Astrology with Mark Amaru Pinkham

Astrology with Mark Amaru Pinkham This page will provide regular reports regarding the celestial influences and how you can live in ha available to better understand and improve your life.

This page is for all seekers of wisdom who desire to understand and live in harmony with the planetary and stellar influences. There will be posts regarding celestial alignments, as well as the history and features of the various systems of astrology. And there will also be posts regarding the kind of charts and readings (Natal Charts, Gnostic Charts, Relationship Charts, etc.) Mark Amaru Pinkham

is a professional Vedic (Hindu), Western,
and Gnostic Astrologer with over 30 years experience. All his readings provide a profoundly deep and spiritual interpretation
of the planetary influences operating in your life. Readings are approximately 80 minutes in length, are recorded on cd and are mailed to you. Mark offers the following types of Astrology Readings.

1) Western Astrology Readings

Natal Readings – Planetary influences throughout your life. Transits and Progressions – Specific planetary influences occurring now. Relationship Readings – Chart comparisons between two people.

2) Vedic Astrology Readings

Natal Readings – Planetary influences and Dasas (Cycles) throughout your life.

3) Gnostic Astrology Readings

Gnostic Natal Readings are the most in-depth readings. They incorporate both Western and Vedic Astrology
to reveal general planetary influences throughout your life as well as:
Your Birth Ray (there are Seven Rays)
Your Ray Lords that assist you throughout life
The gems that assist you in aligning with your Birth Ray
The Ray Cycles you will move through in your life
When you will experience and achieve Gnosis

Astrology with Mark Amaru Pinkham ♍️ 🌟 Mark Amaru Pinkham is a professional Vedic (Hindu), Western, and Seven Ray Astrol...

Astrology with Mark Amaru Pinkham ♍️ 🌟 Mark Amaru Pinkham is a professional Vedic (Hindu), Western, and Seven Ray Astrologer with over 40 years experience. All of his readings provide a profoundly deep and spiritual interpretation of the planetary influences operating in your life.

🌟 Readings are sent to you as a PDF, along with copies of both your chart or charts, depending on the type of reading you choose.

🌟 Mark offers the following types of Astrology Readings.
1) Seven Ray Astrology Readings
They incorporate both Western and Vedic Astrology to reveal general planetary influences throughout your life. They include your Birth Ray, as well as:
👉 Your Ray Lords and Ladies that assist you throughout life
👉 Your Ray Cycles -When they begin and end. (You will move through cycles governed by each of the 7 Rays)
👉 What Ray Cycle you are in now.
👉 The gems, mantras, and Ray Lords and Ladies that assist you in aligning with your Birth Ray and the Ray Cycle you are currently in
2) Western Astrology Readings
👉 Natal Readings – Planetary influences throughout your life.
👉 Transits and Progressions – Specific planetary influences occurring now.
👉 Relationship Readings – Chart comparisons between two people.

💥 For information on how to order your reading, visit

Mark is a professional Vedic (Hindu), Western,  and Seven Ray Astrologer with over 40 years experience.  All his readings provide a profoundly deep and spiritual interpretation  of the planetary influences operating in your life.

😎😓😮‍💨 Good news astrologically Everyone! Mercury Retrograde ended yesterday, August 27th! So even though we're still in ...

😎😓😮‍💨 Good news astrologically Everyone! Mercury Retrograde ended yesterday, August 27th! So even though we're still in the energies of its shadow, you can begin to breathe easier! ~ And FYI ... The last one of this year will be November 25th to December 15th.

🌟 From Astrology with Mark Amaru Pinkham: THE NORTH AND SOUTH NODES👉 One of the best indicators in Spiritual Astrology t...

🌟 From Astrology with Mark Amaru Pinkham: THE NORTH AND SOUTH NODES

👉 One of the best indicators in Spiritual Astrology to discern a person's past lives and current life lessons are the North and South Nodes of the Moon. Together, the signs, houses and aspects of the Nodes give an accurate description of the past life tendencies and desires a person has brought into the present incarnation (South Node) and the polar opposite tendencies and desires they are developing and pursuing in the current life (North Node).

Here are some examples:
1) South Node in Pisces in the 9th House/ North Node in Virgo and 3rd House 👉 This, or a similar placement of Nodes, is often found in the charts of people who have been intensely involved in a very mystical (Pisces) path of spirituality (9th House) in past lives and have now returned to actively serve humanity (Virgo) by communicating the wisdom they have learned (3rd House).

