Lake Conditions, Fishing Report: It was a beautiful morning on the lake with the love of my life, my wife Tary. The lake is in great condition, slightly over the full level at 7.67. Water clarity is getting better everyday with the water temperature getting up to 58 in the afternoons. The fishing, catching has shifted from the live view, find them, and use a hover style bait and watch them eat it, to throwing the big glide baits, swimbaits, and focusing on the mouths of all the creek channels where the bass are holding to eat the native fish, the hitch, that are spawning up the channels. (no they are not extinct)
This lake is amazing, starting last year and continuing into this year I have seen more big fish caught in the 9 to ten pound range since 2007 when in the Bass Master Elite tournament it took a 122 lbs to win for 15 fish, slightly over an 8lb average. Recent tournaments here have been won in the 36 lb range for five fish and catching a ten pounder is no surprise. This next month will be nothing short of phenomenal as the big fish stage to get ready for their spawn. Considering the pressure this lake gets, its amazing that it has rebounded as it has with not only lots of big fish but also a great population of smaller fish.
To top all of this off, a catch yesterday of a 15.92 lb fish by professional angler & lure maker Gary Collins has taken the bar even higher, its truly a world class fishery. Be safe, have fun, be courteous, God Bless 2/28/25