Well, we didn’t get to camp this weekend, but we made it out for a great hike at Cedar Falls and Old Man’s Cave!!
Had a great hike at Charles Alley Park with Pack 26 today! Found a geocache box along the way!!
Cub Scout Pack 26
Join us for great adventures with Pack 26 Cub Scouts in Pickerington. Info night on August 22nd, 6:30pm, at Fairfield Elementary.
Blue & Gold Banquet Volunteers Needed!
Our Cub Scouts Blue & Gold Banquet will be Saturday, February 5th and we need a few volunteers to help with set up and decorating!
If you would like to help, please send us a message on Facebook!
We can't wait for our Pack 26 Christmas Pack meeting on Monday, Dec. 20th. We will be in Class A uniforms, but feel free to wear a festive hat or other holiday accessories. The meeting will be packed with fun activities including skits from all the Dens, minute-to-win-it games, family "selfie" station, and a hot chocolate station! The family and sibling are all welcome!
At the end of the meeting, we will have a visit from a special "red-suited" individual (shhhh....it's a secret!). He will be passing out derby cars (as presents) for all the Scouts. If you would like to purchase an extra derby car for a sibling or adult to participate in our derby race in February, the cost is $5 per car. Just let Chad know at the party! See you all soon!
"It's the most wonderful time of the year!" Join us for our Pack 26 Christmas Party on December 20th. ✨ More information below and feel free to share this post to spread the word!