOP has the firm belief that it’s all in the details. A brand is a kit of moving parts, and it’s all of these pieces working together that tell a memorable visual story. Though we work with clients in every field, we’ve created a nice little niche for ourselves in hospitality: branding for restaurants and bars, food and beverage packaging, hotel and travel concept ideation. As a small team, we are able to provide our clients with a hands-on branding experience tailored to their specific needs. While we don’t take ourselves too seriously, we are serious about the work we do. We believe that a well-crafted brand is a powerful tool for a company’s success, the best work is done on a full stomach, and that no job is too big or too small. Here’s how we can help:
Logo & Identity
Tone of Voice
Visual Language
Art Direction:
Signage Systems
Print Design:
Interactive Design:
Digital Marketing
Social Media