The park closed US 441 Newfound Gap Rd at 8 a.m. Friday, Jan. 3, ahead of possible snow. If you're wondering why they would close the road so far in advance of a potential winter storm this weekend, it's because the mountains are already getting quite icy and snowy. The park also does not salt or treat the roads due to environmental reasons. Check out these shots from the Newfound Gap we**am (funded by your gifts to Friends) Friday at 9 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. It may be almost 40 degrees and dry in Gatlinburg, but on the mountaintop it's 22 degrees with lots of frozen moisture from the clouds. Here's a link to the Newfound Gap we**am if you want to keep an eye on the conditions. https://www.air-resource.net/grsmnfgap/