Fit Treks

Fit Treks Taking people on bucket-list treks around the world while being as committed to the journey as the d


2020 and 2021 were challenging for a myriad of reasons, but I found my sanity restored through hiking and yoga. Yoga for Hikers started as a local class I taught here in Asheville, but quickly became a way of life for me. It's the ability to see that your footprints matter. That each breath is a gift. And that showing up for yourself makes it easier to show up for the ones you love, and for the planet.

The first live YFH class is on Tuesday! Enter promo code HAPPYTRAILS for 50% off

A few days ago we lost a great thinker of our time, bell hooks.  Her words have been influential in my life, and in my y...

A few days ago we lost a great thinker of our time, bell hooks.  Her words have been influential in my life, and in my yoga practice.
In honor of bell’s life and legacy, tomorrow’s class theme is “Rooting in Self-Love”.  This will be a gentle flow suitable for all abilities.  Wear something comfy, and free to bring a blanket if you like (optional).
As always, this is free for the community thanks to Bounty & Soul].

Hace unos días perdimos a un gran pensador de nuestro tiempo, bell hooks. Sus palabras han influido en mi vida y en mi práctica de yoga.

En honor a la vida y el legado de bell, el tema de la clase de mañana es "Enraizar en el amor propio". Este será un flujo suave adecuado para todas las habilidades. Use algo cómodo y libre de traer una manta si lo desea (opcional).

Como siempre, esto es gratis para la comunidad gracias a Bounty & Soul]

9:30 am, Saturday December 18
Black Mountain Presbyterian
117 Montreat Rd, Black Mountain, NC 28711

The Buddy System Works - > OneStudies show that workouts are m...

The Buddy System Works -

Two > One
Studies show that workouts are more effective when you have a buddy to hold you accountable.

When Holidays just aren't enough time to spend with loved ones, Yoga for Hikers is a great way to stay together, even if you live miles away.

For a limited time, when you purchase a Yoga for Hikers course at full price, you will receive a gift certificate for a loved one for free.


Do you have big plans for 2022? Are you a runner, hiker, or yogi looking to step up your game?

Maybe you’re training to trek through France, Italy Switzerland by foot, or you want to summit Kilimanjaro, Africa’s highest peak. Or maybe you just want a way to get in shape without having to step foot in a gym.

Yoga For Hikers is for yogis, hikers, and runners of all abilities. We take the challenges on the trail and break them down into actionable exercises that will improve your strength, mobility, and mindfulness on and off the trail.

As a bonus, this course also includes backpacking basics like how to treat water, how to start a fire, how to pack a pack, how to navigate, use trekking poles and more.

Completing this course is a prerequisite for going on any FIT Trek, but it’s also a great way to prepare if you are trying to tackle something solo.

After teaching a sold out class live here in Asheville, North Carolina, I’ve decided to launch the course online, starting January 1st. Just in time to kick off your 2022 goals.

Pre-register now for a limited time offer of $99 for an action-packed 8 weeks (regularly $199). This offer is good until Monday, so act fast.

Link in bio to register, or go to


Feeling incredibly grateful to have such a dream team in the inaugural yoga for Hikers class— 3 folks who are AT thru-hikers, several who are active in trail maintenance, one who is doing 100 waterfalls in 100 days, Pisgah’s top Ranger, a Patagonian expat, world travelers, etc. Humbled and inspired to keep this up.

For anyone who wanted to join but couldn’t, fret not— the online course will be up by Thanksgiving, just in time for when it’s challenging to get outside.

Happy Trails👣


Are you training for a big trek? Or are you just getting into hiking? Or just want to get more into your body while connecting with nature?

Starting this Wednesday 5:30-6:30pm at the Asheville Botanical Gardens, I’ll be doing a live a series for hikers and yogis of all skill levels.

If you’re interested but can’t make it, drop me a message— I’m launching the course virtually soon!

The details:

Starting from the feet and working our way up the kinetic chain, over the course of 8 weeks we will develop a functional practice that will improve strength, mobility, and mindfulness on and off the trail.  It is my intention for you to complete the program with a deeper connection between your body, your mind, and your natural environment. 

In English:  I want you to HYOH / (“hike your own hike”), but with less blisters and busted knees. 


Week 1: September 8
Ground: Finding your foundation with your feet👣🦶

Week 2: September 15
Flow: Increasing mobility in your hips 💃

Week 3: September 22
Ascend: Waking up your power 🦵💪

Week 4: September 29
Center: Moving from your core 🌞🎯

Week 5: October 6
Balance: cultivating harmony through opposition ☯️

Week 6: October 13
Listen: Orienting through sound and vibrations👂

Week 7: October 20
See: Navigating with light 🌝
(Hunter’s Moon)

Week 8: October 27
Breathe: 森林浴 Shinrin Yoku (Forest Bathing)🌳

Link in bio for tickets!


