In November, i will be offering a 6-session monthly online course in Advanced Practitioner training. This course is for those who, through a two or three year training program, have already acquired basic shamanic healing skills and techniques, such as soul retrieval, extraction, curse unravelling and psychopomp. In this course you will learn additional techniques and methods to expand on those basic skills and combine them in creative and effective ways in your client work.
The six lessons break down as follows:
1. More on Soul Loss and Retrieval: chronological tracking of a behavioral pattern (conditioning); how to negotiate with wounded soul parts; the importance of integration and how to assign.
2. Gatekeeper Soul Parts and Soul Reclamation: resistance and blocks to healing; alliances between/among soul parts; building back wholeness and soul part fostering.
3. Karmic Soul Loss, Psychopomp and Rebirth: past life relevance; when and how to perform/suggest a psychopomp; how non-transitioned loved ones can exacerbate grief and create other imbalances.
4.Relationship Dynamic as a Diagnostic for Soul Loss, Intrusion: cording and curses; narcissistic dynamic in relationship; blockages caused by relationship dynamic.
5. Using the Energy Body as a Diagnostic Tool: emotional and spiritual imbalances manifesting illness in the body, due to imprinting; intrusion; curses, cording and possession.
6.Ancestral Healing: how to identify and track a pattern; how to find resolution; ancestral ceremony/ritual; invoking homeland as the adjudicator of ancestral discord.
If you are interested in learning more, please write to me using the contact form on my website: https://journeystothesoul.com/contact-jane-burns/