2) South Node in Ta**us in 2nd House/ North Node in Scorpio & 8th House 👉 People with this placement or similar of the Nodes have typically developed a tendency in other lifetimes to get attached to material wealth and/or the security that comes from people and things. Because of their past attachments they desire to return to Earth lifetime after lifetime. Now they want to break the cycle so any future reincarnations on Earth will not be the result of attachment to people and things on the physical plane.

3) South Node in Gemini in 6th House/ North Node in Sagittarius & 12th House 👉 People born with this or a similar placement of the Nodes have been intellectual (Gemini) in other lifetimes. And they have been very focused on learning discipline and meeting the practical concerns of daily life (6th House). In the current lifetime they desire to focus on a spiritual path (Sagittarius) that will assist them in moving beyond the analytical mind and transcending into the 4th level of consciousness, known as Turiya. This will ultimately culminate in a complete union with the Infinite Spirit and the completion of the person's spiritual evolution.

♍️ Learn More About the NORTH and SOUTH Nodes, and Other Aspects of Astrology by watching the videos from the ONLINE SPIRITUAL ASTROLOGY CLASS with Mark Amaru Pinkham, a professional Vedic (Hindu), Western, and Seven Ray Astrologer with over 40 years experience.

🌟 For Beginning and Advanced Students

🌟 Learn:
*Er****on and interpretation of a Western Astrology Natal Chart
*Planets, Signs, Houses, Aspects according to Spiritual Astrology
*How to interpret a Person's Life Lessons
*How to interpret a Person's Past lives

❗️❗️ For complete details visit, and scroll down to "SPIRITUAL ASTROLOGY COURSE - Learn the Planets, Signs, Houses and Aspects of Western Astrology and how to interpret a Natal Astrology Chart according to the system of Spiritual Astrology." Use the PayPal button to order. 👉 If you have any questions about the class, email Mark Amaru Pinkham at [email protected]
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🙏 Thank you for your interest in my Astrology Page. To find our more about the astrology services I offer, visit
👉To receive our regular posts from the Astrology with Mark Amaru Pinkham, please visit our Page and Like it.

✨🌀✨ Heads up All! Mercury goes retrograde tomorrow, August 4th, and will be so until it goes back direct on August 27th!...

✨🌀✨ Heads up All! Mercury goes retrograde tomorrow, August 4th, and will be so until it goes back direct on August 27th! 👉 Now is the time to review and revise our life and our connection with reality. Since Mercury rules how we think, this is a time to adjust everything related to thoughts, concepts, ideas, & communication. We may find that many parts of our life are being revised. 👉 These changes can be compounded, with confusion being created by our reactions to the ever-changing situations. 🌟 For an expert interpretation of how Mercury Rx affects you, consult astrologer Mark Amaru Pinkham! Full services for over 40 years:

♍️ Mark Amaru Pinkham Astrology💥 Feedback from one of Mark Amaru Pinkh...

♍️ Mark Amaru Pinkham Astrology

💥 Feedback from one of Mark Amaru Pinkham's astrology clients: "Mark is a gifted astrologer. He has been doing my charts for almost 8 years and I find his readings to be the most thorough, precise and yet easy to understand that I've ever had. I particularly like how he ties the Western and Vedic charts together to give a comprehensive evaluation of what lies ahead. Mark also gives good, practical advice on burning questions and/or issues that I need answers to. I highly recommend him."

🌟 Mark Amaru Pinkham is a professional Vedic (Hindu), Western, and Seven Ray Astrologer with over 40 years experience. All of his readings provide a profoundly deep and spiritual interpretation of the planetary influences operating in your life.

🌟 Readings are approximately 80 minutes in length. They are recorded on CD and mailed to you. You also receive a printed transcript of the reading and copies of both your Western and Vedic Charts.

🌟 Mark offers the following types of Astrology Readings.
1) Seven Ray Astrology Readings
They incorporate both Western and Vedic Astrology to reveal general planetary influences throughout your life. They include your Birth Ray, as well as:
👉 Your Ray Lords and Ladies that assist you throughout life
👉 Your Ray Cycles -When they begin and end. (You will move through cycles governed by each of the 7 Rays)
👉 What Ray Cycle you are in now.
👉 The gems, mantras, and Ray Lords and Ladies that assist you in aligning with your Birth Ray and the Ray Cycle you are currently in
2) Western Astrology Readings
👉 Natal Readings – Planetary influences throughout your life.
👉 Transits and Progressions – Specific planetary influences occurring now.
👉 Relationship Readings – Chart comparisons between two people.