Join me today at 1pm EST for “Yoga for People Who Don’t Want To Do Yoga” (but could probably use it).

It’s a “search and rescue” style sequence meant for all abilities, and especially relevant in light of recent triggering events.

Happy Sunday! This is the first of a series to help you "find your foundation" (focusing on feet, glutes, calves, etc.)....

Happy Sunday! This is the first of a series to help you "find your foundation" (focusing on feet, glutes, calves, etc.). If you're going on a run, hike, or walk today, try pairing with this sequence and let me know how it goes👣

This is a sequence to help you find your foundation. We will address a few common muscle misalignments, focusing on the feet, glutes, calves, and more. This...

Happy National Walking Day!

If I have learned anything from this last year, it’s the value of slowing down. Sometimes i...

Happy National Walking Day!

If I have learned anything from this last year, it’s the value of slowing down. Sometimes it takes an injury (or a pandemic) to force us to stop and reevaluate how we do things, and the key to rehabilitation is slowing down.

So here is a “walking meditation” to inspire your walk today:

“Walking meditation is really to enjoy the walking— walking not in order to arrive, but just to walk. The purpose is to be in the present moment and, aware of our breathing and our walking, to enjoy each step. Therefore, we have to shake off all worries and anxieties, not thinking of the future, not thinking of the past, just enjoying the present moment.

Although we walk all the time, our walking is usually more like running. When we walk like that, we print anxiety and sorrow on the Earth.

Be aware of the contact between your feet and the Earth. Walk as if you are kissing the Earth with your feet. We have caused a lot of damage to the Earth. Now it is time for us to take good care of her. We bring our peace and calm to the surface of the earth and share the lesson of love. We walk in that spirit.”
-Thich Nhat Hanh, Peace Is Every Step

Want to keep your feet, hips, and knees feeling fresh? These simple exercises will make a big difference!

Want to keep your feet, hips, and knees feeling fresh? These simple exercises will make a big difference!

Do you suffer from sore joints after a long hike? A few simple stretches will go a long way. Metatarsalgia, plantar fasciitis, and other ailments can be imp...

Thanks to the efforts of Tanzanian Julius Nyerere, Kilimanjaro inspired an entire continent to freedom. While African Am...

Thanks to the efforts of Tanzanian Julius Nyerere, Kilimanjaro inspired an entire continent to freedom.

While African Americans were leading the way for civil rights in America, Nyerere campaigned for the independence of Tanzania through well-organized non-violent protests.

At a time when mountaineering was picking up popularity around the world, Nyerere spoke of lighting a candle on top of Kilimanjaro “which would shine beyond our borders giving hope where there was despair, love where there was hate and dignity where before there was only humiliation.” Shortly after, Tanzania became the first African country to gain independence from colonial powers, inspiring the rest to follow suit.

The main peak that is summited is called Uhuru, which is Swahili for “freedom”. 

In September 1961 at a symposium on the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, Nyerere gave a speech that laid the foundation for conservation in post-independent Tanzania:
“The survival of our wildlife is a matter of grave concern to all of us in Africa. These wild creatures amid the wild places they inhabit are not only important as a source of wonder and inspiration but are an integral part of our natural resources and our future livelihood and well being.

In accepting the trusteeship of our wildlife, we solemnly declare that we will do everything in our power to make sure that our children’s grandchildren will be able to enjoy this rich and precious inheritance.

The conservation of wildlife and wild places calls for specialist knowledge, trained manpower, and money and we look to other nations to co-operate with us in this important task - the success or failure of which not only affects the continent of Africa but the rest of the world as well.”

Kilimanjaro became a national park shortly after independence, TANAPA (Tanzania National Parks) was established, and since then they have grown to 22 national parks, covering almost 100,000 square kilometers.

Today, Tanzania has almost 38% of its land reserved as protected areas (one of the world’s highest percentages) thanks to the efforts of Julius Nyerere.

It’s the year of the OX! 

Last year on this very day, I was in the Serengeti watching a young lion try to sneak up on a...

It’s the year of the OX! 

Last year on this very day, I was in the Serengeti watching a young lion try to sneak up on a herd of water buffalo, and to my surprise, one lone buffalo began to turn, and then the rest of the herd turned and chased the lion off.

As a new business owner, I had hoped to gain inspiration from witnessing a lion attack. My last boss used to tease me that I was too much of a farmer, but not a very good hunter when it comes to business.

But I saw what I saw, and what I learned was that there is power in numbers. I don’t think I’m a lion, so to speak, but after a pretty rough year, I’m reminded on this day how incredibly fortunate I have been thanks to the help of friends, colleagues, and sometimes total strangers.

