B.I.D [Battling The Inner Demon]

B.I.D [Battling The Inner Demon] This is a place where the tormented can come and have peice,share their stories and listen to others Do i see a pattern here?

This story is going to be a very long story,so it will be broken down. This story is mine,true,and still happening,So if i see this posted anywhere else and claimed to be someone else,Lawsuits will be involved. Based on a true story.I was like any other little girl,I had a loving Mother,A hard working Father,A brother in Heaven named Justin & Two living Sisters.I loved animals,I had Animals for al

l my childhood.Dogs,Cats,Hamsters,Mice,Guinea pigs,Turtles,etc.I loved to Read (when i learned how to of course),I loved to draw & Pick flowers for my mom.I lived in a beautiful big two story house.It was covered in Red Wood,But since it was old,My parents replaced it with Baby Blue Heavy duty plastic siding,They kept the wooden shingles on the side.When i would play in my front yard,I would often stare at our house and imagine it being a Mid evil knight with the helmets they used to wear.But there was another thing about my house,It had its own face,Its own life.It had all what it needed:Eyes,Ears,Mouth,And breath of life.The air supply?Demons.But i loved my house and i felt like my house loved me.When we would come back from a Vacation,It would almost seem to be upset that we left it.When we would evacuate from Bad hurricanes,The house would still be up,Almost glistening with pride when we would pull up in the drive way when the storm was over & all that would be missing would be a few shingles on the roof while the rest of the houses in our town lost windows,roofs,walls.Even though we were located right next to a big body of water known as a Bay.My house was known to be Haunted when i was little.Kids would be afraid of it,when the school bus would pull up to pick me up for school or drop me off from it.But the outside is not what I feared about my house,It was the inside.The inside was a torture chamber,a wreck in the supernatural form.My mother kept the house very clean,very tidy and a safe environment for us.But she couldnt stop the demons from entering in our house.Her and My Father tried Blessing the house Numerous times,Pray circles,Church gatherings at the house,yet there was a unknown doorway.Often times,My sisters would wake up screaming or crying knowing they saw a monster,as they put it,at the end of their bed.Or hearing my mother praying,as my Second older sister Megan once herd.It terrified her.Or how my older sister Kristen saw a monster in the shape of a tradition looking alien.As a memory,I remember my sister Kristen loving the look of Traditional looking aliens...After that experience,she never liked them again and quickly got rid of anything to remind her of that night.She never told me that experience until i was older.I thought she was just growing out of her alien state.As for me,It didn't use Monsters Or Aliens.It used Shadows in the form of Men.Tall men.Thin Men.Bulky Men.Bald Men.Men with long hair.A tall man with a Mohawk.For my mother once,It used the shadows of children,Who she thought was Megan & Kristen when she bumped into it while doing Laundry.She looked in the living room to make sure she didn't hurt them...Only thing,It wasn't them.It was two shadows of children running across the living room.My mother was smart enough to know what it was and what to do.I do not remember that,for I was just a baby,My mother told me that when i asked if she had any experience.My dad experinced His brother possessed once & after he had the exorcists over and made the demon release his brother,the same demon jumped on my mother,causing her to contort in a way she normal couldn't,But she explained she saw a man,Jesus,It was so bright she couldn't see him,But she saw the demon jump off her and scream its way back to hell when god had called it off of her..My mother vomited this disgusting smelling goo.She still doesn't know what it was to this day.For my older experience,I learned exactly what it was,Demon saliva,Its their most famous thing they leave behind as a farewell present.But these were all stories i got told,I don't remember the time of my uncle being Possessed either.My experiences though,Were always shadows.I remember when i was really young,around Four or five,I was sitting on the floor of the Ministry room (which used to be our toy room) but my mom changed it and ran for people who couldn't afford to buy clothes,toys,purses and shoes.All donations from places that donated it to