💥 For information on how to order your reading, visit
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🙏 Thank you for your interest in my Astrology Page. To receive my posts, please visit the Page and Like/Follow it.

Astrology with Mark Amaru Pinkham ✨ Would like some input to assist you to make decisions in your life? If you're like m...

Astrology with Mark Amaru Pinkham ✨ Would like some input to assist you to make decisions in your life? If you're like many other people in the world today, perhaps you're feeling challenged by life and would appreciate this assistance. 👉 If so, I invite you to consider having an Astrology Reading with Mark Amaru Pinkham - Author, a professional Vedic (Hindu), Western, and Seven Ray Astrologer with over 40 years experience. All his readings provide a profoundly deep and spiritual interpretation of the planetary influences operating in your life.

🌟 From Astrology with Mark Amaru Pinkham THE PLANETS ARE ALIVE!The ancient Gnostics referred to the planets of the Solar...

🌟 From Astrology with Mark Amaru Pinkham THE PLANETS ARE ALIVE!

The ancient Gnostics referred to the planets of the Solar System as the Archons, the Prison Keepers that keep humans trapped and confined. This is because as the Planetary Spirits the Archons govern all those parts of the personality self - the mind, intellect, emotions, etc. - that keep humans from knowing themselves and experiencing their divine identity with God/Goddess and its accompanying spiritual freedom. Astrology helped them to predict and deal with their inhibiting and inimical influences.

All the ancient cultures believed in the power of the planets and acknowledged that they were living organisms with a spirit and personality. Only when patriarchal dualism separated Spirit and Matter and determined that the planets were inert balls of rock, ice and gas did humans begin to think of them as lifeless.

But since the advent of quantum physics many of us again acknowledge that the planets are alive. Physics identifies all things as frequencies generated by energy in motion, and the science proves that it is an entity's vibratory frequency that gives it its special personality and influence.

But we are still far from scientifically understanding the frequencies of the planets and their effect on humans. We can estimate a planet's frequency through determining the elements it is composed of, its size, movement, speed of rotation, etc. But what about all the intangibles, such as subtle frequencies generated by the planet's aura?

The ancients, however, knew the planetary wisdom that modern science is just now beginning to tap into. When Pythagoras referred to the Music of the Planetary Spheres he was referring to their frequencies. And he took his understanding to the next level when he proclaimed that all frequencies are numbers and based on mathematics. When the underlying mathematics of either a planet or person is thoroughly computed their present, past and future can be known. The science of Vedic Astrology has been making such computations for thousands of years. In fact, a person's entire destiny can be mathematically determined according to the position of the transiting Moon at the time of their birth.

Currently our understanding of the influence of the planets is based upon thousands of years of observations compiled by adept astronomers and astrologers worldwide. As a practicing astrologer I have found such wisdom to be a treasure trove and highly accurate. I believe that every person should take advantage of this very ancient wisdom in order to better understand themselves and their destinies. You will be amazed at how accurate, insightful and helpful it can be.

🌕🌕🌕 Here in Sedona, AZ the Sagittarius Full Moon, often referred to as the Christ Full Moon, will be at at 6:53AM on May...

🌕🌕🌕 Here in Sedona, AZ the Sagittarius Full Moon, often referred to as the Christ Full Moon, will be at at 6:53AM on May 23, 2024. So during the night of May 22/23, as the Moon is waxing, this lunation will help you contact your Higher, Christed Self and receive intuitive gnostic guidance. Take some time to engage in spiritual practices, study and conversation. Spend some time in deep meditation to link up with your true Inner Self. Tonight will be especially powerful for this!
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🙏 Thank you for your interest in my Astrology Page. To find out more about the astrology services I offer, visit
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😳🙏😳 Today, April 1st is the first day of Mercury Retrograde. The influences operate through April 24th. 👇 Here's some go...

