First sea turtle track of the season!
Oak Island takes protecting its sea turtles very seriously so please make sure you do not have ANY back deck lights turned on or any inside lights visible to the ocean during nesting season (May 1-October 15th). It’s the law and a reminder is posted by the back light switch. Thank you for your cooperation.
The sea turtles are back! The "official" start date for the nesting season is May 1st. Our first sea turtle crawl occurred on May 3rd. Unfortunately, it was a "false crawl" where the sea turtle came ashore but did not nest. False crawls sometimes happen for various reasons, including the turtle seeing lights (headlights, flashlights, campfires, etc.) and movement on the beach or just the turtle deciding it wasn't the right time or place for her. Why this one turned around we don't know.
If you are lucky enough to be on the beach when a sea turtle comes ashore, stay still and *Don't* turn on a light and shine it on her. Let her nest in the dark. Stay back from the turtle and do not attempt to touch or otherwise disturb her while she is on the beach.
If you are camping, keep a clean camp with all food items kept in sturdy containers to prevent attracting nest predators to the area. Take all trash, especially food trash, with you for disposal on the mainland (pack in, pack out).
Image description: a single loggerhead sea turtle track in the sand comes from the water, up the beach to a spot where she turns around and heads back down the beach, taking the same path, to the water. She did not nest.
Image credit: NPS photo/Rachel Rankin