To all bands, artists, friends in music of all levels! I have been a booking agent at Wagons West Booking in some capacity since 2003-ish booking USA, Canada and Europe for friends and clients. One thing is always keep EVERY contact no matter what venue, music magazine, cool person, etc... I put these all in a database and later called it IndieBooker to help folks save time booking tours. That was 5 or 6 years ago and we still update this everyday... I have been dreaming of new ways to handle booking and streamline this sometimes painful and thankless process that is booking. Today, I have to say I finally got to try out the IndieBooker version 2.0 or maybe it's 5.0. from an artist and agent's perspective. Whatever, it's still got a few bugs but it's currently the most cutting edge system out right now, helping with routing and contacting venues. If you are a band, artist or venue please check out www.indiebooker.com and contact us there. Or even share this post with someone that it looking to book a world tour!!!! Lastly and most importantly, a huge thanks to Derek Stearns and Chris Bell! You guys!