😳🙏😳 Today, April 1st is the first day of Mercury Retrograde. The influences operate through April 24th. 👇 Here's some good tips for living through what can be a difficult time for some people. How difficult or not all depends on your astrological birth chart. 👉 If you're interested to know more about those influences, Mark Amaru Pinkham is a professional Vedic (Hindu), Western, and Seven Ray Astrologer with over 40 years experience. All his readings provide a profoundly deep and spiritual interpretation of the planetary influences operating in your life. You will learn the influence of past lifetimes on your current incarnation, your destiny this lifetime, your special mission on Earth, and so much more!

🌟🌕🌟 Tonight (March 24th/25th) here in Sedona, AZ USA the official time for the Full Moon in Libra is 12:00AM, MST, makin...

🌟🌕🌟 Tonight (March 24th/25th) here in Sedona, AZ USA the official time for the Full Moon in Libra is 12:00AM, MST, making it on March 25th. 👉 Note: Arizona does not observe Daylight Savings Time, so calculate your time accordingly.

🌕 This lunation accentuates all one-on-one encounters with close friends, partners, lovers and the public. With the Sun and Moon, the male and female aspects of yourself, in opposition, this is a good day for self-examination. Are you being true to yourself in your close encounters and intimate relationships? And, conversely, are you holding back from fully immersing and committing yourself to a relationship? Perhaps both is true. Find out today!

👉 For an in-depth personal astrological analysis of influences affecting you now and in the future, please check out my services here:
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- Thank you for your interest in my Astrology Page. To see more of my posts in your newsfeed, please Like/Follow it.

🌟💐♈️ HAPPY SPRING and The SUN in ARIES! From From the Green Man to Jesus: The Origin and Evolution of the Christ Myth by...

🌟💐♈️ HAPPY SPRING and The SUN in ARIES! From From the Green Man to Jesus: The Origin and Evolution of the Christ Myth by Mark Amaru Pinkham - Author

👉 During the Vernal Equinox the Green Man is resurrected and receives a new, revived body in the form of the fledgling shoots now sprouting forth. The Green Man's Spring resurrection was co-opted by the Christians who made it the resurrection of their Christ.

👉 Much or most of the legend of Jesus was based upon the very ancient myth of the Green Man who was annually born of from the Virgin Earth on December 25 and resurrected on the Spring Equinox. The Green Man legend eventually became the myth of Mithras, the Persian Son of God, which was later amalgamated to the legend of Jesus by Saint Paul, the Roman Soldier and tent maker who was born and raised in Tarsus in Cilicia, Mithras' Middle Eastern headquarters.

➡️ You can order a signed copy of the book directly from Mark Amaru at 🙏 Thank you for supporting an independent author & publisher!

♈️ The Sun has begun its movement in Aries, the Zodiacal sign of new beginnings, making it the best time of the year to both contemplate projects you plan to put into action in the next 6-8 months and/or take the first step in manifesting them. - If you'd like to receive guidance about this, Mark offers astrological readings that can do so:

🌟 WORLD TRANSFORMATION & THE COMING 5TH WORLD OF UNIFICATION - Pluto moves into the sign of Aquarius in 2024 by author a...

🌟 WORLD TRANSFORMATION & THE COMING 5TH WORLD OF UNIFICATION - Pluto moves into the sign of Aquarius in 2024 by author and astrologer Mark Amaru Pinkham

👉 While Pluto has been transiting the sign of Capricorn for the past 15 years the world has seen a rise of megalomaniacal dictators (Pluto) commanding the governments (Capricorn) of the two most powerful nations on Earth. We have not witnessed this since World War II, when Pluto was transiting the controlling sign of Leo and Hi**er was at the world's helm. Now, as Pluto leaves Capricorn and moves into Aquarius, political power (Pluto) can begin to reside where it belongs, with the People (Aquarius). And the Age of Aquarius can officially begin to gather the momentum that will carry it through the next 2000 years.

👉 The changing and dissolution of the old outdated politics that are designed to benefit a select few should begin when Saturn (government, laws) moves into Pisces (dissolution) in the Spring of 2023. Then we will begin to see the ratification of new laws and policies that do not just benefit an elite few, or even just the nation that gave birth to them, but ones driven by compassion and legitimate caring for the Earth and all people around the globe.