her,helping her achieve her dream of helping others.She had just gotten a Big Bird from samese street,that talked when you pulled on the string in the back.Though i wasn't much of a fan of Big bird,I still played with it,till the saying it said got old to me.My mom was across from me,folding clothes and humming hymns that she sung in church.They were beautiful,I always loved when my mother hummed them,I loved her singing in church,I was so proud that my mother was a singer in the church,It made me feel all the more special then she already made me feel.I noticed there was a stop,A walk,A paused minute without me looking over at her,A her humming again,I looked back,Maybe she was just getting more clothes,After all i had been playing with big bird for a good 30 minutes now.I looked back with a big smile,seeing my mothers Beautiful shadow on the wall of her folding clothes.But that shadow sent shivers down my spine.Why?It was my mothers.I turned backed around and i felt a cold stare.So i realized i wanted out."Mommy?I'm going to go upstairs-" I froze.That shadow was still folding clothes and humming,Only the shadow,My mother was gone!I wanted to cry,scream and sit there.But i didn't.Instead,I left big bird where i was sitting and quickly but quietly started walking out of the room,refusing to look at the shadow.In my mothers voice it asked sternly "Where are you going Chelsea Rae?" My eyes watered,My mother called me that all the time,I didn't stop,But i herd insane laughing from in my mothers tone then it started humming the hymns again.I was crying at this point,running out the back porch door and to the side yard,getting away from that room as fast as my naked feet would take me.There was my mother,down at the hunting dogs kennel my dad built.A good 20 feet away from my house.She was just getting done.No possible way it could have been her!I wanted to clutch onto my mothers leg and wanted her to snuggle me."She wont believe you,Chelsea".....A mans voice said in my head "Do you really want to let her know her little baby is a crazy little girl?You'll get locked away" He said once again,In a cracky deep voice.I cried more."Stop it!" it screamed at me as it faded away.Instead,I walked to the sand box in my side yard,facing toward the creek.Tears falling hard from my eyes,cheeks burning,nose running.I plopped in the sand,as i always did,and played with the tiny ants,Burying them alive,poking at the heavy duty bubble wrap my dad put on the bottom.That sand box was getting dirty,The cats kept crapping in it.My mom and dad told me to stop playing in it,But i just scraped the p**p out with a scooper and threw it in the creek.Shortly my dad killed my sand box to stop me."Chelsea Rae?" my real mother called "I didn't know you were out here,Come on,Its getting dark."My heart was racing,I wanted to cry more,Instead i got up and ran into the house like nothing was bothering me,Only thing,Something was,I was to scared to go into the house.Night time was the most scariest time in the house.That's when it seemed like the house had the most life.The house would breathe,You would hear multiple cracks and footsteps in the roof.We blamed it on the house being so old.None of my sisters wanted to be upstairs in the day time,seeing how no one was up there in the day time and we were afraid of what could be up there.When i would go up there to my room to sn**ch a toy or two,I would often see shadows in my parents and sisters room,Once i saw one walk into the bathroom,I ditched my toys up there.At night,when it was deserted down the stairs,when everyone was upstairs getting ready for bed,The down stairs would be feared.Once,when i went to go get a glass of water from the sink in the kitchen,I saw a shadow on the wall,standing there looking at me.That week in church i had learned that Satan couldn't hurt you,So brave me walked over to it,in my footie Pj's,hands on hip,Hair in piggy tails,Big brown eyes staring onto the faceless monster."I'm not afraid of you"It cocked its head,I saw a sharped toothed grin stretched across its face and its arm puttered from the wall,and though still all black,It was a thick as a mans arm.I wanted to scream loud,so my mom and dad would come and take this evil man away.Instead i covered my mouth,left my Lion king cup on the kitchen table,Slapped the light off and ran upstairs.It seems like it took forever to get up the stairs,Like any minute this shadow was swimming in the sea of darkness that covered the down stairs and was ready to jump out and grab me.My mom looked at me,she was covering