Continuous hits are being made by Manav Adhikar Emergency Helpline Association to address various
Human Rights Issues. ""
Some of these issues are being monitored by NHRC as Programmes on the directions of the Supreme Court.Looked Up Human Rights issues taken up by the Commission include :-
Review of the Child Marriage Restraint Act, 1929
Protocols to the Convention on the Rights of the Child
Preventing Employment of Children by Govt. Servants: Amendment of Service Rules
Abolition of Child Labour
Guidebook for the Media on S*xual Violence against Children
Trafficking in Women and Children : Manual for the Judiciary for Gender Sensitisation
Sensitization Programme on Prevention of S*x Tourism and Trafficking
Maternal Anaemia and Human Rights
Combating S*xual Harassment of Women at the Work Place
Harassment of Women Passengers in Trains
Abolition of Manual Scavenging
Rights of the Disabled
Right to Health