👉 The 5th World and the Aquarian Age will see the development of new technologies and political systems, as well as the breaking away from the old (Capricorn) and moving to the next level of human and planetary evolution (Aquarius). Unification and planetary altruism (Aquarius) will place more power and importance in multi-national treaties, such as NATO, as well as world governmental organizations, such as the United Nations.

👉 A unified Earth has been the goal of many Star Races, including the Sirians, who were behind the formation of the League of Nations, and the Pleiadians, whose relatives and descendants can be found scattered among most of the countries of the world. It was the ancient Sirian and Pleiadian missionaries that initially brought the Gnostic-Alchemical Path to Earth along with goal of eventually creating a One-World Gnostic Civilization wherein each person on Earth is born with the potential to rise to the highest level of human evolution and achieve God-Realization. This new civilization will likely begin to come into manifestation in the next decade, when Pluto transits the 9th House of Religion/Spirituality of the USA's Birthchart and conjuncts its Aquarius Moon.

➡➡ Find out what role you will play in the 5th World and Age of Aquarius!
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- Thank you for your interest in my Astrology Page. To see more of my posts in your newsfeed, please Like/Follow our Page.

➡️  From Astrology with Mark Amaru Pinkham 🌟 Interpreting Transits, Progressions and Solar Return Charts according to Sp...

➡️ From Astrology with Mark Amaru Pinkham 🌟 Interpreting Transits, Progressions and Solar Return Charts according to Spiritual Astrology - a 2-part online video class with author Mark Amaru Pinkham, a professional astrologer for over 40 years!

⭐️ Watch and learn at your leisure the art of forecasting future events according to Mark's unique system of Spiritual Astrology. 👉 To order the class: & scroll down to "SPIRITUAL ASTROLOGY TRANSITS AND PROGRESSIONS COURSE"

➡️ If you have questions, comment on this post, PM Mark here on FB or email him at [email protected]
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- Thank you for your interest in my Astrology Page. To find our more about the astrology services I offer, visit

⭐ A Spiritual Astrology Class - Learn Western Astrology at your leisure from the videos! 💥 For Beginning and Advanced St...

⭐ A Spiritual Astrology Class - Learn Western Astrology at your leisure from the videos! 💥 For Beginning and Advanced Students.

👉 Learn the Planets, Signs, Houses and Aspects of Western Astrology and how to interpret the spiritual implications of a Natal Astrology Chart.

👉 Mark Amaru Pinkham, Professional Astrologer with over 40 years experience will teach you how to:
1. Interpret a person's destiny and current life path.
2. Interpret a person's major lessons in life.
3. Interpret Past Life influences.

➡ To order the recorded video of the class: & scroll down to "SPIRITUAL ASTROLOGY COURSE"
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- Thank you for your interest in my Astrology Page. To find our more about the astrology services I offer, visit
- To receive our regular posts from the Astrology with Mark Amaru Pinkham, please visit our Page and Like it.

♍️ GNOSTIC ASTROLOGY - A Gnostic who has a working knowledge of astrology knows what planets and their associated gems a...

♍️ GNOSTIC ASTROLOGY - A Gnostic who has a working knowledge of astrology knows what planets and their associated gems are supportive to them on their quest for gnosis and those that are not. They know their life long birth stones according to their natal astrology chart, and they know what planetary cycle they are currently in and what stones are presently best for them to wear. They know the propitious days of the year for them to engage in intensive spiritual practice, as well as those that are detrimental. And they also know from their natal astrology chart the most effective path and practices of gnosis for them to pursue.

➡️ Before you seriously take to a path of gnosis, I'm available to give you a reading that will be helpful to you to choose one that's right for you.
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🙏 Thank you for your interest in my Astrology Page. To find out more about the astrology services I offer, visit
👉 To see more of our posts in your newsfeed, please Like/Follow our Page.

From astrologer Mark Amaru Pinkham: 🌟🌟🌟 Here's some IMPORTANT INFORMATION that I shared here on my astrology page last y...

From astrologer Mark Amaru Pinkham: 🌟🌟🌟 Here's some IMPORTANT INFORMATION that I shared here on my astrology page last year, which is STILL VERY PERTINENT today! 👉 SATURN IN PISCES: WHAT YOU CAN EXPECT FOR YOURSELF AND THE WORLD - Saturn will begin its 21/2 year transit in Pisces this coming week (March 2023). What does this mean for the world and for each of us individually?

