The Purpose of the New Beginnings Humanitarian organization is to discuss chiropractic humanitarian efforts that are taking place and to coordinate efforts among the chiropractic humanitarians and chiropractic mission organizations from around the world. The New Beginnings Chiropractic Humanitarian Organization meets three times a year at the New Beginnings Seminar. This is a venue under which Chi
ropractic humanitarian groups and Mission organizations coordinate their efforts to provide chiropractic around the world. The emphasis is on our communication with the United Nations regarding Chiropractic Humanitarian efforts. The United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDG) seek to end poverty and hunger, provide universal education, foster gender equality, ensure child and maternal health, combat HIV/AIDS, create environmental sustainability, and produce global partnerships by 2015. Our goal is to enlighten the United Nations about chiropractic. Most importantly, as a group we can truly help the United Nations accomplish the Millennium Development Goals. This organization is open to any chiropractor or chiropractic advocate that would like to get involved in humanitarian work. The forum is also open to any chiropractor or advocate that would like to be involved in the future. VISION
Our vision is that through the combined efforts of all chiropractic mission organizations around the world we will be able:
To provide global access to Chiropractic for patients by the year 2095 - Chiropractic's Bi-Centennial Year. To provide humanitarian service programs compatible with chiropractic vitalistic philosophy and to provide humanitarian aid to poor communities. To include spinal health education efforts such as “Straighten up America” in communities where we provide humanitarian work. To include natural hygiene education efforts and to establish public health programs in communities where we provide humanitarian work. To provide Community Education Programs that teaches the public about the benefits of chiropractic care and the detrimental effects of the vertebral subluxation. To recruit, encourage and coach chiropractors who can pioneer the Chiropractic profession in countries with little or no Chiropractors. To recruit some of the brightest minds as team players who can contribute to the overall efforts of the New Beginnings Humanitarian Organization. To recruit chiropractors who wish to open their practices in under served countries. To provide a placement service for chiropractors interested in practicing in third world countries. To maintain a page for the purposes of providing information on the availability of Chiropractic Mission Trips around the world and for recruiting purposes. To solicit moneys for Chiropractic Scholarships which are awarded to students in third world and developing countries. To seek funding for the establishment of humanitarian chiropractic centers in third world and developing countries. We have already established a center in Port Au Prince, Haiti. To recommend to the United Nations that governments offer funding for the education of their own citizens to obtain a DC degree with the agreement of returning to their homeland and establish a practice or work in government hospitals in cases when they are educated abroad. We have already approached the President and cabinet of the Dominican Republic and the Minister of Health and education in Trinidad on this issue. To encourage institutions of higher learning in third world countries to establish Chiropractic College’s in their countries. This will permit the training of a greater number of new chiropractors within their own language and culture and at a lower, more affordable cost for the indigenous population. To recruit Chiropractic Educators who wish to participate in the development of new Chiropractic Schools in foreign countries. To consult with Educational Institutions interested in adding a chiropractic department that will provide an education compatible with the CCP Guidelines. To partner with universities within third world countries in establishing chiropractic training programs that will provide an education compatible with the CCP Guidelines. We have proposed this in the Dominican Republic and Trinidad. To participate with International Chiropractic organizations to help with the delivery of Chiropractic care. To establish cooperative alliances with Chiropractic Organizations in nations already involved in the development and delivery of Chiropractic care. To support the legalization efforts by Chiropractors in every country that establish CCP legislated standards for DC registration in their country and which have provisions that ensure public safety by utilizing guidelines such as the CCP guidelines. To provide Chiropractic Mission Trips and Community Education programs that teach people with the benefits of drugless chiropractic care in countries where Chiropractic is relatively unknown
The Council will award Grants and Financial Aid to students or new graduates who would like to participate in humanitarian service in third world countries. The following would be distributed to all members. Morgan, DC
Chairman New Beginnings Humanitarian Organization.