Nestled in the heart of the Lowcountry in Charleston, SC, the Gathered Hens are known for their sophisticated Southern design and treasure-hunting skills. An unlikely duo, this mother-in-law / daughter-in-law team are sure to find one-of-a-kind pieces and plenty of fun along the way. The Gathered Hens can feather any nest and make your friends eat crow. In addition to their FB and Instagram pages
they are offering a YouTube channel to capture all of their CRAZY adventures, (Hey, HGTV, we see ya there!). Amber and Cheryl will provide YOU with not only a good laugh (wink), but also instructional material that YOU can use to learn the art of The Gather - allowing you to style your home, the collected, Gathered Hens way. Whaaat?! Showing Ya’ll ALLLL the tricks, promise. Hey, I’m Amber Hoover Bennett! My MIL Cheryl, and I, have been bargain hunting together for going on 13 years. It’s been a hoot to say the least! We have found phenomenal treasures, but none as great as the bond we share, created together on our adventures. We are THRILLED to start this new chapter in our lives and to take Y’all along. So, follow our social media outlets to join in the fun!