Kairos-centered coaching invites women from all backgrounds and faiths into a safe contemplative space that provides them with an opportunity to observe and listen for sacred moments, Kairos moments, in their lives. Listening for Kairos moments is perhaps the biggest stumbling block that prevents people from finding their authentic centers and building purpose driven lives. First, our minds and bo
dies are over-aligned with chronos time, minutes and seconds, as we attempt to meet myriad demands. Second, we have limited knowledge of and experience with kairos time, sacred or indefinite time wherein everything happens. Kairos-centered coaching helps women to find and listen to their inner voices and enables them to prepare spaces for their soul to breathe. It is in these sacred spaces that faith in a higher power and higher Self can be experienced, re-experienced, or deepened. Awareness of lifestyle changes necessary to support life flows naturally out of this experience. Many clients describe the process as liberating and find themselves increasingly committed to meeting challenges on their path toward wholeness, shedding excess and dross without hesitation and lessened effort. Relationship, career, and/or retirement can become pregnant with reward. Pathways can open unexpectedly. Some have found themselves hiking Machu Picchu, taking a silent retreat at a Benedictine Abbey, writing their memoir, launching their own business, cycling Croatia, taking an early retirement. These directions clearly came from the fruits from within that became conscious and certainly bore more fruit. The process of Kairos-coaching progresses organically and spontaneously. It is not prescribed or scripted. The unknown is met with humility, reverence, and celebration. Just as no two people are the same, no coaching relationship is the same. Wisdom literature, poetry, music, theatre, cinema, science, nature, and/or philosophy may be incorporated into the unfolding dialogue when relevant. All of these things have helped people connect to their Kairos moments.