Ordained Metaphysical Minister, Metaphysical Practitioner, Spiritual Coach and Intuitive Healer, Reiki Master/Teacher and Rebirth/Intuitive Breathing Practitioner. As an Intuitive Empath with precognitive abilities, and a clairvoyant who possesses clairaudience ability, she is able to channel Higher Multi-Dimensional Beings. Since 2011, she commenced experiencing contacts with Multi-Dimensional Be
ings on a regular basis. In 2014, she decided to share this divine information in order to assist with the elevating of human consciousness. To aid in the expansion of consciousness, Josephine Goffe offers spiritual guidance and counseling. To be conscious is to have awareness of one’s surroundings, thoughts, attitudes, and emotions at all times. Knowing that prominent individuals have written and taught on the subject of expansion of consciousness. Yet the average person remains unaware of the unlimited power gained through the expansion of consciousness. Josephine researches for tools to measure the state and level of consciousness, and tools to assist in the expansion of consciousness. Expanding the level of your consciousness, you are contributing to the expansion of the collective consciousness of the planet. Her energetic healing session includes identification of subconscious programs, pattern, and imprints. Josephine specializes in clearing these subconscious obstacles running in the background of the mind, often for many life times. Preventing the person from fully attaining their life potential. They are standing in the way of them reaching their full potential and happiness. When these programs are healed, a different perspective is revealed, and the person is able to activate new ways of living. The following are the seminar/webinar taught by Josephine Goffe:
The Transformational Ascension is a two-day experience that reveals how to identify the subconscious programs running – finding the hidden files and programs and bringing them in to the light. During the training, participants learn techniques to permanently raise their vibration and change their life. Experience spiritual activations and communication channeling from higher multi-dimensional beings. Experience the higher frequency channeled by these beings will clear, cleanse, and activate the body systems. The Self-Mastery is a one-day experience allows participants to access to ancient life-changing secrets of the Universe. The training information is derived from the Source of Creation. Move beyond the 3D illusion and into the mystical world of Oneness, Soul-based purpose, wellness and Divine power. During the training, the participants learn to expand awareness and consciousness. Connection with the Source. Use the Activations in their personal everyday life. Experience the joy of living from your soul’s Divine purpose.