The Town of Surf City would like to remind you that digging holes on the beach, while fun, can present a dangerous situation if not properly taken care of. We ask that you fill all holes to help prevent injuries, to ensure emergency vehicles can travel down the beach strand unobstructed, and to help protect wildlife. Digging holes in excess of 12 inches deep requires the responsible party to fill it in before leaving it unsupervised, per Town Ordinance 4-2(b). Thank you for helping us keep the beach safe for all users. The entire ordinance has been provided below.
Town Ordinance 4-2 (b) - Digging
To help prevent personal injury and damage to property, it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation within the corporate limits of the town to dig into the sand on any part of the beach strand, greater than twelve (12) inches deep, without having a responsible person attending the area to prevent any person or persons from walking into any existing hole and risking personal injury, and to allow public safety vehicles the ability to respond to emergencies without risk of damage to equipment or personal injury.
Prior to leaving the area, any hole greater than twelve (12) inches deep shall be filled to level with the surrounding area, leaving the area in the same general condition in which it was found.