Happy Tuesday Friends and Family.
This is Donny's daughter Lakisha. Its been 11 months now since we lost my daddy. So many of you knew him and called him friend, but for my entire life I got the opportunity to call him Daddy. I was Daddy's little girl. He often told stories of my tom boy days. See, I was the little girl that did all the boy things. Fishing was mine and Dad's thing. As far back as I can remember there are stories of fishing trips with my daddy. And boy do we all know how animated he could make those stories!!!
I've thought a lot about closing this page out. I've wondered what Daddy would want me to do. So after a lot of thought and time reflecting on what is best, as admin of this page I am going to be closing this page out in the next 30 days.
But we do not want to lose the memories you have shared over the years with Daddy. Each of you, his friends and clients he thought so much of.
So for the next 30 days I am asking you to use this opportunity to share with us all of those photos and videos you have of my Daddy. Share them here on our page or on messenger or send them directly to me on messenger Lakisha M. Bryant or Sell with Kisha .
The #1 thing I will always do my best to do is keep my Daddy's memory alive for my boys. They thought the sun rose and set with my Daddy. My oldest is just like him and what little time he got with Pawpaw he soaked in every little bit of knowledge my Daddy would tell him.
We haven't gotten a lot to remember my Daddy by, mainly photos and memories. When we can, we are on the water talking about Pawpaw and discussing different fishing tips he has shared with me and Ashtyn over the years. Ashtyn has a collection of knifes my Daddy gave him a year or 2 before we lost him, the only physical thing he has of his Pawpaw's. I catch him often going through each one of them and sometimes telling me some crazy story that Pawpaw had told him about that particular knife.
Thanksgiving was one of Daddy's favorite times of the year. He loved his family. and he looked forward to time with his family hanging around the piano singing and playing and telling stories. This year it will be a lot different. There will be that vocal part missing. Big Don's crazy stories will not be echoing through the house. I will not have one of my Daddy's incredible tight hugs I miss so much.
No matter how you knew him. Big Don, Uncle Don, Butler, Donny, the list could go on and on. If you knew my Daddy you knew you had a friend.
So before this page is gone send me your memories and pictures!!!
Roll Tide Daddy, Roll Tide!!!