You Are So Powerful!
Today I am loving myself for accomplishing the tasks that I have set for myself. I will love myself even if I do not accomplish all on my list. Sometimes we may feel upset or discouraged because we have much to do and everything does not get done. We all know and experience life being overwhelming on some days. It is important to feel love for yourself and to honor your living whether or not you complete whatever you have set out to do.
We can look at what we have done or we can look at what we have not done. Which do you think offers the better feeling? We need to be kind to ourselves; this is how we practice so we can be kind to others. Everything begins within ourselves.
As we allow our hearts to fill with love and gratitude, life has a way of changing for the best! Let go of what causes you discomfort and look around you at the things, the friends, the family that you love and who love you. I am grateful for the living breath that enters into me every day, every moment. This is a gift given with no strings attached. It is solely my choice to be in recognition of the beauty offered me in my life daily. No unfinished business, no disappointment can take that from us. We are given the choice to experience what we wish. Loving oneself is where to begin if you want to have your consciousness in receiving mode. Breathe in the love and breathe out the negative.
Some days may be trying with a thousand things to do and little time to do them all. Different scenarios may take place that have nothing to do with my plan for achieving all I want to do. Even through those changes that we may experience, still the breath of life is flowing through us, supporting us, bringing it's gift of life.
Choose to place your attention on what fills you with love and hope and positivity. Breathe in gratitude and thankfullness. Do the best you can and continue to let go. Power is in the love that you feel for yourself. Power is in your decision to act rather than to react. We are filled with the power to choose. Our lives are created in the moment of our choosing. Acknowledge the gift of living. Acknowledge yourself for the much that you do, for your trying, listen to your heart wanting each moment to be felt, to be enjoyed, to be real. Love as if you are the delight of the world for you are. You were born for this. It is your divine birthright to feel the love that you were made from, the love that keeps you alive.
Look at yourself and all that you are capable of and let those things that do not get accomplished today be of minor consequence for there is always another day to do them.
Today, right NOW, is the most important time of your life. This time will never come again. You are alive NOW. Enjoy yourself in the wholeness of your beautiful being for you are filled with all the love of the Universe, placed within you by the Master's hand. Tomorrow will come. You will do those things you must but first... make sure you acknowledge yourself and the breathof life flowing into you. This sweetness will change your life and it is always there inside of you to be found. Choose peace before all else. This is the true desire of the heart.
Be with the love that has made you.
Love and blessings, Bobbye xox