In the Chinese Zodiac, 12 animals were in a race to cross a river to determine their rank as the Jade Emperor’s guards. Being early risers, the Ox and Rat reached the river first, but the Rat hopped in the Ox’s ear because he couldn’t swim. When they reached dry land the Rat scurried to the temple, winning first place, while the Ox followed shortly after.

I was born in the year of the ox, and with travel being hit hard last year, I can’t help but feel like the rat got the best of me in 2020. But we’ve had enough of that. Fit treks is moving in a direction I’m excited about, and I’m looking forward to making this a year of collaboration and hard work. 🐃


Jambo bwana! It is a cold and rainy day here in Asheville, but looking back on this day exactly one year ago, My heart is full thinking of the day we started our ascent to the top of Kilimanjaro.

Passing through lush and misty rainforest with Colobus and Blue monkeys effortlessly flying from limb to limb, the scenery really can’t be beat. This route is the only route that offers a day in the rainforest, and though there are faster ways to summit, if you have time, Lemosho is the way to go.

Follow along in the coming days for the full Tanzanian experience🇹🇿

Day 4: Les Chapieux, France => Courmayeur, ItalyAfter feasting on fresh baked goods, cheeses, fruits and cappuccinos, we...

Day 4: Les Chapieux, France => Courmayeur, Italy
After feasting on fresh baked goods, cheeses, fruits and cappuccinos, we load up our trail snacks and lunch, and transfer to the end of Vallee des Glacier. The ascent up to Col de la Seigne can be cold and sometimes drizzly, with lots of gentle switchbacks. If we had been there today, as planned, it looks like it would have been sunny, so we would have been getting some great views😌
This passage has been significant throughout history as a gateway to the Aosta valley, where people and goods pass to and from France. �.�The early season (late June-early July) tends to have more snow covering trail markers, but with our skilled local French guide, we easily navigate our way down into Italy. To celebrate, we may stop for a cappuccino at Rifugio Elisabetta. We pass a small barrack, the Casermetta, which was an outpost that was constantly garrisoned during WWII, and witnessed a tragic attack on France who had already been defeated by the German Nazis.�.�We continue to meander towards the valley, passing the turquoise waters of Lac Comal. We finally reach Courmayeur, a bustling alpine resort town. After we check into our lodge, we head to dinner with the infamous Giacomo— Italy’s geriatric heartthrob who is always looking for his next wife🕺Could it be you? 😘😜

Day 3:�This day is a commitment, as there are no alternative variants— 14 miles with 3,830’ ft rise to Col du Bonhomme (...

Day 3:�This day is a commitment, as there are no alternative variants— 14 miles with 3,830’ ft rise to Col du Bonhomme (7,641’) and Croix du Bonhomme (8,100’) mountain passes. For those who are not up for it, the other option is to take the van to the next town of Les Chapieux.�.�We begin at the small church of Notre Dame de la Gorge, say a few quick prayers for strength, endurance, and to ward off evil blisters, 🙏and then begin the wooded trail alongside a small river. After passing a few small waterfalls and streams, eventually the trail opens up to pastoral hills, giving us small glimpses of the pass.�.
The way up to the passes is steep and can be challenging. But this is also the place where lifelong friends are made, and you learn things about people that would never come up in everyday conversation. For me, this is my favorite part about these kinds of trips (aside from the cheese).�.�Atop Col du Bonhomme, we stop for a quick celebration, (mountain passes are windy, after all) and then proceed to Croix du Bonhomme through ice fields and jagged limestone rocks. �.�Eventually, we stop to eat our packed lunch at the Refuge de la Croix du Bonhomme, feasting on local cheeses produced by the very cows we have seen, fresh baked bread, and an assortment of vegetables and charcuterie. Last year we enjoyed watching a family of Ibex graze their pasture as we also grazed.
Part 2 in the next post!

Day 1 (first official day of hiking)Chamonix to Les Contamines🌲After a short transfer to the trailhead leading to the Co...

Day 1 (first official day of hiking)
Chamonix to Les Contamines🌲
After a short transfer to the trailhead leading to the Col de Voza, 🚠we take in panoramic views of the Mont Blanc range, making final adjustments to our day packs,tying up our shoelaces, and doing a quick refresher on how to use trekking poles (which is essential, given that this day involves about 1,300’ in elevation gain, and 2,500’ loss).�.�This day can be varied, as it is something of an “assessment” day— at 12 miles of significant elevation gains and losses, it is one of the most challenging days. Even marathon runners will come on this trip challenged to use muscles they rarely use. Because the following day does not have any variants, and is arguably the most challenging, completing day 1 is a prerequisite for being allowed to hike on day 2.�.�At lunch we do a quick check in to see who is entirely questioning what ever made them decide to sign up for such a trip, and if anyone is remaining, we hike onward through thickly wooded hillside all the way to the charming mountain town of Les Contamines. @ Les Contamines-Montjoie

Times are tough.  We would have been starting our classic Tour du Mont Blanc trek right now, but had to cancel due to th...

