Check out my Friday Favorite Travel Tip!!
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This week for our Friday Favorite we are featuring Katie Johnson with one of her favorite travel tips - "Road Trip Packing & Preparation."
1. Preparation - I start filling a big box about a month before we travel. Any random item I think about that we don't use on a daily basis goes into the box. Any new clothes bought for the trip goes into the box. Any nonperishable road snacks/hotel food goes into the box!
2. Packing up- A few days before the trip I start packing our bags and move all non-food items into the suitcases and rearrange the box for easy access of snacks.
**I tailor the food box to account for what we will need while gone - easy breakfast foods, microwaveable foods, extra juices/gatorade, chips, crackers, popcorn, fruit, and more!
3. ROAD TRIP- The box is the last thing loaded into the car so it is easily accessible at gas stations. Each rider selects 3 snacks and their water bottle to add to the caddy. Have 1 caddy per back row. At each stop, each passenger can refill or change out their snacks. The only catch is that they aren't allowed to eat the salty stuff while on the road trip, only the hotel room! (More salt = more drinks = more stops).
That's it! We regularly take multiple trips per year that are 8, 12, or 17 hours to be driven in a day. We've been doing these trips for the past 6 years with the box and caddy method. Our Littles are 6 and 9. This method works like a charm!
The greatest parts of this include:
-Keeping the foods from getting smashed or lost
-Providing you a place to keep your souvenirs on the way home!
You can learn more about Katie by following her page - Katie Johnson at Magical DIStractions Travel Co.
What is the longest road trip you have ever taken?