herself in Vaseline,Like she did every night,She gave me a big smile and said "Come on bean head,lets get to bed."My heart was racing like a leopard.But i did as my mom said,Brushed my teeth with that horrible mint toothpaste and went to bed without ever saying a word of what had happened to me.Often times,If i was alone playing,I would sing 'Jesus loves me' because i would see a shadow,shifting around in the room,sometimes hissing to get my attention.Most times,the shadow wouldn't let me see it,It would just run in the corner of my eye.But i would get chills,Hear talking,Smell death or burning & sometimes hear my moms voice.If she yelled more then once,It was really her.If she just yelled once,Then you better start praying.I always shared a room with my sisters when i was a little little girl.I remember once,My sister Megan,Kristen and i were sleeping in the room together,We all once shared a room,And Megan woke us up screaming a nasty scream,pointing frantically at the end of her bed.Mom ran in nearly having a heart attack.She was pointing at nothing,But in her eyes she saw a beast at the end of her bed.She was crying as she described it,I told her to stop but mom just asked me to go to bed and gave me my stuffed animal lamb that had fallen off my bed.I covered my lambs ears and snuggled in the blanket,That night Megan got to sleep with mom and dad,I was a little scared but ended up falling asleep.Another night,she herd moms voice,once again she screamed,It made mom jolt out of bed and into the room,Kristen and I?We didn't hear her,we were sound asleep.I cant tell you everything that happened to me,but i will try to mention most things.For now I'm hoping to get more information before posting my older experiences,So tomorrow at my family lunch gathering,I will be interviewing them,Seeing if i can squeeze any information their not posting on here.Now I'm a little older my days as alittle girl are over,and im pretty use to seeing the shadows on the wall,floors,ceiling and outside.I no longer ran from them,but just walked past them,I was lucky number 13.My Teen years & I had worse things happen to me then just demons messing with me.I was doing things a normal Pre-teen girl wouldn't be doing.I had my best friends in school,I had them since Second grade.I had a boyfriend at the time,But that secret was hidden from my parents.I was in my Punk stage,My room was covered in band posters and Anime posters and art i had done.I thought i knew everything that my parents did,and kept a lot things hidden from them.But i wasnt in the dark yet,I was still in the light.I was inlove with Yu-Gi-Oh,A show about Dueling with Ancient Egyptian Monsters that appear from cards,I had a crush on Bakura & Marik,the ones who wore the Egyptian items with the dark spirits in the,who also i had a crush on. Yu Yu Hakusho,A show about normal humans with strong spirit energy Fighting demons in the underworld.I had a crush on Two demons,Kurama & Hiei.Ironic that my mom let me watch that?I think yes.Poor mom,Rurouni Kenshin,A show about a samuri who fights the ones that killed his family,Fighting his way past unnatural beings such a demons.Jackie Chan Adventures,A show about Jackie Chan and his Niece Jade,who fight Shendu and his group of Goofy hitch men, from trying to take over by using the Demon world.InuYahsa,A show about a school girl who falls threw a old well,sending her to the Demon world,Old times & she ends up making friends with A warrior names Sango & her Demon cat names Kilala,A monk names Miroku,A fox demon names Shippo & A Half demon dog/Human named Inuyasha,who she ends up falling inlove with. Pokemon,Sailor Moon,Hamtaro,Pucca & Cartoons were on my list,But not my top favorite.Some of the lighter shows i used to watch. My friends loved those shows and i loved them to.I had yet to hear about Hot topic then,but i tried to make my own punk clothes.One day my mom wanted me to clean out my closet of clothes and stuffed animal toys i didnt want anymore.Though,thinking i was all grown up,I still had a huge attachment to my Stuffed animals.But a demon wrecked my favorite toy for me.I was standing on a Red velvet Victorian chair my sister handed down to me.I grabbed onto a Brown Hair,brown eyed doll my mother had bought for me when i was younger,she was a plush doll.I named her Emily.I had grabbed her to put her on the shelf in my closet,I looked away for one moment then looked back,THERE,No eyes!Just black where Emily's eyes were!I dropped her and screamed,falling back onto my twin bed,staring terrified at the doll.But