Times are tough. We would have been starting our classic Tour du Mont Blanc trek right now, but had to cancel due to the pandemic. In the days to come, follow along to see what it would be like to trek through France, Italy, and Switzerland by foot.�Day 1: Geneva to Chamonix�Although many flights arrive in Geneva just in time to meet for our 12 pm bus ride to Chamonix, it’s always good to come a few days early to get over any jet lag, but also because there’s so much to explore! There are many trains that run right into the heart of Geneva too, so it’s fun to explore surrounding areas in the days before the trip. �.�The first picture I’m taking a dip in lac leman just before heading to the Geneva airport to meet with the rest of the trip participants. Pic 2 is in Chamonix, (arguably) the birthplace of modern mountaineering as we know it.
Follow along to travel with us virtually🏔No need to get FOMO, we’re planning to run this next year July 14-23, 2021 (dm if you’re interested)

Happy Mother’s Day to all the trail blazin moms out there!

Happy Mother’s Day to all the trail blazin moms out there!

Stretch alarm! ⏰📢

Stretch alarm! ⏰📢

No yoga mat or stretchy pants required for this 14 min Office Break Yoga! Carve out time for yourself to stretch it out, create space, connect with your brea...

Anyone out there getting cabin fever from all this   ?For a limited time, get everything you need to set up a home gym t...

Anyone out there getting cabin fever from all this ?

For a limited time, get everything you need to set up a home gym that takes up no more than 4 cubic feet, plus 4 weeks of personal training (2x week video chats) for $400.

Email [email protected] or call/text/whatsapp 910-571-8806 for a complimentary consultation!

Many of us are working from home now, and if you're like me, you're starting to get a little stir crazy. Now is a better time than ever to find ways to incorporate healthy habits into your daily routine, and you can have an effective home gym that takes up less than 3 cubic feet of your house or hom...


Regardless of your fitness goals, breathing and posture are the building blocks for better fitness, and the first two things you should incorporate when taking on a more strenuous fitness routine.

Even if you don't intend to climb any mountains this year, these are simple habits you can incorporate to lower your stress, increase your productivity at work, and stave off musculoskeletal imbalances that occur when you sit at a desk all day.

If you are interested in improving your physical fitness, call/email/text today for a complimentary consultation:
[email protected]

This post is about a week old, but still relevant! (maybe even moreso now)Now is a great time to re-evaluate your health...

This post is about a week old, but still relevant! (maybe even moreso now)

Now is a great time to re-evaluate your health habits.

There’s a lot going on with Coronavirus, and nobody really knows what’s happening but we’re pretty sure it’s not good. All that said, statistically, we're all exponentially more likely to die from chronic diseases that could have been largely prevented with moderate exercise.

Just wrapped up kilimanjaro! Will post more once back to solid wifi🤷‍♀️

Just wrapped up kilimanjaro! Will post more once back to solid wifi🤷‍♀️"Nature is not only nice to ha...

"Nature is not only nice to have, but it’s a have-to-have for physical health and cognitive function.”

Are you making enough time to get outside? Consider joining a trek, and you'll find it much easier to justify a few hours a week spent outdoors.

A growing body of research points to the beneficial effects that exposure to the natural world has on health, reducing stress and promoting healing. Now, policymakers, employers, and healthcare providers are increasingly considering the human need for nature in how they plan and operate.

Last call for Kilimanjaro! As the inaugural trip for FIT Treks, we're running a crazy discount that we won't be able to ...

Last call for Kilimanjaro! As the inaugural trip for FIT Treks, we're running a crazy discount that we won't be able to offer in the future. Feb 1-12 trek, and an optional safari at the end. Message if interested!

The most unforgiving filming location that I have had the pleasure to visit. The film was shot over 7 days climbing to the summit of the tallest freestanding mountain…


Last call for Kilimanjaro! As the inaugural trip for FIT Treks, we're running a crazy discount that we won't be able to offer in the future. Feb 1-12 trek, and an optional safari at the end. Message if interested!

What are your 2020 resolutions? If you aspire to climb tall mountains (literally, or metaphorically) be sure to read thi...

What are your 2020 resolutions? If you aspire to climb tall mountains (literally, or metaphorically) be sure to read this first🏔💪

Goal-setting is a funny thing. This morning, I asked the woman at my local bakery if she had any 2020 resolutions, and she said “NNNOPE! Those give me anxiety,

How is it that the outdoors and fitness industries don't really speak to one another? Read on to find out what FIT Treks...

How is it that the outdoors and fitness industries don't really speak to one another? Read on to find out what FIT Treks is all about!

After being in the outdoor industry for some time, it occurred to me that there’s little overlap between the outdoors & fitness worlds, which is a real sham



Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00




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