Bitchin' Beach House - Flash & Jan's Ocean View Beach House Vacation Rental.
What's in a name? - The word "bitchin'" is a slang term that originated from the word "bitching" and is used to describe something as great or wonderful.
Origin - The word "bitchin'" may have been coined by Dale Velzy in 1949 while surfing with the Manhattan Beach Surf Club.
The earliest known printed use of the word in a positive context was in Frederick Kohner's 1957 novel Gidget: The Little Girl with Big Ideas.
Usage:: "Bitchin'" can be used as an adjective or an interjection. For example, "It was a bitchin' concert" or "Bitchin', man!".
The word can also be used to describe something as excellent or outstanding, like our beach house!
Bitchin' Beach House will be open and taking reservations starting April 1st! Jan and Flash are excited to see their dream beach house being shared with the world. A lot of thought, action and love has been invested. Now it is time for y'all, as they say 'round these parts, to take advantage and book a stay.
A Big Shout Out to all those who had a hand in making this dream a reality;
Anna Scott - Our realtor who showed us the property and put up with our low ball offer. Anna also introduced us to Lucinda E. of Coastal Premiere
Future Homes - https://www.futurehomesnc.com/
Thank you Kenny for guiding us through the process.
APM Construction - https://www.buildzoom.com/contractor/apm-builders-inc
Adrian Mignone knows contracting like nobody's business. Adrian did the enclosure of the bottom of our beach house, and more! There isn't anything construction related that APM can't handle. Even better is the knowledge Adrian shares.
Imperial Landscapes - https://imperiallandscapesnc.com/
Shawn Halter, you are the best buddy. We hope to have a long term relationship with you.
Amazon - https://amazon.com
This is a bit tongue in cheek, though we spent many thousands of dollars. 90% plus of the home contents came from Amazon, though we did do pretty good on Facebook Marketplace.
Lawngevity - https://www.lawngevitync.com/
Brian G You 'da Man! Brian and his crew did amazing work on hardscaping the property, and putting in a driveway. The amazing parking we offer is a result of Brian's vision and careful planning.
Johnny's Appliances - http://johnnysappliancerepairs.com/
Great prices and amazing service.
Max, Zac, Alisha, Judi, & Randy; our beta testers. Thank you all for stress testing our North Topsail Island beach house. Your suggestions were pure gold!