Landscape design & gardening, graphic design, music composition & performance, brand/concept authoring, writing, product design, clothing/costume design, photography, video, drawing, painting, sculpture, environment design and art-based event production. WCS is a cross-disciplinary art and design venture… created in 2008, with experience in landscape design/gardening (including Greenstaging: worki
ng with real estate agents to clean-up and/or design custom gardens for listings), graphic design, music composition and live performance, brand/concept authoring, writing/scriptwriting, poetry, copywriting, product design, clothing/costume design, photography, environment design and art-based event production. WCS is a path… inspired by the underlying ethos of Nature, the desire to consciously balance Natural and Synthetic, the desire to remain cognizant of what are Needs versus what are Wants and the philosophy that all good things only really come from Honesty, Humility and Creative Compassion.
All work is billed on a sliding-scale and is developed equally regardless of where you fit on that scale. In other words, I believe your needs should never be held hostage by the perceived limitations of your budget. Clients working with pre-determined budgets (e.g., grant-based art projects) are highly encouraged to inquire.