Get ready for trick-or-treaters like only Alaska can deliver! This moose was not in costume, but that didn't stop it from casing the Wasilla front porch of our President and CEO! If you've got some fun moose photos or videos, we'd LOVE for you to share them with us using this link:
#matsuvalley #travelalaska #wasillaak
We’re in Talkeetna today, at the Live At Five concert that takes place every Friday in the summer!
Who can guess where in the Valley Justin went today? Stay tuned for the answer!
Now, whale watching isn’t something traditionally advertised as a Valley experience, but just for fun, we’re going to share this video taken by staffer Justin Saunders, of beluga whales spotted at Goose Bay not two minutes ago.
Knik River Valley Paddle Tour
We sent some of our staff on a recent Knik River Valley paddle tour with Adventures By True North AK. It was a blast! Here's a quick teaser clip of that trip, but we'll also leave a complete highlight video in the comments for you.
#matsuvalley #TravelAlaska #adventuresbytruenorthak #knikrivervalley #paddleak
Any other Knik River Valley fans out there?
#matsuvalley #travelalaska
Independence Mine
The weather is looking great up here today! See you in Hatcher Pass!
South Rolly Campground
Looking for some genuine Alaska tranquility? Rent a canoe and explore the Nancy Lake State Recreation Area today!
Knik River Valley has perfect flying conditions today. Helicopter tours in the Mat-Su go to some pretty epic locations!