Behind the scenes:
Long before my photo sessions could begin I gathered materials to build my "head of snakes" and "snake skin" makeup. I wanted to play on light and dark colors so every shade of light was layered over a flat black.
My rubber snake cap was coated in primer first then sprayed flat black. The eyes were painted a slick more shiny black when my model arrived on shoot day the same concept was applied to her make up to keep the look as realistic and consistent as possible.
Wig cap on first I applied flat black powder on then worked on the placement of individual scale clusters. Layer after layer of makeup and applying the same to the snakes, I created my own spin on Medusa and her serpents.
It's the little things, each step that slowly builds the larger picture, that tell a story, those are what matter most and are seldom seen.
You can find more from the set in Sanctuary Magazine Issue #19