Pisces is the last of the 12 Zodiacal signs. It represents the end of a cycle and the dissolution of certain structures built during that cycle that must be dissolved before a new cycle begins. The cycle that is ending is Saturn's 28 year revolution around the 12 signs of the Zodiac

Saturn in Pisces means that much of the karma - both positive and negative -that was accumulated during the past 28 years must be paid off now. Since Saturn is a malefic planet, the majority of the karma is likely to be challenging. On a individual level, we will each be held accountable for many of our previous actions, and especially those that relate to the house(s) Saturn transits through in our Natal Astrology Charts.

Saturn is the planet of responsibility to society and others. If we have shirked responsibility to certain parts of our lives (work, health, marriage, family) will now be held accountable. And if we have not respected and adhered the laws that govern our lives and our society, our omissions will be uncovered now and it will be time to pay up.

Saturn is also the planet of governments and government officials. Thus, during Saturn in Pisces some corrupt governments around the globe will simply crumble and dissolve. And some government officials of the past 28 years will finally be forced to pay for their corrupt activities.

Saturn is also the planet of ambition, goals, and dharma (responsibilities). As it moves through Pisces there is likely to be more than the average number of delays and obstacles in achieving our goals. This will cause many of us to become confused with our lives and question whether they are moving in the right direction. It can also make us confused about our dharma and unreliable in meeting our current responsibilities.

Spiritually, Saturn in Pisces can be a boon to those of us on the path to Moksha, "Spiritual Liberation." This is because Saturn is the planet of limitations. Many of our own self-imposed limitations (and those imposed on us by society) will be dissolved during its transit through Pisces.

Part of our limitations come from our crystallized concepts of reality. As many features of our crystallized reality seemingly dissolves during Saturn's transit in Pisces, many of us will feel ungrounded, insecure and a little frightened. We will feel confused and not know what to believe or not to believe in. The blessing of Saturn in Pisces is that it strips away your outdated, crystallized concepts of reality and then replaces them with what the enlightened Masters call the "True Reality behind the illusion."

➡ If you'd like to know exactly how Saturn and the other planets will be influencing your life this year, as well as the years to come, please consider getting a Transit and Progression Western Astrology Reading from me. I have 45+ years of experience in both Western and Vedic (Hindu) Astrology.

♋️ From Mark Amaru Pinkham - Astrologer: The Sun entered Pisces on the 18th, so until March 19th when the Sun moves into...

♋️ From Mark Amaru Pinkham - Astrologer: The Sun entered Pisces on the 18th, so until March 19th when the Sun moves into Aries we're all completing an annual cycle of experience. Expect some results of the past 11 months to manifest now, as well as some results from actions performed earlier in life, and even during past lives.

➡ It always helps to develop an attitude of surrender during when the Sun transits the Sign of the Fish since certain events often come out of "left field" and leave you scratching your head and feeling victimized. Only by remembering the original action that you are now receiving the results from will such events make any sense. You may or may not receive that information. So become the surrendering witness!

➡ Also, if at all possible, try to put off beginning anything new until the Sun moves into the first sign of Aries.
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🙏 Thank you for your interest in my Astrology Page. To find out more about the astrology services I offer, visit

➡To receive our regular posts from the Astrology with Mark Amaru Pinkham, please visit my Page. Thanks!

⁉️  Want to learn the basics of Spiritual Astrology? At your leisure from a pre-recorded class? Well, here's how! ➡ Mark...

⁉️ Want to learn the basics of Spiritual Astrology? At your leisure from a pre-recorded class? Well, here's how! ➡ Mark Amaru Pinkham is a professional astrologer with over 40 years experience counseling his clients, as well as teaching classes. You can now learn from him in his Spiritual Astrology Class focused on Western Astrology 💥 It's for both Beginning & Advanced Students.

👉 Learn the Planets, Signs, Houses and Aspects of Western Astrology and how to interpret the spiritual implications of a Natal Astrology Chart. You'll learn how to:
1. Interpret a person's destiny and current life path.
2. Interpret a person's major lessons in life.
3. Interpret Past Life influences.

🌟 If you have any questions as you watch the class videos, Mark will be available to answer them at [email protected]

➡ To order the recorded videos of the class: & scroll down to "SPIRITUAL ASTROLOGY COURSE"



🌕 Here in Sedona AZ at 5:33PM MST, USA is the Full Moon in Cancer today! It's the The 13th and final full moon of 2023, ...

