At VHL Partners, we specialize in providing memories, happiness, and relaxation in the form of discounted, high-value vacations directly to individuals, as well as to employees through an employer benefits package. These include $69 monthly cruises, all-inclusive resorts, adventure and voluntourism trips, hunting and fishing expeditions, golf and spa retreats, and anything else you can imagine. Do
you remember the last vacation you took? Hopefully it wasn’t too long ago. Maybe you have a memory of a favorite vacation that has stuck with you over the years. Were you digging your toes in the sand or scuba diving off the Great Barrier Reef? Perhaps you were wandering through a museum or zip-lining through the rain forest. Can you still see the colors, smell the air, and hear the sounds? How does that make you feel? Research shows that people who take vacations are happier, healthier, and more productive both at home and at work. Companies who encourage their employees to take vacation time report lower turnover rates and higher productivity. Taking time to relax and recharge allows you the chance to decompress, de-stress, and build stronger relationships with family and friends, or even just pamper yourself.