Developing a personal relationship with each landowner is the foundation of successful sustainable forest management. As a professional consulting forester it is my goal to provide landowners with excellent assistance, as well as sustainable science based forestry practices to meet their goals and expectations. This ensures the unique characteristics of their property are maintained, enhanced, and
protected. Having earned degrees in Forest Management, Forest Administration, and Geographic Information Systems, I adhere to strict guidelines by being a Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Cooperating Forester and Certified Plan Writer. Services Provided:
- Managed forest law (MFL) management plans
- Forest management plans
- Property walk-throughs
- Timber sale setup, bidding and administration
- Appraisals - land, timber, damage or trespass
- Forest inventory and mapping
- Timber stand improvement marking or labor
- Property line location
- Food plot planning and assistance
- Tree planting labor
- Road location and design
- Logging engineering
- Expert testimony for litigation
- Forest resource and economic studies
- Recreation planning and assistance
- Acquisition and sales of forest lands
Please contact me with any questions regarding my services or your property