🌺 你的迪士尼魔法秘笈就在這裡!📱✨
你們知道 所有的迪士尼有關的旅程 都有一個App 來協助你 擁有一個美好的回憶嗎?🧐🧐🧐
🏝️ 大家現在也都知道 我即將要出發去迪士尼的夏威夷飯店 Aulani 。。。讓我來介紹給你這個好用的App 來讓你多休息 什麼訊息都在你的手掌裡喔!
Did you know there is an App for EVERY Disney Vacation that you can take? 🧐🧐🧐
🏝️ Since I am going to Aulani, let me introduce to you the Disney Aulani App! Your Handy Tool that upgrades your experiences at the Resort in Hawaii.
這個App 可以幫助你:
✨ 預約跟尋找 高階體驗 (每個月都不一樣喔)
✨ 你所有預訂好的計劃都會在上面喔!
✨ 還有其他功能等你去找它。。
You can use the App to:
✨Book Dining Reservations
✨ Book Premium experiences
✨Keep everything in one place so you can see your schedule!
✨ And many more things...
🏝️準備好要有一個美好的夏威夷 Aulani 體驗嗎? 你的迪士尼旅程 就可以從這個App 開始 🧜♀️✨
🏝️ Ready for the ultimate Aulani experience? Your Disney adventure starts with this app! 🧜♀️✨
我是Amy 你的旅遊顧問 擁有你所想知道的迪士尼訊息。 如果有興趣規劃旅遊 可以找我預約一個時間 讓我來帶走你要籌備旅遊的麻煩喔!
I am Amy , your travel advisor specializing in anything family travel and Disney. If you are interested in planning a vacation, feel free to book a time with me and let me take the hassle of planning a vacation off of you.
#DisneyAulani #DisneyMagic #AulaniApp #TravelTipTuesday #traveladvisor #travelagentspecializinginDisney #carryonthemagicvacations #letmeplanthatforyou
迪士尼餐飲計畫!這個計畫讓你可以輕鬆享受各式美食,而不需要擔心餐費的問題。我是 Amy 你的旅遊顧問 來解釋給你喔! 就讓我來介紹一下這個超有用的計畫吧!
**When planning a trip to Florida’s Disney Resort, aside from choosing accommodation and tickets, do you know what other options you have?**
The Disney Dining Plan! This plan allows you to easily enjoy a variety of delicious meals without worrying about meal costs. I’m Amy, your travel advisor specializing in Disney Destinations, here to explain everything to you! Let me introduce you to this incredibly useful plan!
**What is the Disney Dining Plan?**
The Disney Dining Plan is available exclusively as part of a resort package at Florida’s Disney. It comes in two main options, which you can choose from based on your needs!
1. Standard Dining Plan(標準餐飲計畫)
* 每晚住宿可以享受 1 份速食餐食
* 每晚住宿可以享受 1 份正餐
* 每晚住宿可以享受 1 份小吃或非酒精飲料
* 還有一個 度假區可續杯飲料杯,讓你隨時隨地都能補充飲料,超方便!
2. Quick Service Dining Plan(速食餐飲計畫)
* 每晚住宿可以享受 2 份速食餐食
* 每晚住宿可以享受 1 份小吃或非酒精飲料
* 依然附帶一個 度假區可續杯飲料杯
佛州迪士尼又出新的優惠了! 趕快來這裡看!✨
佛州迪士尼又出新的優惠了! ✨
大家好 我是Amy 你的迪士尼旅遊專家來告訴你新的迪士尼活動消息
✨✨✨ There is a new Promotion for Disney World!
I am Amy, your Travel Expert Specializing in Disney Destination to tell you the latest Disney Promotions
🌈從1/2 號到2/10 佛州迪士尼出了免費餐費促銷咯
如果你們預定明年 5/27號 到6/26 號或是 7/2-8/6 的旅遊套餐 就可以拿到免費的Dining Plan(餐費點數可以去任何的迪士尼餐廳吃東西喔)
From 1/2 to 2/10, Disney World is releasing a free dining plan Promotion. if you book a vacation package for traveling between 5/27-6/26 and 7/2-8/6 for a 3 day or more Disney Hotel Stay with 3 days park hopper ticket, you qualify for the Free Dining Plan Promotion!