when i picked her up again,her eyes were brown,though she smelt like cigarette smoke now.I threw her in the donation bag.My best friend from childhood,the special doll my mom bought for me was scary to me now.On a cold night,the church group had invited people to go see Passion of the Christ with them,then after,everyone met at the waffle house.I was staring at the full harvest moon,I was so beautiful,It was--Someone was staring at me,A man with a Mohawk,He was wearing a trench coat,staring at me from the outside,He smiled at me.I smiled,He was cute.He waved at me to come out to him.I was going to use the excuse i have to get something out of the van. "Chels?" My sister called out,we were signing a dollar bill and it was my turn to put something on it.I drew a smiley face with a C mouth.I looked back at the window.WHAT?He was gone.I sighed,well there goes the only goth for that night.I was disappointed.I looked back at the moon,but a figure on top of the Win-Dixie roof caught my eye,I had seen workers up there when i was little,but that was day time,never night.He was walking to the edge,He waved and i could tell with just enough light he was smiling with a open mouth.Whats he doing?He jumps.My eyes were glued to the window and my hands covered my mouth,I wanted to scream.I wanted to shut my eyes,i didnt want to see his body hit the ground.But i couldn't take my eyes off the window.And then,gone.Did he hit the ground? I got up,rushed to my dad,asked him for the van keys and ran out,I ran behind the van.I looked but i didnt see anything.What?I saw him jump!I know i did.Then i herd laughing,I looked up and the man on the build board has glowing red eyes.I backed up,Ok,I know that man had blue eyes,I used to see that build board all the time when i was a kid.I ran in and ended up sitting with my mom and dad at another booth,away from the window.That night i ended up breaking in tears and told my mom what i saw,she had prayed with me,explained who he was and kissed my forehead goodnight.I was to scared to sleep that night,but i had school the next day.So i put on Prince of Egypt,as i always did when i was scared and a kid,and went to bed.I didnt speak about that man anymore,My sisters just said i was making it up.Thats when i knew it was best to shut up about him.After that,I always saw this man,Glimpses on the street,In the store,In dreams.I had a dream to where he wanted me to run away with him,We were in black woods. "Meet me at the bay on the next full moon""How-"He covered my mouth with his lips.I woke,heart beating,sweat covering me.The next full moon,I stared out my window at the bay,wondering.No,stop it!It was a dream.But what if?STOPI felt watched that night,Even my dog Koto was barking and growling at the window."Koto,stop,its ok girl"She growled more.I turned on a christian stationShe stopped.Those night,i slept always staring out my window,Apart of my hoping this man would come,Apart of me wanted curtains.My 14th birthday party finally came,My mom bought me Yu-gi-oh buckled pants,I loved them.She also bought me to Hot topic for the first time.I was inlove and had a closet full of tripp clothes.I had a rainbow birthday cake and stole my sisters camera to always film random things around the house.I was different from everyone but my friends in school,I had my own room,I loved my life.Yet the shadows haunted me,I would wake up during the night and there it would be,on my wall,watching me sleep.I pulled the covers over my head,prayed and went to sleep.I remember once again,my mom wanted me to clean out my closet and get rid of clothes that didnt fit me anymore.I herd footsteps.Her voice said "Chels im going to come and vacuum in here later""Ok,but after Yu-gi-oh" I stated."Fold up the clothes and put them in the bag" she insisted"I know mom" i said.She laughed.I laughed and looked.My laugh stopped.It was....It was...It was a silicone shadow with sharp teeth,mouth stretched from ear to ear,only,It didnt have ears.It looked at me and started laughing in my mothers voice.I hit the back of the closet,causing my clothes to fall.It stepped closer to me."GET AWAY" I ran past it and ran out my room.It shut my door,causing it to lock.That night i sat there trying to pick my door open,I managed,ever since then,My door always locked on it own.After time,I got a surprising notice,My 15th birthday was 2 months away."Chelsea,we are moving"My mouth dropped,I wasn't happy.That night,packing my first box,I herd the house growl.


Ponce De Leon, FL





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