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The recent political move against our public lands left me feeling overwhelmed, stressed, helpless and angry. I realized that the only way out of this downward spiral of feeling helpless is to TAKE ACTION.
I’m not going to fear monger you about what visiting our national parks will look like with further reduced resources - there’s enough information out there on this. But I will give you some concrete steps toward advocating for the protection of our public lands. If protecting our natural spaces is important to you, here’s what you can do:
✅ Call or email your representatives - demand funding and policies that protect public lands
✅ Sign petitions advocating for increased National Park Service funding
✅ Support organizations working to preserve and maintain public lands
✅ Educate yourself on Leave No Trace principles
✅ Volunteer to help maintain trails, clean up parks and educate visitors
✅ Follow the accounts below to learn more about what you can do to help
Have other resources or ways to help? Share with us below👇🏼