🌈大家都知道去園區裡的餐廳 尤其是 那些特色餐廳都很貴 所以如果你們對佛州迪士尼有興趣但是覺得佛州迪士尼太貴了 這個優惠很適合你喔!
In Park Dining is expensive, espeically the Character Special Dining reservations. So if this is something you are interested in, this promotion fits you!
😎😎😎 如果有興趣 可以來找我 詢問價錢!
If you are interested in this promotion or anything Disney related please come talk with me! Your Travel Advisor!
#carryonthemagicvacations #carryonthemagic #DisneyWorldPromo #freediningplan2025 #travelplannerspecializeindisney
Disney Cruise Line has announced TWO great deals right now! For a limited time only, everyone only pays 50% of the required deposit to lock in a cruise!
And if you're a Disney+ subscriber travelling with two adults and up to two kids under 18, you'll only pay 50% of the cruise fare for the kids!
DM Me if you would like to know more, I would be happy to help you!
#disneycruiselines #disneywish #disneydream #disneycruiselinepromo #bestchristmaspresentever #traveladvisorhelpisfreewithme #carryonthemagicvacations
Anyone say NEW DISNEY CRUISE SHIP! 就像上個禮拜我廣播了 迪士尼郵輪 2025年底 會從新加坡出發開啟 3, 4或5天郵輪。
3天郵輪 起價 $958 美元 (兩個人的價錢, 住的是內艙)
4天郵輪 起價 $1318 美元
5天郵輪 起價 $ 2694 美元
我訂跟官網訂有什麼不同價錢呢? 價錢一樣, 你們多的是我的服務 跟細心的建議跟規劃喔!
如果你們對這個有興趣 請到這個連結 https://linktr.ee/travelstories_with_amywang 跟我約一個時間吧!
Like I broadcasted last week, I am so excited about the New Disney Cruise Line sailing from Singapore (I think my husband is most excited as we have never been to Singapore).
Now the rates are listed on their website as a double occupancy rate starting at $958 for a 3 night cruise interior cabin!
Come book a time with me if this is what you are interested in!
#disneycruiseline #disneycruiseline #disneycruiselines #disneyadventure #disneycruiselineinsingapore
Thank you to our Veterans 感激退休軍人的付出
我們旅行社以及嘉年華郵輪公司 在這個美國退休軍人節 表達我們 大大的 感謝!感激你們為國家的服務跟犧牲。
所以在11月11號開始到11月18號開始, 嘉年華郵輪 對退休軍人跟他們的家庭推出特別優惠包括總價打折高達40% off, 訂金減價, 跟免費升等艙等等。。。。
如果你對這個優惠有興趣 可以來找我訂喔!
Our agency partners with Carnival Cruise Line to say THANK YOU to our veterans. We are grateful for your service and sacrifice. November 11-18, Carnival is offering our Veterans a special promotion that includes reduced deposits, room upgrades and an onboard credit.
If you are interested in this promotion. Come book with me here: https://tinyurl.com/krmjyeph
#Funnel Up #carryonthemagicvacations #VeteransDay2024 #carnivalcruiseline
Leaves changing colors is one of my favorite things about Fall. But this also means Winter is coming and it’s one of our favorite seasons for our family to Travel.
秋意濃濃 樹葉慢慢變黃也提醒我們 腳步要慢慢放慢 來欣賞我們周遭事物
樹葉變顏色也代表冬天也快要來臨了。說實話 我們家其實很喜歡在冬天旅行 因為可以避開人潮 也看到不同的人事物
What is your favorite season to travel? Let me know!
#Wintertravelplans #familytravels #falltravelinspo
#carryonthemagic #comebookwithus
Disneyland Recap Highlight number 2:
Oogie Boogie Bash! Now I didn’t get to take videos of the kids Trick or Treating but my gosh it was so much fun! On top of that we saw the Parade and walk thru Villains Grove ❤️❤️❤️
迪士尼亮點 2: 萬聖節夜間活動
這次帶小孩去迪士尼夜間活動討糖(沒拍到照片 😭)
但是我們運氣好 拿到好座位看萬聖節遊行
萬聖節明天就要到了 你們有什麼計劃呢?
Halloween is tomorrow what are your plans?
#halloweenatdisneyland #oogieboogiebash #nightmarebeforechristmas #disneyland #disneycaliforniaadventure #familytravel #carryonthemagicvacations #carryonthemagic