🌕 Here in Sedona AZ at 5:33PM MST, USA is the Full Moon in Cancer today! It's the The 13th and final full moon of 2023, also known as the "Cold Moon", which is attributed to the Mohawk meaning due to the frigid conditions that fall over the Northern Hemisphere at this time of year.

👉 This full moon is a call to re-parent ourselves with tenderness and structure, kindness and accountability. Cancer is the cosmic mother and Capricorn, which the Sun is now in, is the stern, celestial father. Cancer leads with feeling and Capricorn with form, yet both are ultimately seeking security while struggling with vulnerability and issues of care as control.

➡ Tools for your Spiritual Journey: Astrology with Mark Amaru Pinkham

🌟 From the Vault and STILL VERY PERTINENT for These Challenging Times: ASTROLOGY OF THE USA 2020-2024The USA will (thank...

🌟 From the Vault and STILL VERY PERTINENT for These Challenging Times: ASTROLOGY OF THE USA 2020-2024

The USA will (thankfully) transition into a Democratic government again when Saturn, the planet that rules governmental control on Earth, moves into the Democratic sign of Aquarius in December. It will be accompanied by the Jupiter, the planet of faith, philosophy, and service to humanity, which also moves in Aquarius in December. This will help to give the suspicious and conspiratorial minded citizens of the US a fresh perspective regarding the principles and agendas of the Democratic party, which is dedicated to a nation "by the people and for the people" and not to burning up the Constitution and turning our nation into a communist state.

But we are not out of the swamp yet. Pluto, the planet that caused the nation's regime change by wrecking havoc in Trump's Astrology Natal Chart, has also been transmitting its inimical and destructive power within the Natal Chart of the USA and will continue to do so until 2024. At that time Pluto, the planet of dictatorial rule, will also move into the "power to the people" sign of Aquarius for a period of about 20 years.

But now, the inimical influence of Pluto in Capricorn in the chart of the USA is giving us a celestial heads-up regarding a Republican (Capricorn) dictator (Pluto) and his plans for the next 4 years. Pluto, the fallen dictator's planet, will emanate its destructive rays and oppose Mercury on the opposite side of the chart until 2024. This means that the fallen dictator and his denizens will continue spreading a divisive propaganda in order to stifle and eventually overthrow the reigning Democratic government. Trump won't succeed, but nor will he give up easily. Fallen dictators typically believe that they, and not the democratic nations they have destroyed, have been wronged and they always seek vengeance.

So for those of us that stand firm for justice and democratic principles, our work is not done. We must be ever vigilant and firmly support President Biden and Vice President Harris in their work of bringing our country back together and moving ahead with an agenda that is "by the people and for the people." We cannot allow the tragedy of the last four years to ever repeat itself in our "Land of the Free and Home of the Brave."
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🙏 Thank you for your interest in my Astrology Page. To find out more about the astrology services I offer, visit
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Sedona, AZ


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This page is for all seekers of wisdom who desire to understand and live in harmony with the planetary and stellar influences. There will be posts regarding celestial alignments, as well as the history and features of the various systems of astrology. And there will also be posts regarding the kind of charts and readings (Natal Charts, Gnostic Charts, Relationship Charts, etc.) available to better understand and improve your life. Mark Amaru Pinkham is a professional Vedic (Hindu), Western, and Gnostic Astrologer with over 30 years experience. All his readings provide a profoundly deep and spiritual interpretation of the planetary influences operating in your life. Readings are approximately 80 minutes in length, are recorded on cd and are mailed to you. Mark offers the following types of Astrology Readings. 1) Western Astrology Readings Natal Readings – Planetary influences throughout your life. Transits and Progressions – Specific planetary influences occurring now. Relationship Readings – Chart comparisons between two people. 2) Vedic Astrology Readings Natal Readings – Planetary influences and Dasas (Cycles) throughout your life. 3) Gnostic Astrology Readings Gnostic Natal Readings are the most in-depth readings. They incorporate both Western and Vedic Astrology to reveal general planetary influences throughout your life as well as: Your Birth Ray (there are Seven Rays) Your Ray Lords that assist you throughout life The gems that assist you in aligning with your Birth Ray The Ray Cycles you will move through in your life When you will experience and achieve Gnosis

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