1. Main purposes
The main purpose of the development of this method of calculation of the unemployment compensation is to address the uncovered negative impact, namely the loss caused to the victims of abusive employment termination if the new work is paid lesser than the one they lost. Because, that important and common negative aspect or unfair loss of earning was not taken into account in existing methods of calculation of the unemployment compensation. So, as it is among things that have affected me the most, it seems reasonable to correct that injustice with a fair, reasonable, and traceable accounting method or formula.
Additionally, the address of the negative impact of the differential pay rates also aims to advocate for the end of abusive employment termination that has become normalized despite the fact that it is a flagrant violation of the labor law and an effective evidence of managerial wrongdoing, which is a main source of harmful and unexpected negative social consequences.
The abusive employment termination is a managerial intentional creation of individual and social nuisance because it can be proven that these employment terminations are generally and freely decided by Managers without external obligation, force or hearing of competent human resource Management. Therefore, it is reasonable and fair that the associated loss of earnings be paid to the benefits of the victims, and that the responsible company be punished with legal and fair penalties.
Furthermore, for the purpose of ending that selfish and irresponsible managerial behavior in a family like entity, where Managers are calling to lead by the best principles of the family approach management, company policies makers should encourage company owners to adopt dissuasive and punitive policy provisions by making the cost for any unemployment compensation or any unexpected profit loss or material damage be reimbursed by the responsible employee, who caused it. Such a statutory, dissuasive and penal provision is fair, and it could end abusive employment termination.
However, the purpose of such legal penalty should solely aim to educate People Managers and non employees about the need of consideration of companies as family entities, where everyone belongs to and where policy's violation can be tolerated or punished without individual exclusion, because the termination is not among dissuasive, corrective or educative sanctions, but it can solely or rarely be applicable by prevention and correction of bad economic situations, including multiple consecutive losses due to unforeseen conjunctural causes.
The matter is that such salaries expenses, when paid for sympathetic and generous purpose of protection of employees vital source of income by economic crises times, pushed essential companies to have unexpected negative losses or bad profits (due to insufficient total annual sales volume or incomes susceptible to exceed the coverage of total annual expenses), which could have been avoided with massive layoff or reduction of the number of employees with legal reasons or at no fault or due to negative economic conditions.
Today, because of existence of systemic and managerial rationalization solutions that can be envisaged to prevent or to correct conjunctural losses without layoff or termination or employees for economic motives, there is for instance the governmental financial support solution for coverage of essential companies losses due to employees salaries payments during difficult economic times, even that legal termination for economic reasons or motives appears no longer to be substantial or founded so that, solely a self-employment termination or self-leave for personal motive should become or remains the preferred systemic reason for employees leaves. This is so important because of the systemic and managerial goals for exempting third parties' fault for individual poverty and unsociability, through enacting and enforcing individual obligatory work participation for producing essential social wealth and for warranting an irreproachable individual access to the said available wealth.
So, with a responsible government, which assumes well its bisector financial obligation as dictated through constitutional and legal equal opportunity or non discrimination laws that are rooted from the best principles of the family approach management, when it also choose to adopt, legalize or enforce the application of accounting principles in business operation and personnel management, and for permanent securization of workers income through equal opportunity open hiring and limited yearly total earning per work seeker, objective and fair fiscal taxation mechanism covering losses and taxing surplus as I am recommending for systemic and managerial rationalization, no only the legal excuse or reason given for justification of that unique ordinary employment termination could become unsubstantial or unlawful, and its usage by selfish business administrators could end and leave place to employee voluntary leave and welcome back only, but luckily, the Government and business owners and the society in whole could rejoice for having solved the number one main source of income uncertainty and unfair work participation and the plethora of nuisances that are associated with that systemic and managerial irrationality or selfishness in a familial society.
Definitively, despite the fact that the potential enacting of systemic and managerial rationalization solutions could prematurely make this developed method of calculation of unemployment compensation non useful, it does matter, as such tools represent information knowledge to add to the plethora of human heritage of intellectual or imaginative data to conserve. This is important because human selfishness and others factors may still push some managerial employees to tend to exclude others entitled fellow employees or citizens and eligible non citizens from gaining company benefits they are getting a masterpieces, the recourse to systemic and managerial tools like this one for the purpose problem solving make the work of its development and its conservation worthy.
2. Method of calculation
The method or formula of calculation of the compensatory settlement is a quantitative method, and is reasonable, simple, fair, traceable, and is an accounting method or formula that takes into account or covers the potential negative effect of the loss caused by pay rate differential.
And the following imaginable cases or scenario are also covered by the formula or the method of calculation :
Case 1: Abusive employment termination, no unemployment benefits, and reemployment opportunity with equal pay rate
Case 2: Abusive employment termination, no unemployment benefits, and reemployment opportunity with lower pay rate (Main case matter)
Case 3: Abusive employment termination, no unemployment benefits, and reemployment with higher pay rate (Expected rarissime situation )
Case 4: Abusive employment termination, no unemployment benefits and with unknown reemployment time
Case 5: Abusive employment termination, with unemployment benefits and reemployment
3. Comparative advantages of SCON method
useful or founded purpose of problem solving with quantitative warranty of the equal opportunity and social justice through systemic and managerial rationalization;
the SCON method correct the unexpected negative loss caused by the rates differential between previous work and the new one;
It also intends to correct the systemic irrationality and unfairness of enrichment with exorbitant and arbitrary financial settlement due to lack of better quantitative technics susceptible to address issues like the pay rates differential;
The SCON method is reasonable, simple, fair, traceable, and scientifically developed as a quantitative method of management.